
Avatar Continue

The Avatar Universe has been my favourite from my childhood. I have watched it many times . But now I plan to continue that Universe with Kuzon Al Flamia as The New Avatar. We know that corruption is really worse than even Wars sometimes, well, this is a mixture of both and something more. And as the animated series were actually child friendly , it was not that dark except The Air Nation Genocide ,but be warned , my Avatar Universe will be dark including violence, blood, gore, sex, nudity, rape , etc. After all, I am actually quite the worst person in our world , so yeah , why not? Anyways, at least be 18+ or don’t blame me later . And this story is for boys....uhmm ... for men only. Girls are absolutely not allowed . And that’s it, men , let’s go from innocent to a higher level of .......I don’t need spell it out for you, now, do I? We are all men and we are all normal in our respect, don’t be ashamed , just do what you want to. I know I do......

DeWorstPersonEver5 · Anime & Comics
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The Beginning Of A New Era :

After Avatar Korra died at age 65 in 219 AG, Avatar Draqia was born as The Next in The Avatar Cycle in the Earth Kingdom as an Earthbender. She helped the world to stay in peace and balance from the interior and later peacefully died in her sleep when she was 68 years old in 287 AG. And Like the cycle of the seasons, The Cycle of The Avatar began anew.

After Avatar Draqia died, a thorough scan and search was done in the Entire Fire Nation and the Whole World to find The Next Avatar. But even after repeated scans throughout the years, the Next Avatar was never found. Many were afraid that The Avatar Cycle could be have ended as Avatar Draqia as The Last Avatar . The sages still kept faith and prayed every hour in front of The Statues of The Past Avatars for The New Avatar to come as soon as possible. The Avatar is The Sole Existence whose presence was , has and considered to be The Greatest Threat to all evildoers and wrongdoers where there was no difference if it was The Ruler Of One Of The Four Nations or pirates . Time and time again in history , it was proved that The Avatar was The Only Champion of Justice and Righteousness, Master of All Four Elements, The Crowned Emperor Of All Benders, The Strongest Force in The Whole World , Above The Rulers Of The Four Nations, Beyond Race and Cultures , he alone was The Greatest Person In The Entire Universe, destined to be The Savior Of The World, The Champion Of Righteousness and Justice no matter which era he was born in , and also his friends and masters were also great people known throughout history as the people who would stand against injustice and evil. The Avatar is like The Symbol Of Balance and Peace , The Most Important Person in The Entire World apparently for eternity. His or her existence alone made the wrongdoers think thrice before going against peace and balance. Without The Avatar, it was proved through The Hundred Year War that the world cannot achieve and maintain peace and balance and will always fall into darkness and chaos. The Avatar was The Only Absolute Way for The Entire World to achieve peace , balance and happiness and for that fact, The Avatars were held in the highest regard even above The Rulers Of The Four Nations( Now Five). The Statues Of All The Past Avatars and Their History Of Achievements and all their life stories along with their companions are present in every temple all across The Five Nations. Now when The Avatar is not found , the world will dive in towards chaos and darkness. The evil and corrupt people gathered together to take the control of the Entire World as soon as there was no Avatar to protect it now. To them , it felt like they finally had been freed of their leash once again since Avatar Aang and they embraced evil once again. The World seemed to enter a Dark Age again like The Hundred Year War. Soon they achieved the absolute control over everything within a mere 5 years timeframe and they were absolutely sure the Next Avatar didn't pose a threat to them as they had absolute control and power over everything. They lived highly luxurious lives for years now and no one could stop them . Because of them , corruption spread throughout the world. The world was brought into a Chaos that was never seen before. It had spread from the core to the interior and the exterior as well. The strong preyed on the weak. Men killing and torturing each other and women raping other beautiful girls and women.( Each and every single female in the world were now mainly attracted to females, in other words , they all had become lesbians or homosexual and they usually raped other beautiful and young girls and women. A part of why this was happening was because the latest Avatars were females but they were also lesbians who only married other famous beautiful women, like Avatar Korra and Avatar Draqia for which many women considered choosing between men and women. And those women ended up choosing the latter. And now it had become part of the culture of the whole world that women were allowed to marry other women without any problems whatsoever. For this reason, most of women chose freely and ended up choosing women over men. This is one of the main reasons why the population of the world was decreasing so rapidly and ended up to only 1 billion people out of which over 80% are women. Men had lost their significance as partners of women as now women mainly chose to adopt orphan children. World powers also supported it as poor , orphan children were finally getting food , shelter and love. Now men were losing out at every single sector , be it politics, business, ruling, fighting prowess etc. And now came The New Avatar as a straight boy who might have come to bring back that balance between men and women. Women liked women and men mostly ended up dying single. Many men ended up as gays because of not able to find a single woman to make love with. All women mainly ignored the men species as if there were never there and they literally treated them as inferior human beings until finally treated them as just animals of some kind. Women's mindset became like this that they were the true human species and far superior to men whom they ignored mainly everywhere. Society became matriarchal everywhere in the world.) Chaos everywhere, no peace no balance at all. No one carrying any hope at all for this world. The people could only think this is the worst time and age in history . There were protests and good people trying to fight back , but they were immediately killed off or sent to prison for life . This was much more worse than The Hundred Year War or any other event in history. At a time like this , people also lost all hope because they thought that even if The Avatar was here , she ( The Avatars were being only females recently so they thought the New Avatar would also be a female.)couldn't do anything at all but be killed off immediately.

