
Autumn Spring

Angel J was a brand that all the bride-to-be sought out for their once-in-a-lifetime event, Marriage. It was a brand that hadn't experienced any setbacks since its founding and was founded by Juliette's mother Jasmine Angel. It was supposed to be Juliette's according to her mother's will. It was supposed to be hers, only if she was there to receive it on her twenty-first birthday. It was weird and specific. On Juliette's twenty-first birthday, she will receive Angel J along with my last name. If Juliette is not present, then Owen Reign will inherit Angel J. In the event of Juliette's passing before this Will becomes valid, Angel J will lose its name and should be sold before the proceeds are donated to 'White Orchid Home'. Juliette's mother was a shrewd woman who prioritized Juliette's safety over Angel J, which was her life's work. She made sure that Juliette would be protected from certain individuals, regardless of whether she received support from Angel J or not. Meanwhile, Juliette was determined to save herself and Angel J from her father, who she knew had married her mother out of greed. Sure Angel J was a golden goose but that was old news and now the Reign family has more than one such thing. If only Juliette could stay put until it was time for her to get away from these people, she would have her freedom and life. So despite facing the ire of her stepmother and siblings, Juliette worked hard to not stand out and keep herself out of everyone's notice. However, she didn't anticipate the full extent of her family's greed, nor did she realize the other reasons why her family was significant among the elites. "Hey!" Juliette ignored the voice only she could hear and the man only she could see, despite the man's smile reminiscent of a golden retriever. "You can see me right?" He asked again... He's been asking that same question for a week now and it was getting hard for Juliette to ignore it. She's been ignoring these "people" and their voices for a while, but this man was persistent. How she wished to smack this idiot's head so hard that he would be plastered to the wall. But that would give her away. He wasn't the first and he wouldn't be the last. So Juliette would rather not start it at all. "Can we be friends?" PERSISTENT!

alwys_fictional · Urban
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3 Chs

