
Avatar Legend Of Korra: Two At Once

Kai was transmigrated into the Avatar World, where bending the elements was a common sight to see. But Kai was incredibly special, incredibly might not be even the right word because it's too small to describe his circumstances. Watch as Kai becomes the strongest in the world and maybe create a small harem for himself in the process.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

To The Grave

'I should be able to defeat these guys easily. It's that guy in the suit, Kijin is his name I think. He's the one I should watch out for, he's supposed to be my advisor when I get here.' Kai thought to himself as guards began to surround him from all sides.

"What are you doing, Kai?! Why are you attacking us?! Did you not forget that we're on the same team?!" Kijin shouted at Kai in disbelief that he would betray them. Kai raised his flaming palm.

"Loyalties change and I chose to be the good guy and fight for the good of this world, or what's left of it. Sorry Kijin, but taking over the world, disposing the throne and being remembered as the assistant of a tyrant isn't what I want to be remembered as in the history books."

"The Sons of Anarchy took you in and this is how you repay them?! They gave you a future when you had none for Agni's sake!" Kijin shouted back. Kai looked down.

"That's true, and I am grateful for that. But as I grew older, I got a hit from truth and reality. The Sons of Anarchy aren't the good guys like they planted in my head all those years ago. The truth is, the leader just wants the world to himself and I want no part of that no matter how tempting that sounds!"

"If you don't stand with us, then you will fall here!" Kijin warned before he pointed at Kai.

"Now! Attack him!!" One of the guards shouted before the guards surrounding Kai all jabbed the air, sending streams of flames at Kai from all corners.

At the last moment, Kai jetted up to the roof of the warehouse, dodging every single fire stream sent towards him. Kai kept himself floating in the air for a while before he moved his body.

Kai blasted himself towards a guard at full speed, at the last moment he stomped on the guard's face. Kai's foot started glowing as he started charging up his attack.


The guard's face was blown to bits as Kai released an explosive blast from his feet. Kai stood above his body before taking a deep breath. He then dodged a barrage of fireballs sent towards him by three guards.

Kai rushed towards them before he opened his hands. He suddenly created fire whips from his hands before swinging them. The whips were immediately attacking the guards from their left and right sides.

It was too late for them to dodge. Their bodies were slashed open by the flaming whips. Kai jumped over them before he shot out a stream of flames from his palm, burning them into a crisp.

Kai landed on the ground and saw four guards charging him with knives and swords in their hands. 'Probably non benders.' Kai thought before he rushed towards them.

"You ain't no Ty Lee." Kai whispered before he fire jetted towards them while creating one condensed fireball in each hand. Since his fire changed from orange to bright orange, his fireball now had a bright yellow core to it.

Kai appeared in front of two of the guards within seconds before he put each of his hand in front of their faces.


The condensed fireballs shot out a large bright orange stream of flames that engulfed their bodies, disintegrating them entirely.

It's practically unfair, Kai was a step above them all after receiving training from Gyatsu. Kai thought back to what Gyatsu said during the start of their second day of training.


"Fire is solely and only created by correct breathing. Only with correct respiration the chi will flow freely through your body. All energy radiates off your lungs and spreads through your blood into your body. That is why we meditate before we start training, to get you used to it before firebending."

"With correct breathing and an precise focus on your own chi, you will be able to direct the flow of energy created by you breathing into your limbs where it becomes....." Gyatsu took in a deep breath then exhaled steadily. As he did, he pushed the hand formerly at his chest in a fluent and graceful motion away from his body.

Off the tips of his fingers a massive wave of red flames shot out, covering the sky with his fire for a moment before it disappeared.

"Fire." Gyatsu then looked at Kai who was in awe.

"Listen carefully Kai, correct firebending is an art of precision, accuracy and perfection. It requires peace of mind, the complete absence of conflicting emotions or even better absence of emotion all together and patience."

" In order to bend fire without hatred and anger one needs to be in absolute peace with oneself. It is very hard to learn, but, when done correctly, will empower the bender with the most manifold abilities imaginable."

'Azula.' Kai thought about the psychotic but beautiful woman while Gyatsu was explaining.

"Do you understand me?"

"Yeah, I think I do. Let's start meditating."




Back to the present....

Kai took in a slow deep breath before he jumped up and did a flip, dodging two blades that were about to decapitate him. Kai saw two guards who were the ones attacking him with the blades.

Kai stretched out his hands and put each one on one of the guard's head while the other on the other one.

