
Chapter 1

It was December 1st, 2005  a snowy night. The snow blew onto the tops of the trees, and the sound of the wind echoed through the night sky. When suddenly a baby carrier floated through the city as the wind blew it here and there. It was made out of flakes of snow. It sparkled as the moonlight struck the icy surface. The carrier floated onto the ground and stopped at the front of the Graysons porch. vines as green as nature itself, came out of the carrier and rang the doorbell. As the door opened an older woman picked up the baby and cradled her in her arms. The woman looked around but saw no one. She noticed a ring on the baby's finger. It was a ring made out of pure Ruby's and there was a ruby in the shape of a heart on the top. When she tried to take it off, to take a closer look, it pulled back as if it was alive. She thought quietly to herself, about what she was going to do, but first she was going to take the baby inside. She must be starving. Just when she was about to close the door she saw a note in her carrier. She picked it up and opened the seal, it read

Dear my little princess

I m so sorry I had to do this but at least you will be safe at your new home, it's not safe back here, I myself barley made it out alive. Who ever is reading this please take care of my princess. At the bottom of the envelope is her wand please give it to her on her 13 birthday. Don't give it to anyone else. Soon they will be after her, protect her with your life. I love you my darling...… Find me



The woman said ,"I thought play wands were for kids not teenagers. And what does soon they will be after her mean? I have so many questions but I will protect her you have my word. I will…"

The woman walked into her house and closed the door behind her. She walks into the living room still puzzled by the letter. When she heard a familiar voice.

"mommy, Mommy, MOMMY!"

"hu, what is it sweetheart?"

"Who's that mommy?"

"Um… This is...Avangalean yeah Avangalean"

September 14 2018

Tomorrow Avangean is going to start school. She is going to a high school just down the street.

"Mom!!! Where's my school bag, I can't find it!"

"I don't know have you checked your closet?"

"No, oh here it is, IT WAS UNDER MY LAUNDRY! THANKS!"

"Hey Lisa i'll be at school in ten, ok"

"Fine just make sure you bring some of your mom's homemade cookies, there so good!"

"Ok ok, bye"

I hang up the phone

I rush downstairs  trying to put on my socks at the same time. It didn't work so well. I tumble down the stairs landing on my ankle.

"OWWWWW! That hurt!"

My mom rushes over to me

"Oh my god, are you ok! Are you hurt!"

"Yes I just landed on my ankl….. Wait why don't I feel any pain? I just fell down the stairs! Mom what just happened?!"

"Uh I don't know! Mabey you have superpowers or something?"

" seriously, Mom!"

"hold on."

15 minutes later.

"done, I put on a tensor bandage. So I won't hurt as much."

"Mom not to be rude, but I just told you that it does not hurt at all."

"oh. Well then you should go off to school now, or your going to be late! Also I am cleaning the attic today so your going to have to go through the garage because I won't be able to hear you. "

"Ok, bye I love you."

I run out the door just to see that the bus slipped out right from under me.

"seriously , I have to run now!"

this book is about a girl named Avangalean. She is just a normal school girl, although that's what's she thought...

I will only post a chapter at a time because I'm 12. so if you are reading this it means a lot to me

RoseCinderella123creators' thoughts