
Final Battle

"I don't want to kill you Sasuke!" stated Naruto with gritted teeth. With two massive Rasenshurikens prepared within the hands of his Ashura Mode, his sentence failed to support his intentions. Clouds separated with the violent spin of his attack as they seemed to grow bigger in size as time passed.

"You know. I don't want to take away your focus or anything, but I'm not regretting the fact that I fused with my other self before you two decided to destroy each other." Kurama's sentence exuded smugness with every word that came out of his mouth. "Now we have a chance to defeat the Uchiha idiot who managed to use the chakra of my siblings."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. I get it oh mighty Nine-Tails. Your wise decision to come back to me with haste proved that you are smart. Good for you." Naruto crossed his hands. "And here I thought you missed me. Hmph."

Kurama gave Naruto a peculiar look. "Did you just pout? Awww...looks like you missed me too, brat? Can't stay away from me huh?" he teased.

He laughed. "More like you couldn't stay away from me." Naruto rotated his head and established direct eye contact. "Who's the one that dived back the moment he saw me?"

"Whatever," Kurama grumbled. "I just wanted to avoid the sappy goodbye between you and your parents. Not to mention, I dislike your folks for separate reasons; one for sealing me and the other for chaining me up for the majority of her life. At least you gave me freedom and a different mental location to live in so that I didn't have to live in that weird sewer anymore. I gotta say, the grass is a good bed so thanks for that."

"There he is. The legendary tsundere fox of the Leaf Village. I see you have made your return." Naruto chortled. "One moment he is as explosive as a bomb and the other moment he is as sweet as candy. You are welcome by the way. As the two bickered in Naruto's mind, Sasuke got his attack ready.

Once they both reached completion for their respective attacks, they launched it with different objectives. Sasuke to feasibly kill Naruto while Naruto to neutralize or knock out Sasuke so that he could beat the ever-loving crap out of him. Naruto has never been so offended. He stood up for Sasuke for so long and yet he turns around and preaches that he's going to revolutionize the shinobi world? Was he off his medicine? After everything they just went through together, Sasuke just has to ruin it.

Indra's Arrow and the two Rasenshurikens clashed, immediately creating a wave of bright light that consumed them both. A large orb of changing lights took place and then exploded with lightning. The explosion was ginormous and the winds produced by it traveled as far as the war grounds. Now, a prodigious tornado looking cloud filled with thousands of lightning bolts was the result of all that as a person engulfed in purple chakra plummeted to the ground. Once he harshly landed on his back, Sasuke spat out blood and let out a groan.

Since Naruto was nowhere to be seen, Sasuke beamed with triumph as he faced the sky.

"Ha," he said weakly. "Guess I did win the fight loser..." By the time Sakura and Kakashi arrived at the scene, Sasuke passed away from blood loss while Naruto was MIA.

In another world, an unconscious blond teenager came down from the sky at high speeds. Waking up to the feeling of winds smacking his face, Naruto rubbed his eyes and confirmed that he indeed was falling to his impending doom.

"I'M GONNA SHOVE A RASENGAN UP HIS A** I SWEAR!!" he screamed as he spotted a large body of water.

"You do realize that you can fly?" Kurama spoke dryly. Watching Naruto's head start to work again forced him to sigh. His consistency needed some serious work and Kurama wanted to bring it up as soon as possible.

"Right," he replied sheepishly. "My bad." Naruto activated Six Paths Sage Mode and stopped himself from diving into the body of water. Releasing his power when he stood on the snow-covered floor, Naruto stretched and activated his Chakra Sense Jutsu to search for the others. He was distressed by what he sensed or lack thereof.

"Crap!" He frowned. "There is no way. It can't be!"

"What?" Kurama questioned as he had rarely seen Naruto break his composure that easily.

"I can't sense any chakra. Either it means that Kaguya was successful in her chakra extraction or we're in another world. Both are equally horrible endings for me!"

"Naruto." An aged voice said. Naruto blinked and saw Hagoromo appear in a ghost-like form in his mind as he did before.

"Great Grampa Sage! Thankfully you're here! I needed a familiar face to talk to." His eyes showed clear anxiety. "Is everyone all right? Was the Jutsu stopped?"

Hagoromo let out a sad smile. "Yes. Everyone is free. Seeing as how the last two people who could undo the Jutsu weren't there anymore, I stepped in." He rubbed his forehead. "Why did you two do this to each other? One is dead and the other is stuck in another world." This got Naruto's attention.

