
Avatar: Legend of Korra

A lost soul finds its way into the Legend of Korra, its presence alerted one being called the Spirit of Time. "Hmm? The future has changed for the worse..." The Spirit of Time muttered. "If that is the case, I shall create a team meant to prevent such a future and I have a perfect idea." ___________________________ Haha! Do you wanna see a fanfic with all the legends in their prime in one timeline!? Aang!? Toph!? Katara!? Maybe Sokka? Then please do come read this fanfic, a story of a reincarnate being pitted against the world's legends with his one and only partner Kuvira beside him. Watch as the glorious Metal Clan becomes an unbeatable empire!

Luxuriant · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Leaving For Republic City!

It was the next day and Ash could be seen in his black yukata, traversing the tall silver hallways until stopping in front of two large green doors with two guards standing on each side.

The two guards wore peculiar white armor with green stripes, a green striped helmet, and a black utility belt.


Both guards saluted before opening both of the doors for him.

'This is just one of the innovations I implemented with Varrick's help.' Ash simply nodded in satisfaction at the guards as he entered the large dining room.

It had a large U-shaped table, with tables all around it, and all the chairs were taken except 2.

"Ash!" Opal waved happily toward Ash as he walked up to her and sat beside her.

"How's it going kid." Ash scuffled her hair before waving to the others who also greeted him.

"I'm not a kid anymore..." Opal pouted.

"How's it going bro?" The two twin brothers waved simultaneously from across the table.

Ash waved back with a smile.

"Hey, I was wondering if you had any more artistic ideas?" The artistic brother questioned from the other side of Opal.

"You'll be the first person to know when I do have one." Ash replied with a helpless smile.

Ash glanced toward Bataar.Jr who was on the other side of the table beside the twin brothers, the man simply nodded at Ash and said nothing as he continued to eat from his plate.

"Where's Kuvira? Isn't her shift later tonight?" Suyin questioned with a curious smile from the head of the table, beside her was her husband who smiled toward Ash and nodded in greeting.

"She said she had to do something but will be back later." Ash explained as he started to eat his eggs.

Suyin was about to continue speaking until being cut off.

"ASH! My creative genius! How's it going!?" Varrick suddenly entered the room with Zhu Li following behind him as he flamboyantly greeted Ash.

"Varrick, mind your manners." Suyin remarked with a helpless smile while Ash simply chuckled.

"Yes of course! Breakfast looks good today!" Varrick exclaimed as he sat at the edge of the table beside Ash with Zhu Li standing beside him.

Suyin simply smiled at Varrick's eccentric attitude before continuing to eat her food.

"Hey Ash..." Varrick suddenly whispered to Ash.

"Hmm?" Ash questioningly looked at Varrick as he continued to eat his eggs and bacon.

"I still can't get over the idea you had of the armor! That armor material you introduced seems to be somewhat heat resistant and protects against sharp slashes from other elements and it's even light for benders…"

"Plus we produced over 100 of those so-called Laat Gunships this year, haha we're amazing!" Varrick's voice slightly raised as he spoke with a smile.

Ash was about to reply when suddenly Suyin spoke.

"Now that I think about it, even though I've given Ash full control over our military innovations/operations, is it really a good idea to create so many military innovations? Other countries might take it as if we're preparing for war." Suyin stated with a serious expression.

"Aunt Suyin, relax, no one even knows we're doing it and even if they did, that doesn't mean we're going to war." Ash shrugged as he replied.


"Actually Aunt Suyin, I was planning to visit Republic City, it's been a few months since I saw everyone and I was wondering if that was alright with you?" Ash continued to eat his food as if he didn't know he cut off Suyin.

"Cousin! How long are you going to be gone for?" Opal questioned with a saddened expression.

"Yeah come on! I wanna rematch in Power Disc!" One of the twin brothers exclaimed as the other nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Haha, relax kiddos. I still have a job here, I'm only gonna be gone for a few days, maybe a little longer." Ash chuckled at their behvaior before looking back toward Suyin who was smiling.

"Of course you can go visit your mother, it's not like you're busy here anyways, plus I also heard the Avatar is in town, so that should be interesting for you." Suyin replied with a nod.

"I'm kinda excited to go, so I was planning on leaving tonight." Ash remarked as he relaxed in his chair and put his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes.

"That's a bit fast, but if that's what you wish, have a good time." Suyin slightly raised her brow before nodding.

"I'll have to prepare everything, so Ima head out." Ash suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, he patted Opal's head and nodded toward Varrick.

Waving bye to the rest of the family as he left, Ash opened the large green doors and nodded toward the two guards who were saluting before heading down the large silver hallway.

'Even though Varrick praised me for implementing the Laats into our military system, they're basically not as fast as Asami's dad's fighter jet designs but more efficient. They're meant for transportation, but benders can also shoot their element with accuracy through the cannons. But compared to the actual Star War's Laats, mines are simply powered by a rotary system, like a helicopter.'