Finally The New Avatar was born in 287 AG ( The Avatar Universe Calendar- AG means After Genocide - indicating the Genocide Of The Air Nomads by The Fire Nation)and his name was Kuzon ( If you have watched ATLA , he was Aang's Fire Nation friend. I chose him as he is a part of the Original Series and Fire Nation and Firebenders look cooler to me , that's why I chose The Fire Avatar instead of Earth Avatar Draqia).

Avatar Kuzon is part of The Royal Family Of The Fire Nation and also of The Royal Family Of The Earth Kingdom as his father was the 2nd Fire Prince and his mother was the 5th Princess of The Earth Kingdom. He was the very first person who had permanent family status with two of the World's Most Powerful and Wealthy Families. He was born as a child with no brother but five sisters and with 3 step sisters who were adopted from other Noble families . Avatar Kuzon had mastered everything of The Avatar at just age 10 secretly on his own . He hid his identity as The Avatar from his own parents too . No one knew that he was The Avatar except himself when he found out about it at age 8. And for his amazing intelligence , he mastered everything including all bending and also The Avatar State by age 10 by himself. He is highly intelligent and talented from his childhood. His talents can be considered to be the greatest talent not only among Avatars but all of humanity in history. He became a Fully Realized Avatar at just age 10, two years earlier than even Avatar Aang( The Youngest Fully Realized Avatar in history) . He started a secret project without anyone knowing called "Project Survival " in 297 AG to ensure his own safety and the safety of the things and persons he cares for and later on started "Project Revital" to bring back peace and balance to The Whole World . Being The Prince Of The Two Powerful Nations at once , which means The Royal Bloodlines Of The Fire Nation and The Earth Kingdom flowing through his veins, he became very famous due to this fact . He was called " The Nonbender Prince" , The Useless Prince . Obviously the public and others mocked him for not being a Firebender or an Earthbender even though he was The Royalty of Both. Avatar Kuzon not only hid his identity as The Avatar but also that he is a bender from everyone including his parents. No one knew about it except Avatar Kuzon and his servant spirits. He had put himself and his circumstances at "The Planning and Preparation Stage"as he liked to call it . Avatar Kuzon never went outside of his family home and had no social interactions with anyone. He never attended parties or public gatherings or Royal Summons and not even school like The Royal Fire Academy or The Royal Earth School . He always stayed at home or at least that is what everyone thought ,no , they were 100 % sure of it. Being ridiculed as a Prince who is a nonbender and considered weak no the weakest, his own uncles and aunts and his own relatives wanted him to be removed from The Royal Family as he was just a disgrace to them and their family. But the Current Heads ( The Earth Queen and The Fire Lady)of the Both Royal Families were strangely fond of him , maybe because he was the Product Of The Union Of The Two Royal Families and Two Nations like the Famous Five( Kuzon's sisters who were also of both Royalty).