"Sasuke is dead?" The Sage thought that he would be sorrowful. "Damn it! I wanted to do him in. If anything, he got off too easy. I swear if I meet him the afterlife, I will shove a knife through his buttcheeks, a feather duster right up his a**, and two very sharp pencils up his nose. Once he gets through that, I'm gonna put loads of itching powder all over his body and then restrain him with rope to put him in the starfish position on a bed full of creepy insects. I want to learn how much the almighty Uchiha can withst-"

"Okay! We get it." Kurama shook his head to get rid of the descriptive images Naruto provided. "Old Man, tell us what's going on."

Hagoromo nodded and wore a serious expression. "I guess that the explosion between you and Sasuke caused a portal to open and you were pushed through it. I don't know if you are fortunate or not because the portal saved your life. As of now, the reason why I could only contact you is because you kept the Six Paths Yang powers that I gave you."

(Naruto POV)

I absorbed all the information that Great Grandpa Sage gave me. The only vague thing about the explanation was the portal, but everything else was rather easy to understand. My old optimistic self would probably think that everything is okay or that I could start a new life, however, that's not me anymore. I have been more in tune with my emotions ever since I came out of the Waterfall of Truth and...

"So can you send a message for me at least? I want to say my goodbyes if this is the last time I will ever see them." Breathe Naruto. You're a big boy now. You just become seventeen. You've been away from home before and this is the same thing...only a whole dimension...away...

"I understand. Whenever you are ready."

I cleared my throat. "I'll start with Sakura. You are the most annoying piece of garbage I have ever met. It was always Sasuke this and Sasuke that and because of you, I nearly lost my life trying to make sure that you can get to see your family for another day. I'm nice like that. However, after three years, you changed for the better. You weren't as obsessed with him and you became someone reliable in the field. As much as I would hate to admit it, I came to see you as the younger sister I never had and for that, I thank you."

Pausing to indicate that I was done with her part, I continued. "Kakashi-Sensei. You are probably one of the worst teachers out there. I mean seriously. You only taught me the tree walking chakra exercise and that was about it. The rest of my training was either done by me or I had other people to teaching me skills that I require to become a ninja. Even though I could make a list of negative things to say about you, I want to say goodbye to you in a positive way. I know that you always had my back. When you needed to be reliable, you were and you probably have no idea how dependant I was on you at one point. In a way, you helped create who Naruto Uzumaki was and is currently. Your words, your lessons, and your experiences that you shared with me made me the man I am today. Thanks for being the elder brother that I wished I had. You are my family in everything but blood. I'll never forget the part you had in my life." Another pause to give myself some time to think about what I wanted to say next.

"Hino Hyuga. What can I say about you? You were my best friend since we were kids and I am so glad that I met you on that snowy day. Without you, I would've never been honest to myself. Without you, I never would've gotten stronger. Without you, I would've died. You were there for me at my lowest and you saw sides of me that I never wanted to show anyone and yet you handled it. You accepted me for who I was and you showed me that Naruto Uzumaki had value. That's why I know that you'll become a great Hyuga Clan leader one day. I hope the changes you make for your clan bring more happiness in your life than it did before." He stopped to think about his words.

"What am I forgetting? Hmm...oh yeah; confess to Ino. The poor girl has been waiting for you for a year now and it's time to seal the deal. I know you won't make the first move but once you do get together, get the gift I left for both of you. In my apartment, I have custom-made rings for your marriage in a scroll under my bed. It can only be unlocked by my blood or yours. Remember that suspicious glance you gave me when I asked for it? Haha. Life is short for a ninja so don't hesitate. I can guarantee that Ino will say yes. After all, she has asked me to play wingman for you for the past four years. How do you think you ended having lots of alone time with her so many times? Trust me, you got this. Speaking of a short life, try to fix your relationship with Hanabi. She cares for you and doesn't know how to show it. You both might be twins, however, you two have this wall that needs to be broken down. She is a sweet girl underneath all that snow and I pray that one day she'll be open to everyone else like she desires to. I see her as my sister too ya know? Anyways. I expect you to live well my oldest friend. I love you, bro."


"Granny Tsunade. Words can not describe the impact you were on me. When I turned nine-years-old, you entered my life with big sis Shizune and showered me with the love that I had been missing in the first part of my life. We might not be directly related to each other but I have come to see you as a family member regardless. You were my mother, my sister, my grandma, my friend, my role model, my gambling partner, and my hero. The others taught me crucial life experiences and more about myself while you taught me to be a man. You took a worthless kid who lived in a run-down apartment and turned him into a decent human being. From the bottom of my heart Granny Tsunade, I love you so much. Don't let my absence ever change you. You are perfect the way you are even if you are horrible at betting."

