
V.2-C.5│Into Exile V│

Anko was not prepared, not prepared at all, even with the short notice, she believed that she would be able to do something, anything really.

Right now, she knows that she doesn't exactly have the power to overwhelm the entire Village Hidden in the Leaves, but she could ask someone for some help.

With at least Kurenai willing to help, alongside Rin, whom is undecided about leaving due to a few things, like her family, her mother, Anko could begin the process of asking someone for help.

Someone that she has no idea as to whether or not would be willing to help in this situation, especially after the small fallout between herself and him.

Lord Orochimaru.

Anko had rushed towards where she had thought he would be located, and with the village as is now because she had managed to gather that Kushina and Mikoto were both trying, maybe even successfully having left, it was a timing that Orochimaru surely wouldn't miss himself.

There are many things he could do without the supervision of others, which was starting to increase as the village started to get back into its peaceful timeframe.

Going underground, one of Orochimaru's hidden bases was located within Konoha, and having not been discovered, it was all the more easier for him to get away with... his experiments.

Anko didn't agree or like that he was doing such things, as he had revealed to her in confidence.

That didn't matter right now, as Anko was, is, willing to put aside her dislike for his actions and ask for his help. She is certain that he can help.

"Master!" Anko called out, looking around this dark area hidden away from all prying eyes and ears.

She continued to look around, knowing that she would find him here, and even had a feeling that Orochimaru may very well be waiting for her to come to him due to Obito. 'Bastard...!' Anko thought to herself.

She couldn't bring herself to hate Orochimaru though, not after everything he has done for her. That didn't mean she would continue to put up with the way he does things now, but that also doesn't mean she was compassionate enough to just release all that she knew to the village about Orochimaru.

Anko has a strong attachment for Konoha, but that attachment was only really generated due to the lack of a strong family unit. Not that Konoha hasn't done much for her either, just that it wasn't the kindest place to be.

Her rude and brash nature wasn't something she just inherited from her parents, not that she would know if she did, but something developed. Just as much as she can't hate Orochimaru, she also couldn't hate the village known as Konohagakure.

'But Obito is much more important to me, so I will leave. It's not like my mother would even notice anyway...' Anko thought to herself, before coming across another room. Another room that happened to have some things that might be useful.

'What is this...?' She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the containers.

Containers that seemed to hold various things, and upon closer inspection she did manage to find that these containers held body parts. Eyes. Fingers.

All sorts of things, and because of her already high exposure to gruesome things, she managed to hold back the initial reaction most would have at these things. 'What... What else has he been doing...!?' Anko was starting to realize that what Orochimaru had shown her was just the tip of the iceberg.

It would seem there was a whole host of more heinous things going on behind the scenes. Taking a step back, she didn't notice the person behind herself.

She bumped into them. "Anko... Little Anko..." This voice was the voice of her current teacher, master, or is it former now? Lord Orochimaru.

"M-Master..." Anko turned around to face him, and it was ominous, the atmosphere that was within this place in combination with Orochimaru's oddly strange looks.

"You shouldn't have come here." Orochimaru replied, his snake-like eyes, long straight hair and general very pale looks making for a nail-biting scene.

"I-I came-... I came because I wanted your help, with Obito." Anko replied, smartly enough making sure to keep outside of the conversation of others things going on.

Right now, she should be focused on Obito above all else and escaping with him, and she would have time later to ponder just what all of this could mean.

"Obito, huh?" Orochimaru took on a pondering look. "You were my greatest student, my only student really." Of course, Orochimaru left out the fact that he had taken in someone else to start practicing under him, secretly.

"Please. I don't care about this..." Anko trailed off, but would then add. "No, that would be lying." She looked into Orochimaru's eyes, searching for anything that would resemble what she looked up to.

Sure, he may have done some questionable things, revealing some of it to her, but to this extant... "I very much care about this, but I will, no, I must put this aside. I'm asking for your help. Help me escape with Obito." Anko continued.

"Anko, you have grown up. Willing to throw away what you have now, just to be with Obito. How... disgusting." Orochimaru despised this idea, but at the same time it wasn't like he wasn't a hypocrite himself in many circumstances.

Especially when it comes to stuff like this, disregarding many things, laws and orders, and instead doing what he wants anyway.

Anko didn't reply, only waiting for Orochimaru to reply fully. She would investigate things herself later.

"I can help, but not without a price to be payed." Sure, Orochimaru may have developed a small soft spot for Anko, especially because Obito has been having his 'talk no jutsu' effect on him. But, that doesn't automatically take away from who Orochimaru is as a person.

He wouldn't go out of his way to harm Anko for no reason, and would not do without good reason to do so either, which was much better than what could be said for most.

"What is it? I want to leave with him, but I want to do so undercover and safely. I must bring along my friend as well, Kurenai Yuhi." Anko had to reveal this piece of information at least.

"Oh... Of course. Bring as many as you want. The price... lets just say that it is something that I want from that boyfriend of yours." Orochimaru replied with a smile.

"H-He's not my boyfri-friend..." Despite all of that, Anko still grew a small blush at this tease. "And you can't hurt Obito. I wouldn't forgive you." She also stated seriously.

Laughing a small maniacal laugh, Orochimaru added. "Don't worry. I won't hurt him. I just want to exchange information with him, in regards to sealing techniques, that's all." It would seem like Orochimaru has some plans in particular, but right now Anko is in a hurry.

'Well... I think Obito wouldn't mind with this...' Anko thought, unsure about why Orochimaru wasn't exactly placing any safeguard to better protect his side of the deal, while also at the same time asking for so little.

It was suspicious, but at the same time, it wasn't like Anko could rely on Obito to do everything for everyone. She had to make herself capable enough to stand by his side, just as he has those others growing stronger as well.