CH. 3 Lightning and Thunder

It was a storm outside but Owen Reign was in a good mood as he entered the conference room for the shareholders meeting. Today he would get his hands on the golden goose that was always within his reach but never his."According to Jasmine Angel's Will, in the absence of Miss Juliette who is currently recovering from her accident, Angel J will be passed on to Jasmine Angel's lawful husband and Juliette's father-" Before Eric Li could finish his sentence, the door to the meeting hall was blown away by a thundering force. For a minute everyone thought that lightning hit the building.At the door stood Juliette Reign in her hospital pyjamas. She was smiling triumphantly as she narrowed her eyes at her shocked father. Then a menacing smile came onto her face as she enjoyed his scrunched-up face."Miss Juliette! I was-" One of the shareholders began speaking happily. "Shh." She stopped him. Despite being younger than everyone else in the room, no one took her actions as an act of disrespect."She took after her mother." Some muttered. "My word!""Now, Let's start this meeting." She said as she took a seat. The lawyer recovered from the shock and soon read the Will in high spirits."Juliette Reign with this takes her mother's last name, Jasmine Angel, and rightfully owns the establishment Angel J as Juliette Angel." With that Juliette was invited to sign the legal document."May I write my own Will, right here in front of everyone?" She asked and the lawyer nodded encouragingly."In the event of my death or any circumstances that would compromise my rights, I would like Angel J company to be liquidated and the proceeds donated to 'White Orchid Home', as per my mother's wishes." Juliette smiled at the approving gazes she received from the other shareholders, they were all Jasmine Angel's oldest and closest friends.I see that like attracts like. Juliette thought as she admired her mother and her friends."What are you doing here?" Owen Reign demanded at the end of the meeting."Taking what's mine." Juliette replied leisurely."You-" He raised his hand but Mr. Li stood in the front shielding her. "Anything further than this, I will file an assault case." He informed. "I'm her father!" Her father roared."As of today, She is Juliette Angel, not Reign." Mr. Li stated and Owen Reign gritted his teeth in rage before storming out of the meeting room."Haaa..." Juliette sighed leaning back in her chair. Her body was so heavy, just dragging it all the way here from the hospital felt like she was climbing Mt. Yila. She wanted to find a bed and sleep for the rest of her life but now wasn't the time. She still has a lot of things to take care of."Mr. Li, How's Jade?" Juliette couldn't help but ask. He smiled at her question. "She would run here if she heard the news of your recovery.""What about university?" She asked."That girl just needs a reason to skip those, What do you think she will do?" Mr. Li shook his head."Can you help me find a nice house? Use the money I saved instead of my newly acquired assets." She asked and his expression turned into that of a slight worry."Jade was looking forward to living with you. She even prepared your room." Mr. Li informed in a pleading tone."I will come visit from time to time." Juliette gave him a tired smile, leaving no room for arguments."Alright, I will find a good place near your university. When do you plan to return? I will inform your professors and make the necessary arrangements." He said and Juliette fell into a thought. She wanted to attend immediately, she missed her university life, but her body was not ready yet. She tried standing but her legs gave out and Mr. Li hurried to support her back into the chair."Three more months of break should do." He sighed. She wanted to say that three months was too much but shut her mouth looking at his expression.That day marked the beginning of Juliette Angel's chaotic life.A day later, Juliette's hospital room was empty except for a lone basket of fruits. The long-haired ghost looked at it for a minute and extended her hand to touch the fruits and to her surprise, she could grab them."Tsk, The child. At least she should say a proper goodbye." The long-haired ghost clicked her tongue tossing a grape into her mouth. That night, the big basket of fruits was feasted by the many ghosts who aided Juliette's recovery.Juliette looked at the view from the ceiling-high windows of her new home. It was a bit big for one person but she liked it. The sunlight and ventilation were ample and she loved the night view.This was a high-end apartment near her university and most of the residents were rich kids. In addition to having the best location, these buildings and the residential area were run by a Pendragon subsidiary. So Juliette can say goodbye to unwanted visitors and security problems. There was also a regular cleaning option to choose from depending on one's convenience."My best life starts now!" Juliette giggled, snuggling into her soft and warm blanket. She's been sitting by the window watching the view for a few hours now. She should have been doing her daily exercise if she wanted to get back to her life before the accident but she was feeling lazy."A little break doesn't hurt." She sighed in comfort. But as if the world was holding a grudge against her, her phone rang breaking the soft silence she's been enjoying."Does the world have something against me?" She muttered dejectedly and scoured through the box. It was all her belongings that were collected after her accident. When she finally got to her phone, the name 'Non-celeb Aine' flashed on her cracked screen."Jade got into a fight with your sister!" The voice on the other line informed me as soon as Juliette picked up the call."Where are you now?" Juliette dragged her heavy body towards the elevator."University.""Why is Evy on our campus?" Juliette frowned. Klumont has three famous and well-reputed universities when it comes to higher education. Alma, Brigid and Cosima. Each institution has its hierarchy. Alma was gender biased, If you were an alpha then you were practically worshipped. Brigid was status-biased, If you were rich and reputed then anything goes. Then there was Cosima, the one Juliette managed to get in, It was credit-biased. Some might think that Cosima sounds good out of all but imagine an asshole who has excellent grades, that's a different pain to deal with.All the Reign children go to Campus B and of course, being the outcast she was, Juliette attends Campus C. So hearing Nina, that Evy was causing trouble in Campus C, didn't sit well with Juliette. University was one thing that was Juliette's safe place, away from all the Reigns. But Evy had to barge in and pick a fight with her friends.Juliette made sure to lay low and her friends weren't troublemakers to begin with so it was fairly easy to live in peace. But since the accident and her acquiring Angel J, everything changed. Juliette no longer has to live under the rule of her former family.As Juliette was making her way to the Campus, Nina was watching eagerly at the stand-off between Jade and Evelyn Reign."It is clear to anyone who paid even the slightest attention to know that your father was the one who orchestrated that accident because he is greedy." Jade spat in disgust."Wait! What accident?!" Nina perked up."If you want Angel J then ask your mother to open a Bridal boutique yourself. What do you expect when all she did was to marry your father and nothing else?" Jade was not having a filter but Nina was still stuck on that accident part."You sure know how to run your mouth. You should learn from your good friend how to keep your mouth shut. Ah, My bad she is currently lying on a hospital bed." Evelyn raised her hand to slap but someone stopped her by her wrist."You are in no place to say that." Juliette smiled beautifully.