I talked about nearly everyone I had come to love and eventually finished my message. Before the Six Paths Sage vanished in sparkes of light, he grabbed both my hands and wished me well. Kurama looked at me sadly and we bumped our fists to show that we have each other. Coincidently, I got a look at my hands and on my left was the Yin Seal while on the right was my Yang Seal. In my mind, talking to Kurama about what the Yin Seal can do when suddenly, someone grabbed my right shoulder in the real world.

Growing up as a ninja, one harsh lesson that I grasped was that anyone who can go behind you can easily kill you. It is this same fact that helped me train my instincts to never let anyone do that to me. Clearly, this breach is a result of my guard being down. On the occasion that someone does successfully arrive behind me, my most favorite fighting style gets utilized for them.

(Normal POV)

Tightly grabbing the hand that was on my shoulder, Naruto spun in place and shoved the person in a thick blue coat with a palm on the chest. Normally, a palm wouldn't do much damage to someone that large, but one has to realize that Naruto is an Uzumaki with naturally enhanced strength and someone who loves using the Gentle Fist. It is illegal for anyone besides the Hyuga clan members to have this fighting style, but Naruto secretly obtained it from Hino. Unfortunately, he can't use the Byakugan for its full potential; not that it matters anymore since these people have no chakra points. However, it still does damage to one's insides and is super practical in subduing someone.

Naruto noticed that at least three people were surrounding him and he knocked them out by using a simple sound Genjutsu called Soundless. With a snap of a finger, the sound travels with chakra to one's brain and triggers your sleep hormones to an unbelievable level. Then, the chakra moves to the cerebrum and slows it down safely so that one can not resist the increase in Melatonin. It's a little something that Naruto developed with the support Kurenai, Itachi, and Tsunade.

(Naruto POV)

Shaking my head at the situation, I tied them with the rope that they had so that they were all tied together in one small group. Picking them up on my shoulder, I began my short journey to their home or wherever civilization was nearby. Getting closer to a gate, I noticed some people in white clothes who were looking more and more hostile as time passed.

As I approached them, they attacked me and ended up getting a boot to the face. One of them shouted in a language that I didn't understand, but the problem became so much bigger. Let's just say that a small army of people who were in martial arts stances or were carrying weapons showed up along with a girl who screamed tomboy. Not that Naruto was complaining or anything. She was quite a looker or she would be if she didn't glare at me like she wanted to put me on fire.

Setting down the four people I was carrying, I tried to talk with them diplomatically or show signs of peace, but I don't think they got the message. During the moment of having fire and water thrown at me, it made me remember that I had people who were tied up that had a close resemblance to all of them. Yikes. That is just unlucky. It's not my fault that I got spooked and I attacked them.

Jumping back as I picked up the unconscious victims, I shouted at them for not watching out for their allies. Again, I think they misunderstood and thought that I was threatening them. The tomboy punched in my direction as she ran and suddenly produced a large amount of fire that came my way. I retaliated with a Great Fireball Jutsu to return the favor, but I might have overdone it. My fireball demolished her attack and she with her group created a water wall to destroy it. From my observation, I discovered that they can control the elements exclusively by using certain movements and that the level of power they produced is nowhere near my Jutsus. They also don't need seals for whatever they are doing so it was not a Jutsu.

In the standoff between the two, an old voice ended the conflict temporarily as an aged woman walked through the group and came to me. Some of the people were probably telling her to be careful or stop, but she didn't listen. As she was right in front of me, she gave me a very genuine smile that I couldn't help but return. She tried to reach out her hand for something and I got closer to let her do what she wanted. With the level of influence she used to stop a group of people, first impressions and trust were very important.

Surprisingly, she went for my hair and started to pat me. It felt...pleasant. Her cold hand against my warm forehead formed a comforting sensation for me and my body relaxed. Soon, to my disappointment, she stopped brushing my head and grabbed my hand. I let her take me to wherever she was guiding me to, but not before I used my original Jutsu, the Air Arms Jutsu, to bring my victims. Gasps sounded all around me when I did that and the tomboy had her eyes widened. Even the nice old lady looked shocked.

What did I do now? Was using the wind element illegal? Am I already in trouble? Why am I not surprised? It seems that the typical Uzumaki luck followed me here. That's great. I wonder how I'll get involved in this world. Maybe I'll be the bad guy this time around.


I probably shouldn't do that. It wouldn't be too fair to this Earth. Wait...is this still Earth? Did that change too?

Yes. Alternative Naruto. Deal with it. Random Updates.

Auren02creators' thoughts