That's what everyone thought. No one knew that Avatar Kuzon was actually working inside his room and creating powerful weapons as well as high level technologies. He was also making plans about Project Revital. He went outside his home all the time making sure no one knows finds out about it. He had Three Major Identities - 1 as The Avatar ( Kept Secret from everyone and not even the Fire Sages and The White Lotus were able find out about it), 2 as The Earth Prince and finally 3 as The Fire Prince. His father and mother became The Elder Prince and Princess as soon as they had Kuzon and later they became missing without a trace after they had a terrible accident in 294 AG, they were never found out even after an elite search team was sent after them. The present Avatar Universe was the 1950s of our world. The technology couldn't develop much like Aang and Korra's time line as Spirits were available in this world now. Mankind had to coexist with the Spirits so they were very careful not to displease the Spirits. For which factories and industries and anything that can harm nature and spirits were very less in number. This way , mankind learned to live a comfortable life alongside nature and spirits. So there was almost no pollution like air pollution or anything like that. But this was only due to the fact that The Spirits were naturally more powerful than Humans and Humans were afraid of the Spirits and worshipped them to please them and get their blessings. Like many non benders borrowed power from The Spirits to stand as equals to The Benders Society, Avatar Korra and Avatar Draqia had made this possible as they talked to the Spirits about this and as per the Request Of The Avatars, The Spirits allowed the humans to borrow their power through a Contract . Obviously many Spirits only wanted to merge with The Avatar And serve only her but a few accepted the request. Later on, 20 years ago in 267 AG during Avatar Draqia's time, The Nuclear Technology and Nuclear bombs were created and caused a huge uproar in The Whole World. The Nuclear tests frightened the World. United Nations in the Earth Kingdom, The Republic City was the holder of these weapons. Weapons that can destroy the world easily as well as The Avatar without any sweat. The Avatar was called the The One Man Army - The Strongest Force in The Whole World, The Greatest And Strongest Bender in The Entire World. Finally technology could defeat The Avatar and the Bender Community. After the other nations came into an agreement with Republic City , the nuclear Weapons were kept away but only to be used when their own nation was in danger. The Whole World consists of Five Nations: The Air Nomads ( They again came back from near extinction) , The Water Tribe( North and South were now united as one nation), The Earth Kingdom, The Fire Nation and finally The United Republic of Nations or The Republic Nation ( consists of Republic City). The North and South Water Tribes were under the rule of The Royal Family Of Aquaria( They had 20 members of Royalty and they had the highest power, status and wealth in the whole of Water Tribes. They were respected by the people as their rulers. The people of the Water Tribes were happy and content with their Rulers. The Whole North Pole and South Pole were their dominion. They used Ice as their infrastructures and they had the spirit water which was very popular among the rich and wealthy as unparalleled healing water ) .The Air Nomads were under the rule of the Strongest and most powerful True Airbenders. They had Five Leaders: Four led each of the four Air Temples and One had the authority over those four. Avatar Aang's descendants were among the leaders. Next up, The Earth Kingdom was ruled by The Royal Family Of Earthia. It consists of about 30 members of Royalty. They had supreme authority and The Earth Queen had authority over them. Finally, The Fire Nation adopted the Ruling system of The British in our world. The Royal Family Of Flamia were the ones in charge of The Entire Fire Nation. There were only 25 members of The Fire Nation Royal Family Flamia but they were all true royalty , meaning they were all from The True Fire Royal Bloodline except 5 members. They had Earls, Margrave, Duke , Baron etc. systems as well. The Fire Lady ( The Current Head is female) had The Authority over The Entire Fire Nation. Truth be told, True Royal Family members of every single nation was very less compared to before when it was at least 70 to 100 members. Now even most of the 20 to 50 members of Royalty of the nations are just adopted children , not The True Royalty. Next up, is The United Nations whose capital is Republic City. The Ruler Of Republic City is the Ruler Of The United Nations. They follow the democratic system using the method of choosing their own President. That's all for now.

