
Avatar Continue

The Avatar Universe has been my favourite from my childhood. I have watched it many times . But now I plan to continue that Universe with Kuzon Al Flamia as The New Avatar. We know that corruption is really worse than even Wars sometimes, well, this is a mixture of both and something more. And as the animated series were actually child friendly , it was not that dark except The Air Nation Genocide ,but be warned , my Avatar Universe will be dark including violence, blood, gore, sex, nudity, rape , etc. After all, I am actually quite the worst person in our world , so yeah , why not? Anyways, at least be 18+ or don’t blame me later . And this story is for boys....uhmm ... for men only. Girls are absolutely not allowed . And that’s it, men , let’s go from innocent to a higher level of .......I don’t need spell it out for you, now, do I? We are all men and we are all normal in our respect, don’t be ashamed , just do what you want to. I know I do......

DeWorstPersonEver5 · Anime & Comics
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After the world finally came into true peace, happiness and prosperity due to Avatar Kuzon's endeavors, it is called "The Era Of True Peace". And The Avatar being nearly 17 years old now, he took a vacation at Kuzon's Island (It is very large and consists of a huge luxurious mansion and other lavish buildings. It is situated between The Fire Nation and The Earth Kingdom. It is a natural as well as man made island under Kuzon's ownership as The Prince, not as The Avatar. It has the Avatar Knights, Knightia as security and other services are done by the 589 young beautiful maids. It is beyond paradise for anyone except Kuzon who built everything there on his own without any construction workers or anything. He used his servant Spirit Naria for all of these works. Kuzon made that island only for himself and allows no one there. The island is full of young and beautiful girls and women only who work under Kuzon. Kuzon does meditation , bending practices , bending duels with the female knights and skilled maids as well. He teaches his knights and maids many powerful bending techniques , martial arts, Spirit taming techniques etc. there in his free time. They all pay great attention to these and thank Kuzon from the bottom of their hearts for these priceless lessons.) Kuzon has many secret high level bases throughout the world and Kuzon's Island is one of them. The island has many secret hidden places which only Kuzon knows and no one , not even his highly skilled knights are able to find any one of those places.

In 300 AG at a certain great school in Kyoshi Island,

Some boys talking in the large field in front of the huge school building , they kept their eyes on the entrance gate to see the new students admitted this year. "Hey , there are some real hotties this time among the new students. Man, if only we were more great , these damn hot and sexy girls would have paid some attention to us boys. Why is the mens' fate so tragic?! No matter where , be at school, or roads or at my super rich Firebending clan, no one gives a damn about us boys!! This era is truly the torture era for us men!!" , the red haired boy showed discontent .

"Yes, you are absolutely right!! We are all boys from super rich families and clans and yet, these girls , these damn women , don't acknowledge us!! Rather, they prefer their own kind. Can you believe this era? Only happening because our fathers, grandfathers and great grand fathers who were totally useless from the very beginning. Us men have lost our honor and rights because of them. No girls or women want to do anything to do with us. And the prostitutions are only for women by women everywhere in the world. And we can't even rape women like in the old days as women are much stronger than us. Would believe this, there hasn't been a single rape case where a man rapes a woman for over a century? On the contrary , there has been several cases of rape on young girls and women, by women for the last century. The old days were the greatest, when women were weak and we men could dominate over them. This era really sucks. Women dominate the men even more so than men ever did . The main reason for all of this , are The Avatars. The latest Avatars were born as strong, beautiful women and women followed their example, especially Avatar Kyoshi and Avatar Korra. I really won't mind being raped by a middle age woman no matter how ugly. I am over 18 years old and still have my virginity. And I never had a girlfriend. I guess the books I read are accurate, that all men now die as pure virgins. " , the blue haired boy started to shed tears.

"Man, I totally agree with you in everything you said. But is it really true that men used to dominate women in the past eras. Men even dared to rape women, you must joking!!", The red haired boy replied.

"It is not a joke!! It is the truth. We , men, had dominated over women for the past centuries. Only our latest century has been the extreme opposite. We, men, are now bullied by women, no they don't even give any fucking attention to us. We are like shit waiting to be removed permanently. And my sources are fully accurate regarding history as my super rich family has those records. ", the blue haired boy replied.

"Aghhh!! I really wish I was born in the past eras. The past eras sure was paradise for men. Women only go for women, I have seen it everywhere I went , even in the other nations. We are a group of such good looking men, we are hot , sexy , attractive in every way in the whole world!! Why women still ignore us?!!", the green haired boy cried in frustation. ( Well, the history and the things about the present age are absolutely true but the part of their good looks, they were lying , I mean , sure they were the most good looking men with their hot and sexy bodies but they still can't hold a candle to us, real men. I mean , you could say that the quality of men fell to even lower than the lowest and among them, they were really the highest quality you could find in the whole world. They were from super rich families, had actually lower than lower class looks in comparison to our world's men. Plus they were total ball less, they had no courage , or strength, or anything except for being in super rich families. Their predecessors also all died as pure, unmarried virgins. This is truly the dark age for men except for Kuzon. As he had the greatest looks, appearances, power, actual strength in martial arts, high level intelligence, great body figure etc. He was over 1000 times better than the greatest men in all respects , of even our world. )

" Our only hope was Prince Kuzon . In front of him, we truly seem like shit. He had such great looks, high level skill in martial arts even as a nonbender, had such genius level intellect, even as a mere 10 year old boy. He could have gotten a lot more handsome and finally women had to acknowledge him and us me altogether. I wonder how he died so easily in a car accident?" , the red haired boy said.

"Actually , it is for the best that he died. If he was present, each and every single woman of the world ,as they did back then ,will only pay attention to him and him only . There are many who still do, like my own mother and aunts, even my step sisters, both young and mature ones. They still fantasize like crazy for him even now. They are like his die hard fans like all the other women. ", the blue haired boy remarked.

"Yep, you are right. My own mother and her other wives, aunts with their wives and sisters often masturbate and fantasize about him even now. I only could hear them doing it from own room . They were shouting so loudly that even I got hard listening to them saying, "Ahhh!! Prince Kuzon , you are the best and the only one for me. I will anything for you. I never thought I would feel this way towards a man but Kuzon , you are not a man but an angel descended from the heavens for us women . I am prepared to even become your personal servant, Ahhhh!! " , I didn't believe my own cold elder step sister would masturbate like that ." , the ash haired boy said.

"Hey look at that young boy!! He is so handsome and so cute!!! He is like an angel , just like Prince Kuzon!!" , a senior gorgeous girl shouted out to her beautiful girlfriends.

"Did I just hear wrong, or a girl actually not only gave attention to a boy but also praised him. ", the red haired boy said .

"No, there he is. And it is really true, he is really handsome, far more handsome than even us. His nametag reads Kuzonia Linora!!! The rumored Pretty boy from the East of Kyoshi Island. I heard he read in a school there for the last 3 years lowkey until some gorgeous girls saw his handsome face and upper body with toned muscles , which he used to hide under thick clothes, accidently in the swimming pool." , the blue haired boy shouted.

So, Kuzon is now entering highschool, this should be interesting. .

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