
Avatar: I Can Only Bloodbend

A man, tired of the nine-to-five job life and yearning for a peaceful existence free from worries, suddenly transmigrates into the body of a young boy with no memories. Stranded on Ember Island, a resort island in the Fire Nation, he finds refuge with a pair of twin sisters who take him in. As he becomes aware of his new reality in the Last Airbender world, he watches firebenders practicing on the island with envy, questioning whether he possesses any bending abilities in this war-torn era. Initially, he believes he is just an ordinary human incapable of bending water, fire, earth, or air. However, he soon discovers a unique and unsettling skill he can wield—Bloodbending, the powerful bending art and the only one that will corrupt its users' minds. How will the transmigrated man navigate this newfound power? Will he succumb to madness and become a homicidal maniac, or will he find inner peace in a world plagued by violence? --- Warning: This story is inherently Anti-War, and a bit of Anti-Violence. I've become tired of reading Last Airbender fanfics that doesn't truly respect the theme of the original story or sometimes simply giving a middle finger towards it, and either just want to look cool by killing a lot of people and look sadistic because 'it's a chad move', banging underage girls, or both. So this is an attempt at me writing ATLA, probably going to go wrong at some point... TLDR; this is a 'I have no enemies' kind of fanfic. But not really. Also, this story will contain: - Depiction of Obsession - Depiction of Systematised Delusions (Should be familiar to Webnovel readers, as some of you are delusional) - A fck ton of time skips - And many more that I haven't thought of And as always, 1 Star Review only, then say your review, if you're just spamming, then might as well not do it.

Its_def_mark · TV
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37 Chs

Chapter 6: Insanities - 94 AG

Beneath the dimly shining crescent moon in the night sky, Sozim found himself resting his head against the moist wooden wall of a merchant ship. He had stealthily boarded this vessel, which was transporting goods to an undisclosed location. Sozim, however, remained uncertain about the ship's final destination.

Down in the ship's storage area, concealed among empty crates and miscellaneous cargo, he could overhear the conversations of the merchants and his employer. Fatigue weighed heavily on him, not so much physical exhaustion, but rather the emotional toll.

"I did it again," he murmured to himself, his voice a quiet admission. That ecstasy, that temporary madness... it took control of him once more. If the twins hadn't intervened, who knows what might have occurred? Azula, the guards, even the twins themselves, all of them could have perished, their blood staining the sands.

Yet, Sozim couldn't help but entertain the thought that perhaps ending Azula's life had been the best course of action. If she perished, it might have averted a grim fate. Ozai, as the future Fire Lord, would undoubtedly have hunted him relentlessly, especially considering Azula's status as the favored heir. Lo and Li, his caretakers, would also meet a tragic end.

"But... if she died..."

Shaking these troubling thoughts from his mind, Sozim curled into a ball, yearning for respite, but his mind continued to churn with dark thoughts and relentless urges. Desperately, he sought inner peace, delving into meditation.

He knew he had to find a way to harness bloodbending without succumbing to homicidal tendencies. Otherwise, he would forever renounce the use of this power.

In a lavishly adorned bedroom, Azula abruptly sat up in her bed, gasping for breath, her skin slick with cold sweat. Her unfocused gaze darted around the empty room, and though no physical wounds marred her, the feeling of helplessness still haunted her.

Turning her attention to her own limbs, she found no visible scars, but the memory of her inability to move, of losing control over her own body, sent shivers down her spine. Her hands trembled, and she fought back tears, clenching her fists tightly. Before any tears could fall, she steeled herself, and her expression shifted from vulnerability to seething rage.

Discarding her blanket, Azula rose from her bed, flung open the door, and strode through the corridors, leaving startled servants and even her mother, Ursa, in her wake.

"Azula! You're awake," Ursa exclaimed, rushing toward her with concern. "You shouldn't be walking right now. You should rest."

Azula recoiled as her mother approached, her annoyance apparent. "Get away from me!"

"Azula!" Ursa gasped, trying to reach out to her daughter.

Ignoring her mother's pleas, Azula continued her determined march down the corridor, heedless of Ursa's repeated calls.

Meanwhile, in the homestead's main room, Prince Ozai sat in silence, two twin sisters bowed before him, patiently awaiting his words. This tranquil demeanor irritated Ozai, who broke the silence with his questioning.