Avatar Kuzon at present is 13 years old in 300 AG Which year is called The End Of The Dark Era, The Start Of A New Era. The reason of all the excitement from the people of the whole world was A New Hero's Debut that was seen in this year. He was called The Dark Shadow as he moved during the night and brought down judgement over the wrong doers wearing a black and silver mask to cover his face. He operated on different places of the world, he helped the weak and destroyed the wicked people. He had worked for 3 years from 297 AG and finally made his big debut which shook the whole world. He operated alone. He was known to be a Firebender. This person is none other than Avatar Kuzon who wanted to earn experience from practical fighting and took on the name The Dark Shadow. There were multiple resistance groups throughout the world but they couldn't make any significant achievements. On the other hand, a single person made the Biggest achievement by being acknowledged by the Public or People of World as The World's New Hope , A New Hero, The Dark Shadow who goes against evil and wrong doers and protects the innocent. The one who can go against the corrupt Ruler class people is The Dark Shadow Only , it is believed by the people.

Avatar Kuzon is famous for being The Most Handsome Prince ever .He has sky like blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair and a fully fit body. Many say he looks like his great ancestor Prince Zuko without his infamous scar. His skin is beautifully white all around and flawless. His face can make any girl fall in love with him when he is still a child of 7 years and his smile and flawless body is even more priceless. As The Only Son Of The 2nd Fire Prince (Who is also famous for his handsomeness ) and The 5th Earth Princess ( who is very famous for her beauty). Kuzon definitely inherited their bloodline and their beauty as well, maybe even better than his sisters, That's what everyone thought. Being a child of the Most beautiful Prince and Princess has its perks is something that is proved by Kuzon's existence . His hands look like the true embodiment of Royalty and his etiquette makes it painfully obvious that he is of the highest class .His face, personality and elegance are something very popular among the masses and he has many secret admirers even if he is a non bender. One of the secret admirers is The Fire Princess Qaria who is a cousin to Kuzon and whose age is five years older than Kuzon. And The Twin Princesses Of The Water Tribe who are called The Gorgeous Moons Of The Sky , are very interested in him since he is the True Royalty Of The Earth Kingdom and The Fire Nation. The Earth Princess Risha , also known as The Shining Beauty Of The North, is also one of the secret admirers of Kuzon . There are many Females only Fanclubs for Kuzon not only from The Fire Nation and The Earth Kingdom but also across The Five Nations. In these fan clubs , they practically worship him as The God Of Beauty and Elegance. This incident of women and girls being diehard fans of a boy shook the world as it had not be seen in over a century. Even though he is a non Bender, he is still a Prince , Of Two Nations nonetheless. As a Prince Of both The Fire Nation and The Earth Kingdom, he holds significant importance even when he isn't a Bender. The Earth Kingdom has many Royal Family members and they usually are involved in conspiracies but couldn't be caught. Still, one couldn't deny that The Earth Kingdom's Royalty still held The Greatest Authorities in their hands and still are powerful and rich people. The Fire Nation is still respected as The Greatest Civilization in history. The Royalty Of this nation is as strong and powerful as ever. They don't involve themselves in petty things. The Royalty Of The Fire Nation is still loved and honored by the people of The Fire Nation and also others as they truly embody the True Royal Bloodline and they still achieve great feats. And Kuzon belonged to their families. After his parents went missing and considered dead, Kuzon was taken care of by a loyal member of Nobility on the Fire Lady's order secretly, it was the youngest Countess in history, Countess Elia who was just 14 years old at the time. Otherwise , other members of Royalty would have ended him in cold blood as his popularity in not only Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom but also in the entire world just increases day by day for his greatest looks and appearances only, let alone him being a rare genius in so many different subjects including Mathematics, Biology, Physics , Chemistry, strategy making etc. and also him having such a nice , kind and caring nature and personality since his childhood.

The time is coming soon . All Projects Of Kuzon will be finished when he will turn 16 years old. He will finally do what he was destined to do. The Time is coming for The Avatar, The 9th Fire Prince, The 15th Earth Prince , The Dark Shadow to finally show his power in front of everyone. He is ready to declare himself as The New Avatar, as The Prince Of The Fire Nation , as The Prince Of The Earth Kingdom, as The Dark Shadow.' Will people accept him as The New Avatar ?' This sort of questions filled Kuzon's mind as he finally found the answer to it..." Even if they don't, I will still be The New Avatar and I am not going to make the same mistake I did in my past life during Avatar Kyoshi. I was chosen , it's not my fault . Complain all you want , people of the world, I am still The Avatar." That's how he accepted his situation. He was becoming more mature and more beautiful and elegant as well as handsome the more he grew.

