
Avatar : Bloodbound Legacy

author's note: English is not my first language, I use deepl to help me with the translation. His life was a life decided by others, a predestined choreography in the shadows of others' desires. Gale, a bloodbender, found himself imprisoned by the expectations of a respected lineage. However, in a world where the presence of the Avatar is no longer considered essential, Gale embarks on a personal journey to forge his own convictions.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Who is not with me is against me

Upon arriving at the southern tribe, everything unfolded as in previous years, but this time, the striking difference was Gale's presence on the side of those who were welcomed with honors.

Upon reuniting with the tribe, a brief wave of nostalgia swept through their feelings, fading as quickly as the gentle beating of a bird's wings. It came and went, fleeting and ephemeral like a flash of memory.

Gale greeted the council members, receiving looks of concern from them.

Gale smiled, assuring everyone that he was fine, and praised Unalaq in front of the group, portraying him as a benevolent leader who welcomed him warmly.

Finally, after the introductions were concluded, they headed straight to the palace.

As they entered the meeting room, the discussion promptly began, addressing crucial topics such as the economy and mutual understanding between the northern and southern tribes. Gale promptly joined Unalaq in the debate, revealing the young man's audacity in the field of politics to the council.

And so, another meeting concluded, with both parties reaching a consensus once again.

As they finished preparing to leave the room, Gale drew the attention of the council members.

"Please, wait, my friends. I would like to discuss something particular with you," Gale said with enthusiasm in his voice.

Soon, everyone resumed their seats, some irritated for wanting to enjoy the festival, while others maintained a neutral stance.

"Do you not intend to summon Lord Unalaq? At this distance, he must be outside the palace. I believe there is still time to invite him," suggested the councilor, expressing her opinion.

Gale, who was closing the entrance of the room, laughed amiably.

"Do not worry, I would like to talk to you," Gale said.

Occupying the chair where Unalaq was previously seated, Gale adopted a proper posture before proceeding.

"I'll be direct," Gale said with a serious expression. "Unalaq intends to unify the southern tribe with the northern tribe during the harmonic convergence."

At that moment, some councilors stood up from their chairs with angry expressions, while others remained perplexed at their desks.

"What are you saying, Gale? Is this some kind of joke? What you said is very serious, kid" interjected one of the standing councilors, mixing concern and anger in his voice.

Despite the interruptions, Gale ignored them all and continued with his speech.

"I serve the southern tribe. My father may have been a madman, but my love for the tribe has always existed since I came into existence," Gale continued, standing up from his desk and addressing the councilors. "Do you think I didn't get angry too? Disbelieving in my master?"

Gale paced the room, expressing gestures of disappointment and anger, trying to emotionally involve the councilors.

"I married Eska, the love of my life. Since the day she stepped into this tribe, my heart has beaten for her. In these past years, I've worked hard to improve my relationship with her. I even managed to marry her, you know? That made me very happy."

Taking a necklace from his pocket, Gale showed it to the assembly, revealing a picture of Eska in the center.

"I love this woman." Gale continued, his voice faltering, tears streaming down his face. "But do you know what Unalaq did?"

Gale made a point to shout his last sentence.

"He told me that if I revealed what I'm disclosing now, he would influence Eska's mind. He would tell lies about me."

Gale collapsed on the floor among the councilors.

All the councilors had sad expressions on their faces. They could no longer think about the tribe being unified; they only saw the boy in front of them with a broken heart.

"But no, I had to tell you. I needed to show how Unalaq is a monster," said Gale, trying to get up from the floor but failing because he was too weak.

Soon, the councilors approached to help, but all attempts were refused by Gale.

"Don't touch me; I am a shame to this tribe, to my family."

Between attempts to stand up, Gale finally succeeded. Upon returning to his chair, he sat down again, wiping the tears from his face.

"But I know how to save the southern and northern tribes from that tyrant, and also my beloved Eska," Gale proclaimed, his expression reflecting sadness, but everyone around noticed a subtle smile emerge when mentioning Eska's name.

Gale waited in the midst of the silence that filled the room, eager for the question he so desired.

Then, it finally came.

"How can we save everyone?" asked the councilor, tears flowing from her face.

Upon hearing the councilor's question, Gale smiled inwardly.

"Listen carefully, everyone," Gale said, looking at each of the councilors in the room. "I must go to the United Republic of Nations, gather support from other nations for our cause. It is more crucial to ensure the sovereignty of the south." A glint of ambition shone in Gale's eyes.