"How long has he been on this island?" Ozai inquired.

"A year and a half, my prince," Lo replied, still bowing.

"How did you come across him?"

"He was... stranded," Li explained. "The ocean delivered him to us."

"And you accepted him without knowing anything?" Ozai continued. "Such carelessness. Why did you bring him into your home?"

"We... sought a successor," Lo answered.

"A successor?" Ozai frowned. "Isn't my daughter sufficient?"

"Your daughter is your rightful successor, my prince."

Ozai mused, "Even so, there are numerous orphanages in the nation. Why choose a boy with no identity? Are the children of this nation lacking in talent for you?"

"After spending time with him, he reminded us of ourselves," Li explained. "So we decided to train him and potentially groom him as our successor, if he proves trustworthy after further evaluation."

"And look at what he's brought upon you..." Ozai scoffed, shaking his head. "His abilities, what are they?"

"It appears he can manipulate bodies, my prince," Lo answered. "That's all we know."

"You lived with him, and yet you're unaware of more?" Ozai frowned. "You claim he's your successor, yet you barely monitor him."

"Our negligence, my prince," Li admitted.

"Controlling bodies... a new form of bending? No," Ozai mused, gazing at the floor. "Waterbenders? But how?"

Lo and Li exchanged wide-eyed glances, though Ozai appeared oblivious to their reactions.

"Perhaps my father's actions were justified," Ozai continued, his voice trailing off. "The Water Tribes have become increasingly dangerous... If all waterbenders possess this technique..."

"My prince," Lo interjected, "we—"

"Silence." Ozai stood, walking toward the twins until he stood directly before them. "Master Lo, Master Li, you've faithfully served the nation, my father, and now my family. However, this error cannot go unpunished. Though my daughter's injuries were her own fault for being unable to defend against a mere novice, your carelessness played a role as well. Therefore, from this day forward, you are to be removed from the nation's affairs, whether it be the education of my daughter or any other political duties. You are no longer welcome in the fire nation's land and therefore be banish—"

The door suddenly slammed open, and Ozai's gaze shifted toward the disturbance. There stood his daughter, Azula, disheveled and breathing heavily.

"Father!" she exclaimed. "I wish... to restore my honor!"

"Honor?" Ozai scoffed. "First, you broke your agreement with that boy, and you lost even though you used your firebending. Now, you interrupt me, and you speak of honor?"

"I—" Azula began, her voice quivering.

"Come here," Ozai commanded.

Reluctantly, Azula approached her father, unable to meet his gaze. Then, with a swift backhanded strike, Ozai struck her, causing her to crumple to the floor in pain.

"Ozai!" Ursa screamed, and Zuko stared in shock, but Ozai silenced his wife with an upraised hand.

Turning back to Azula who was holding her cheek on the floor.

"You're weak," Ozai spat. "You couldn't even defeat a novice. You've disgraced our family."

"I... I can make amends," Azula choked back tears, her eyes wide, her sanity teetering on the brink. "I'll hunt him down."

"You're too young. Do you believe you can travel the world with your limited bending skills?" Ozai scoffed, then turned his gaze to Zuko. "I had hoped to have at least one capable child. Apparently, I was mistaken."

"Please, Father," Azula seethed, "give me a chance, and I'll bring his head to you."

"Yes, embrace your rage," Ozai hummed, before addressing Lo and Li, who remained bowing. "Azula, you will accompany Master Lo and Master Li wherever they go. You will once again be their pupil, and you cannot return home until you are capable of defeating that boy."

"Ozai! Are you banishing her?" Ursa protested.

"I am not banishing her," Ozai clarified. "She has banished herself. I am sending her on a journey of training."

With that, Ozai departed from the main room, leaving behind a distraught Azula, who vacillated between maniacal grins, rage, fear, and back to rage. She seized the twin sisters by their collars.

"You will teach me everything you taught him!" she shouted. "I know you've kept knowledge from me, and from now on, you'll tell me EVERYTHING!"

Her mother rushed to her side, attempting to pry Azula's hands away, but Azula unleashed a burst of fire, singeing her mother's skin. Ursa's eyes widened in disbelief.

"This is your DOING!" Azula accused. "You set me up for this! I KNOW IT!"

"What are you talking about, Azula?" Ursa asked, bewildered and torn.