Without hesitation, Kai set them both on fire. He landed on the ground and saw two firebenders pressurizing fire into a ball. As the ball was about the size of a basketball, it shot out a giant fire stream towards Kai.

It looked as if the large fire stream engulfed Kai but when the smoke cleared it revealed that Kai wasn't even there.

From above, Kai zoomed towards them before palming their heads in his hands. He slammed them onto the ground before his hands glowed orange.


Kai shouted out flames from the palms of his hands while still holding their heads, burning off their heads in an instant. Kai pulled back his hands before he turned around to grabbed the last guard left who was holding a fireball in his hand.

Kai's took in a slow deep breath before he immediately threa his glowing flaming fist forward to the man's chest.

"Fire Fist!"


Kai shot out a giant dense stream of flames at the man, engulfing him entirely with it. When the attack ended, the smoke cleared revealing only small bits of bones and ashes.

Kai looked around him and noticed that most of the warehouse was on fire and was collapsing. He then looked at Kijin who was scowling at him.

"Where did you learn those moves? The leader didn't teach you that!"

"Of course he didn't. The leader barely taught me anything. I learned all of this on my own." Kai replied while entering a fighting stance.

"What were you saying about me before, Kijin? About me being the one falling here? I don't think that's happening to me anytime soon." Kai taunted before Kijin yelled as he sent out a giant fire stream at Kai.

Kai took in a deep breath to his lungs, filling his body with energy as he created a wall of flames to block the attack. The stream of fire vanished before Kai sent the wall of fire he created charging towards Kijin.

Kijin widened his eyes at the speed of the Kai's flames before he fire jetted himself sideways, dodging it. The wall of fire crashed into the wall of the warehouse before exploding violently.

Kijin suddenly punched the air repeatedly, sending a barrage of fireballs at Kai who dodged and spun between them while getting close to Kijin at the same time.

It was like Kai was dancing. He was spinning around the fireballs in a smooth circular motion with no difficulties.

Yes, Kai was performing the Dancing Dragon. An ancient ancient firebending form dating back to the era of Raava, first practiced by Avatar Wan, who learned it from the original firebenders, the dragons.

The Dancing Dragon is also one of the few firebending form with defensive capabilities. When Kai was a little child in his past life, he would always practice the Dancing Dragon after seeing it first appear on the screen. The muscle memory came into good use that's for sure.

Kijin was baffled at what Kai was doing. 'The hell?! Is this guy dancing?!' Kijin thought before Kai smoothly dodged the last of the fireballs before leaped before Kijin.

Kijin widened his eyes in fear before he shot a stream of flames at Kai while yelling angrily. Kai fire jetted back to dodge the fire stream. The attack put a large hole in the already burning roof, making it collapse further.

'I have a technique that could end this once and for all. But it would take a while to charge it up. I'll give him something to be busy with for now.' Kai thought before he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

Kai opened his eyes and opened his palms wide. He pulled them back before sending them forward, shooting out a giant wave of bright orange flames that swept over the warehouse floor and headed straight towards Kijin who ran away in fear.

Kijin found a giant pile of debris to hide behind. The wave of flames then engulfed the pile of debris entirely.

After a while, Kijin pushed off a piece of metal covering his body before he slowly got up while coughing violently. His dirty body had some burn marks on it and his face was covered in dirt and soot.

His suit was already in tatters, the only piece of clothing he had on was his black pants. He looked up in front of him only to see smoke.

"Sh-show yourself!! Stop hiding you traitor!!!" Kijin shouted angrily, his emotions long out of his control.


The smoke then cleared as Kai was revealed to have bright orange flames flowing out of his left hand. Kai then clasped his flaming hand together with his right hand.

He then pulled his right hand back like he was nocking an arrow, which he was. The tip of the flaming arrow was on his index and middle finger.

Kijin gritted his teeth and raised up his left hand with his right hand behind it. He created his most powerful fireball.

Both of them released their attacks at the same time.....



Kai was staring at the burning warehouse with his usual stoic expression on his face. He had won the clash. It was no challenge at all honestly. Kijin was ashes and the warehouse was nothing but ruins.

Kai's attack had took out a large chunk of the warehouse, hence the giant chunk of one side of the wall of the warehouse was gone.

Kai approached the bush where he kept his bag in which was someone not burned. He took out his candlestick telephone and started dialing a number.

"Hello?" Kai heard the voice of Lee on the other side of the call once his call was answer.

"Mission complete. Shuhon Island is clean from the members of the Sons of Anarchy."

To be continued...