All the councilors understood Gale's true intention. Behind his beautiful words, there was something more: the quest for the independence of the southern tribe. Everyone grasped the message.

That was what they desired most: independence. They were tired of the oppression from the north.

"And how do you intend to achieve this by traveling to the United Republic?" questioned the eldest councilor in the room.

As they heard the question from one of their peers, the other councilors also pondered. They had already sent a representative from the south to be the voice in the Republic City.

Gale assumed a serious expression as he rose from the table again, his gaze conveying confidence.

"You've weakened over the years. You sent a representative from the south only to gather crumbs. You lack ambition for power," Gale said, observing each of the councilors.

Listening to the words of the young man who, until recently, elicited pity, the councilors couldn't contain the anger that took hold of their hearts.

"Who do you think you are, boy? How do you repay our actions with these words?" the councilor closest to Gale questioned indignantly.

Other councilors, feeling humiliated as well, stood up and began hurling insults toward Gale.

Gale smiled upon hearing the insults from the councilors. How should he feel offended? He didn't consider them his equals.

Gale noticed that some other councilors in the room remained silent, looking in his direction, waiting for something.

"So, you want to be the new representative from the south?" inquired one of the councilors who had remained silent, in a serene tone.

Upon hearing the question from the councilor, those who were previously berating Gale directed their anger toward the woman.

"Are you on his side, Lysa?" questioned the councilor who had started the argument.

Gale observed the scene with a smile on his lips, enjoying the spectacle unfolding before him.

"I want the independence of the south, not just crumbs," Lysa declared as she stood up.

Looking at the councilors who remained silent, an ironic smile formed on Lysa's lips.

"I've been on this council for a year, and all I hear are old conservatives who want to stay where they are out of fear of war and change," Lysa continued, pointing in Gale's direction. "This man seeks change, while you all are sitting there, waiting for death."

A heavy silence hung in the room.

"I agree with Lysa; drastic changes require drastic actions," said Aric, the male councilor, standing up from his desk and approaching Gale.

Gale, who was observing the situation, maintained his smile.

Looking at the other councilors, there were still some in silence, probably undecided, without declared support for either side.

"I'm not looking for neutral people; I'm looking for those who seek change," proclaimed Gale, directing his gaze at the two male councilors who still hesitated.

After hearing Gale's words, the two exchanged glances, contemplating if it was really a good idea.

It took a few seconds, but both eventually walked toward Gale.

"Four on my side, four on your side. What will it be?" Gale inquired, directing his gaze to his opponents.

The councilor who seemed to be the leader of the faction opposing Gale took the lead.

"This sounds like a threat. Are you seeking war, kid?" the councilor questioned, while the others joined him.

Silence hung in the air, but it was soon broken.

"Take this," said the leader of the rival councilors, manipulating the water from the fountain in the room.

In an instant, the water, taking the form of a whip, disintegrated, falling back into the fountain.

"What?" the councilor said in shock.

As they looked in Gale's direction, they realized the young man was staring directly at them.

"What have you done?" the councilor asked, fear taking hold of his words.

Gale walked towards him, while the members of his faction remained still, also with fear reflected in their eyes.

"I merely pressed your chi points that granted you bending power," explained Gale as he approached. "Where the blood flows, I will emerge victorious."

Using his bloodbending ability, he controlled the other councilors who were against his side, drawing them towards him and levitating them.

'Bloodbending,' everyone in the room recognized.

As the councilors levitated towards Gale, their pleas reached the young man's ears, begging for mercy.

"Please, spare us. We will offer you a place in the Republic. No, even better, you'll become the chief councilor," the councilors pleaded with a pitiful voice.

The cries filled the room, and the councilor who had previously threatened Gale was now on the ground, kneeling in his direction.

Gale smiled, attempting to reassure everyone, while trying to convey an aura of fraternal compassion.

"Friends, friends, calm down." said Gale, looking towards the opponents. "I won't kill you. I'll just remove your bending and enslave you."

Upon hearing the boy's words, the tears ceased, and expressions of anger took over their faces.

"You damned, I knew you were trouble. Your father should have..." the councilor tried to say, but his heart stopped abruptly.

Gale let him fall to the ground, continuing his speech.

"Now, let's vote. Who supports me as the new representative from the south?" Gale declared, spreading his arms.


Author's Notes: Do you prefer titles for the chapters? If so, would you like titles for the previous chapters as well? Thank you for the power stones and the collection. May Vaatu's blessing be upon you.