"I'll try..." Anko replied unsurely.

"Great. Come on then. I'm sure that you want to meet with your future husband now, do you not?" It was almost as if Orochimaru had taken a part or had almost planned out everything from the start.

"Ok!" Anko followed after Orochimaru as they would run down the hallway of this secret base, though not without Anko managing to snag a vial of some kind that happened to have some sort of red liquid within.

She would start here, with this vial that contains something that very well may be blood. After escaping with Obito, she now not only wants to be by his side, but to also investigate everything going on with Orochimaru, her father-figure.

That would all start with this vial of blood, and sure enough she could get some help from others as well. Specifically Obito as well.

Or maybe using the Snake summons they could figure something out. Right now however, focus on a safe escape was of utmost importance.

Of course, Anko or any others that had been marked by Obito with the Hiraishin mark, his Hiraishin mark could use it, or vice versa. The problem with that is that Obito had been working on his new Hiraishin mark, preventing anyone from properly using the marks left on them.

So, for now they would all have to come and meet up elsewhere. Anko just wonders whether or not those others that Obito lived with would be coming along, like the Legendary Sannin Tsunade Senju.

'Maybe Lady Tsunade could help with my investigation as well...' Anko thought to herself, her eyes narrowed as she followed after Orochimaru while watching his back.


Minato was not exactly having the best day right now, having been stopped by Obito's clones, halting him from progressing to outside of the village, which from what he could tell, where those escaping were headed.

Though, by now he was completely stopped in his tracks, not expecting Obito, or more specifically his clones to not only be strong enough to resist dispersing upon being hit, meaning that they were not Shadow Clones, but also still had abilities strong enough to further hinder him.

Though, one thing was for sure.

Obito doesn't currently have the same level of proficiency over his Hiraishin as he himself does.

Minato was one of the most powerful shinobi in history, considered by many as unmatched by anyone else. During the Third Shinobi World War, flee-on-sight orders were given to enemy shinobi should they encounter him.

He was able to single-handedly wipe out an army of one thousand Iwagakure shinobi, a feat that forced Onoki to accept a peace treaty.

Minato's fighting style revolved mainly around suddenly appearing and just as quickly taking down enemies, often excluding traditional time-consuming methods such as hand seals.

Of course, his exclusion of time-consuming hand seals was either a sign of his impressive chakra control, a sign of his disregard for chakra cost for techniques, having a large amount of chakra himself, or it was a result of both.

Minato himself knows that this is both.

Sure, he may not hold the capacity to have a large amount of chakra at the same capacity as some bloodline limit holders, but he can at least claim to have potential in terms of chakra capacity at the same level of some bloodline limit holders.

He would compare himself as such because there has been a trend where those that are from long standing clans, at the most with bloodline limits, in general have a greater potential when it comes to chakra.

'And I am still better than them all...' Minato was at least proud of his abilities.

Minato was taught by Jiraiya how to summon toads, and was one of the few people to earn the respect and full cooperation of Gamabunta. He had skill with barrier ninjutsu. Minato was also an adept sensor, able to detect chakra signatures from great distances.

For closer targets, he could detect everyone within an area by placing his finger on the ground. Minato was also proficient in the nature transformations of Fire, Wind, Lightning, along with Yin and Yang Release.

Minato's other signature ability was the Flying Thunder God Technique, which he gained greater mastery and versatility than its creator, the Second Hokage. His exploits with this technique gained him the moniker 'Konoha's Yellow Flash.'

Using the technique, he could instantly move to the location of anything marked with his special seal, whether a tool, place, or person that was branded. Minato could bring others with him, though he needed to provide the chakra for their transport.

He did not need to accompany targets he teleported, giving him a defensive option to teleport incoming projectiles away. He also had skill in teaching others Space-Time Ninjutsu, having been magnanimous enough to teach the Hokage Guard Platoon the Flying Thunder Formation Technique.

Minato had his own special brand of kunai for combat; triple-prong kunai for better offensive potential. He would throw them at opponents or wield them as melee tools, even in his mouth.

Their main use came from the Flying Thunder God seals they were marked with, allowing him to teleport to wherever one of the kunai was thrown.

He carried a large number of kunai in the field that he would scatter across a wide area so that he could move around with more options.

Although his normal tactics with kunai did not require precision, Minato nevertheless had excellent aim and could coordinate his throws' timing and placement to allow him to perform complex maneuvers.

Minato was hailed as the fastest shinobi of his time. While this recognition was due in part to his space–time ninjutsu, Minato's natural speed and prowess with the Body Flicker Technique were immense.

He could easily outstrip three other Kage-Level ninja and engage an enemy or retrieve an ally before anyone realized what he was doing.

He could cover a considerable distance in a short amount of time and perform a technique before an opponent could finish theirs.

He could appear before sensors could detect his approach and instantly defeat three shinobi with minimal effort. Minato's reflexes allowed him to react to and avoid techniques with no warning, such Lightning Straight.

Minato had large chakra reserves, able to summon the massive Toad Boss Gamabunta, as well as teleport multiple massive targets like a tailed beast and their attacks. His chakra control was very refined, evidenced by his ability to weave hand seals with only one hand.

Minato came to a stop, for he was dealing with the real deal up front. "Obito Uchiha... your actions now could be considered reason enough for your death."

"I gave you a warning." Obito replied.

"I gave you my own..." Minato replied, knowing better now since getting a small handle on Obito through his clones. "I will need to power up to take you down, won't I?" Minato questioned rhetorically.

"You can try." Obito replied.

Minato narrowed his eyes, before he would flash forward using the Body Flicker Technique to try and catch Obito off guard, though this wouldn't work, and he wouldn't be able to touch Obito either.

"I told you, you can try. I forgot to say that you would fail."