After his parents went missing, Elia took Kuzon to Kyoshi Island, her home. Yes, Countess Elia is originally Of True Nobility Of The Fire Nation but her maternal home is in Kyoshi Island. Elia was one of the most beautiful and gorgeous women in the entire world, a world class beauty with natural crimson eyes, natural crimson hair and a natural great body( Yep, all Natural!! All Hail Nature!!) . In 300 AG, she took Kuzon in Kyoshi Island and raised him in disguise as a big sister taking care of her little brother who both were orphans . Her alias name was Elia Lionora and Kuzon's alias was Kuzonia Lionora. ( Yep, he received quite the bullying because of that girly name) . Her entire family was sent to prison by some nobles higher in rank than them as her family was prospering better than them and would have soon become a Margrave Family so they framed her family but they couldn't frame her but later dismissed her as they saw her as no threat. She was given the rank of Countess by The Fire Lady as acknowledgement of her skills as a master of Firebending, as a skilled warrior and as an apology that her family was framed and they couldn't do anything to uphold justice as they had no evidence. Kyoshi Island had prospered a lot since Avatar Aang's timeline as they were now famous throughout the world as a land of Strong Female Warriors who had played an important role in ending the infamous Hundred Year War and as Avatar Aang's and Fire Lord Zuko's companions . Being with The Avatar earned them recognition by the world and as companions of Fire Lord Zuko gave them various benefits in The Fire Nation. Elia was a very cheerful person but after her parents and her family, The whole Alairia Family except her , went to prison , she became quiet and would talk less but she still is fulfilling her duty as Kuzon's guardian only because his parents were going to help her family get out of prison by going against the evil nobles and they got caught up in this and lost their lives -That's what Elia thinks . And for involving Kuzon's parents in her trouble , they lost their lives for which guilt surrounds her whenever she sees Kuzon. And because of that guilt, she is secretly taking care of Kuzon in Kyoshi Island hiding their true identities, protecting him and raising him far far away from The Fire Nation as the evil nobles who disrupted their lives live there. She had lost hope since the moment her parents got arrested as she saw their evil grin and when Kuzon's parents volunteered to help her family, she had again held hope as Kuzon's parents were Royalty holding significant power and authority. But they were killed off indiscriminately by those nobles as soon as they heard the news . Now, she had no hope at all for this world and just wanted to fulfill her last duty and die as soon as possible. She with Kuzon live in a medium sized hut alone in the town and Elia goes to the all famous girls' school there and Kuzon goes to a famous coed school nearby. ( Kyoshi Island still respects nature a lot and so they didn't build a city but only strives to build a peaceful and developed town.). And as you all saw in ATLA, Kyoshi Island is full of beautiful and attractive women and girls who are not only just beauties but also each and every single one of them are skilled in fighting and strive to be Kyoshi Warriors. It is said that Kyoshi Island is full of the most beautiful and attractive women in the world. So every man wants to go there only for that stupid of a reason but it's true . ( Kuzon should really thank Elia for this but I guess he still is a child. ) Anyways, Kuzon knew about Elia's and her family's true condition as well as his own parents' situation but he didn't make a move yet. He waited for the right moment. After all , he is still just 13 years old at this point in time. Until he becomes 16 years old, he can't make a move. Kuzon is now nearing completion of his plans and everything is going exactly as he planned. Now the only thing left to do is just wait for The Right Moment( Not Neutral Jing, as Neutral Jing is only when you just simply wait, but Kuzon wasn't just waiting , he was preparing a ton of stuff , so it is not Neutral Jing) . Kuzon is an existence like no other. Among all The Avatars, Kuzon has the highest intelligence, status, innate talent, and he also has The Royal Bloodlines Of The Two Most Powerful Nations. His existence is the only one there is , there ever was and there ever will be. The most important fact is that he is also The Avatar. Now the only question remains," Can he bring back peace and balance to The Entire World by removing corruption and corrupt people from the Ruling Class Of The Five Nations and bring a new era of love and peace ?"

I would say the story is too messed up to understand , but I needed a good foundation and so, all points have been briefly mentioned here.

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