
Avatar: Legend of the Blood Bender

Dying too young, Noah on accident shatter a balance he didn't know existed, and now it also forces him to fix it. Good thing he's allowed to have fun during it. This Fanfiction is based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe. Disclaimer: I don't own the story or any images yada yada. Disclaimer 2: This is my first time writing, and english isn't my first language so if any gramma or spelling is wack that's why. I also work fulltime so for now this is a hobby thing with no fixed upload schedule.

Emilowish · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

I stand up and take in my surroundings for the first time.

Nothing, so much nothing.

Mostly just snow, and then a frozen lake. Honestly, a perfect spot if I had the ability to bend.

My original plan was to quickly gain enough mastery to at least freeze and warm water.

After that boil a fish in the water, I was betting that I should be able to heat water since heat is just the speed at which molecules move around, and since a waterbender can slow them down, they should be able to speed them up as well. Heh, just the idea of throwing boiling water at my enemies is making me snicker.

I'm starting to regret starting at the North Pole, there's no tree in sight to make tools or use as firewood. Even if I were some kind of survival expert, which I'm not, how am I supposed to survive

out here? After walking around and almost killing myself by trying to walk on the lake, I finally realize how fucked I am.

"Shit, all my plans relied on bending, since that entity stated I would be a genius at it, guess that is was I get from blindly trusting the unknown."

Doing my best to stay positive, I shuffle some snow into my mouth, even if I get a stomach ache or something, it's better than staying dehydrated in this type of environment. Since all of my plans rely on bending, I set down again.

It's do or die this time.

With newfound determination, I begin trying to unlock the last of my chakra. But no matter what I try, I still feel like I'm being blocked. Could these be those emotional blockers the show was talking about? They certainly don't feel that way. Doing something I've been too afraid to try until now, I begin forcing my way through.

I pull the Chi from all my other chakra up, and as soon as the pathways in my head begin to fill, I get an extreme headache, as this happens I slow down with the force and observe the changes.

The headache continues, but it doesn't seem to get worse, so slowly I begin forcing more energy up.

The effects get worse the higher I go, but just as it seems to be too much, it suddenly becomes more bearable. As the energy passes my ears they begin ringing loudly, and as it passes my nose, it begins bleeding. As it passes my eyes, my sight becomes blurry. But just like with the headache, just as I feel it will become too much, it suddenly becomes bearable, before starting over again.

As this continue, I feel all of my senses beginning to cut off and on at random, no it would be more accurate to say they focus entirely inwards on myself. I begin to stop feeling my surroundings, my everything is focused on opening the floodgate called chakra.

And then it finally happens, in a short moment of indescribable pain the path completely opens, and all the energy that's been forced into my head is finally allowed to return to the place it belongs.

As I gasp for breaths, I immediately notice something is different. Not in the bending sense, but in the physical one. The world feels unlike anything I've experienced before, the smell of salt in the air has become much more overbearing, and I can hear small sounds in every direction.

My senses become overloaded, and I can't even begin to make sense of all the things I now feel. Suddenly I'm really happy I meditate with my eyes closed because right now I'm scared of what it would feel like to open them.

For now, I focus on my other senses, to try and calm down, while keeping my eyes closed. The most distracting one is without a doubt my hearing. Before I wasn't sure if I was summoned to some stray planet without life, now I can even slightly hear the fish swimming under the ice.

After taking a while to calm down, I begin opening my eyes. As my eyes adjust to the light, I find that the change isn't nearly as overbearing as my hearing. I didn't suddenly become able to see 100 meters away or anything like that, no the change was on a much smaller scale.

When I focus my sight on something close to me, I can see it in much more detail. Suddenly the clear white snow looks a lot dirtier.

Spending some minutes getting used to my new reality, I begin to focus inward again. If one chakra can make that much of a difference, I can't wait to see what happens when I've unlocked all of them.

4th Chapter! Wooh

Anyway, what do you guys think about the change? I think opening your 3rd eye with force should bring some benefit.

Btw it's not like all of Noah's senses became super human, they all became sharper, but it's not like he can suddenly feel the microbes crawling on his skin. His hearing and sense of smell will be the biggest change, since I thought a future hunter couldn't be left with the same senses as his prey.

With this I've officially gone non-canon, and something like this will likely happen again as I plan on exploring Chi in the future.

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