'We also have a multitude of fighter jets just like the ones Asami's dad has and a multitude of other innovations that I got from shows like Star Wars, it was indeed a very smart move to bring Varrick into my plans, while I create the ideas, he turns them into realities. But I should check out our facilities and make sure a Laat is ready for my departure.' Ash pondered inwardly as he continued to walk through the large silver hallways toward the exit.


Inside a red throne room, with pillars on each side, one robust man in a fire nation outfit could be seen on the throne.

There was a female in front of him, also wearing the traditional fire nation outfit, with a high ponytail.

"Azula! We've been sitting like cowards for over 20 years! We are becoming ridiculed by other nations, even our own citizens are treating us with no respect!" Fire Lord Ozai exclaimed from his throne with a frown plastered on his face.

"Father, as you know, when we were brought back to our lives, the world evolved and their technological/bending innovations were something that was unheard of in our times, and with the appearance of two avatars, we need to be even more careful. For these past 20 years, we have been secretly preparing our country for war so that we can dominate just like in the past, and if we add to the fact that we're not even aging, patience is needed, and an opportunity will arise soon." Azula explained calmly as she stood with her hands behind her back in front of her father.

"Azula... My patience is running thin. If we do not find this so-called opportunity in the next month, I will attack all 3 nations myself!" Ozai grumbled.

"I understand father."

'Tsk. If I was weaker, he would have simply ignored my pleas, but now that I've had time to train my powers, even my father is wary of me.' Azula smirked inwardly but kept a straight face outwardly.

Over these past years, she regained her bearings after the fight with Zuko and grew to understand that her father never cared for her and that his reign was of the past, she eventually started to dislike him over these past years but she understood that fighting him would jeopardize the Fire Nations safety.

"You may leave." Ozai muttered as he relaxed his chin on his hand.

Azula nodded before turning around and heading toward the exit of the throne room.

'As soon as we win this war, I will dispose of him myself and become the Fire Lord.' She smirked as she exited.


Several hours later, it was night once again, Kuvira and Ash could be seen outside at a certain sightseeing sight leaning on a balcony as they looked at their city with people traversing the streets.

Ash was wearing his black yukata as usual and Kuvira wore her captain's attire since she was about to go on night duty.

"We should go together to Republic City, it gets so boring being cooped up in here." Kuvira remarked as she leaned her head on Ash's shoulder and looked at the city with bright lights all over.

"I need you to stay here Kuvira, as much as I would love your company, your job is to defend the city." Ash replied with a slight smile as he put his hand on Kuvira's shoulder and also watched the city.

"I know, I know, it was just an idea." Kuvira pouted.

"I'll take you there another time, for now, I have some personal business there." Ash stated as he turned toward Kuvira, who did the same.

"Ash... The Republic City used to be the Earth Kingdom's land, isn't right for us to retake it?" Kuvira suddenly stated as she looked directly into his black eyes.

Ash suddenly released his grip on her shoulder and looked at Kuvira pointedly with a blank face.

"There is no need for such an idea. The main reason I'm in this fight is for justice for the Ba Sing Se people, for my people. If we were to take action against Republic City, we would be the ones causing a meaningless war. Nonetheless, there are 2 avatars who reside there and multiple powerful benders who are either more or equally as powerful as ourselves."

Kuvira frowned as she replied," With both of us, we could each take on an avatar-"

"Kuvira." Ash's expression hardened as he looked at her.

"Do not overestimate yourself. You need to understand when your opponents have you outmatched. The avatar state is something I could never deal with by myself, nonetheless you." Ash muttered with a frown.

"Then what? You want to just give up!?" Kuvira's voice started to raise as her brows furrowed toward Ash.

"Lower your voice... And I never said give up, there are multiple ways to beat the avatar state other then a head on fight, but that's not the point. The point is that you need to understand that trying to claim Republic City is nothing but meaningless and you're allowing your pride to get the best of you." Ash replied in a hushed-like voice.

"I-" Kuvira was about to speak before she realized that Ash was right.

While Republic City was the Earth Kingdom's land in the past, it's now a land where all benders and non-benders can live in harmony.

'He's right, from all the news I get about Republic City, it's all mainly positive. My own goal is to unify the Earth Kingdom but Republic City in itself is a unity of a variety of people. Who am I to take that from them?' Kuvira's expression turned sour as she realized her mindset.

'I let my pride get the best of me, and I became the same as that pompous Earth Queen.'

"Y-You're right, it seems I did let my pride get the best of me..." Kuvira muttered as her expression hardened.

Ash stayed silent as he just watched her curiously.

"Thank you for opening my eyes Ash, I won't let such a stupid mistake happen again." Kuvira thanked him as the light in her eyes intensified.

Ash nodded in satisfaction, Kuvira was not one to lament over her mistakes but grow from them.

"That's what I'm here for! Now come on, let's go, I need to change and board my airship." Ash winked as he put his arm out for Kuvira to grab.

Kuvira silently smiled as she hooked her arm with his and walked away into the city.