
V.2-C.13│Getting Accustomed III│

Everyone was standing around, specifically looking towards one person in particular that was now basically hog-tied. It would seem that the group of exiles from Konohagakure have now found themselves an individual that has been spying on them.

"And you are...?" The confusion was evident, but it all happened a few hours ago, in the form of a disturbance felt by Kushina.

Someone with negative intent that was not only seemingly willing to come here, where they have currently posted up, but come here with the intent to... possibly kill.

The individual, the man with average looking facial features, but had an abnormal hair color in the form of the standard Uzumaki red, but lacking the violet eyes, remained silent and spoke not a word.

"He's not going to speak..." Mikoto said as they had gathered around to ask about this person before them.

"No, it would seem like he won't." Tsunade added her own thoughts on the matter.

"Where did Mr. Sakumo and Miss Haruhi go anyway? Are they still keeping an eye out on other areas?" Obito asked, not sure if they should be worried or not about these two not being seen.

"Don't know. They should be fine though." Tsunade answered, before turning to look towards their captee.

"If you are so sure then." Obito replied as he too looked at the tied-up individual. "Are you going to give us your name, or anything?"

The man just started back, not saying a word, instead just remaining silent and glaring at all of them currently here.

"What are we to do with him then? He must be a local..." Kushina wanted to do something, possibly even interrogate the man with some... not so pleasant methods. After all, others may not be able to sense someone's 'intent,' but she most definitely can.

It really seemed like he wanted to kill someone, but he lacked the means to do so, for from the moment of his discovery to the moment of his capture, right to this very instance, the intruder didn't show off any capabilities in being able to harm anything or anyone.

In fact, ever since finding out that Mikoto is now pregnant, and she was actually quite well along in the pregnancy, it made sense to Kushina why Tsunade was protective of Mikoto more so over anyone else when they were escaping.

Which, of course, when Kushina found out herself, she would be protective over Mikoto as well, and in the instance that someone came at her and Mikoto with the intent to kill, or at least what seemed like the intent to kill, Kushina was willing to do more than just ruff up the man a bit.

"I don't think there will be a need for that." Tsunade stated, as she looked towards Mikoto's Sharingan eyes and the eyes of Obito's as well. 'Genjutsu should be a very useful tool in this instance.' Tsunade thought to herself.

"Then...?" Kushina trailed off.

"Leave it to Obito and Mikoto here." Tsunade stated.

Before Obito or Mikoto would do anything though, Mikoto would look towards Kurenai who was also standing here alongside Rin and Anko as well. "Kurenai... come here." Mikoto said, gesturing for the younger girl to come towards them.

"What is it...?" Kurenai asked as she moved forward, not to sure where this was going.

"We are going to continue with your training. Just because we no longer 'belong' to a village any longer, doesn't mean we should let our skills decay, now do we?" Mikoto stated and asked at the same time, expecting only one answer.

"Right..." Kurenai herself didn't like having to practice or train right now, but it was also like she wasn't going to have any other time to do so either.

"Good. Now come here." Mikoto motioned for Kurenai to move towards her faster, and she did. "Now... here is something new that I think you should see if you can use." Mikoto would then proceed to teach Kurenai something new, and because she is smart enough, Kurenai should be able to at least remember the process.

In fact, Obito watched what was happening as well, and would be surprised to find that Mikoto was currently giving a quick teaching of the technique that was mainly used by the Yamanaka.

'Where and when did she learn that...?' Obito thought to himself, but then soon remembered that Mikoto could have learned this technique via her Sharingan. 'This should be interesting...'

The Mind Body Switch Technique is the signature technique of the Yamanaka clan. It has a whole bunch of other techniques inherently born of and from this main technique as well, meaning that it has a few other derived techniques.

The user converts their consciousness to spiritual energy, which they send at a target. Their consciousness moves slowly towards the target and travels in a straight line. If the user misses their target, it will take several minutes for their consciousness to find its way back to their own body.

To prevent this from happening, the Mind Body Switch should only be used against targets that are stationary or that are restrained. When their consciousness does successfully make it to the target, the user supplants the target's mind and takes total control of their body.

Right now, what Mikoto seems to be teaching Kurenai is some derivative technique from the main one, which does require Kurenai to have some basic understanding of the basics.

Obito himself watched and tried to decipher what the technique would or could be about.

The Mind Body Switch is ideal for intelligence-gathering, and in fact that's why it was originally created. The target's body can be used to explore locations that the user can't enter and read documents that the user can't access.

Users can take advantage of the target's physical abilities, such as a bird's flight to better recon an area. Users can also perform their own jutsu while possessing another, notably their sensory skills. While possessing another's body, users can communicate with their targets.

Ordinarily, the Mind Body Switch lasts until the user chooses to release it. Targets with strong wills can force users from their body, something that becomes easier to do if the user is low on chakra.

Obito himself thought that while he may have no actual use for this technique himself, it could go a long way in helping him develop his own techniques if he understands this stuff as well. For now, he will just watch and see more where this goes.

While a user is possessing a target, their own body is left inert. This isn't necessarily an issue in one-on-one encounters, but when facing multiple opponents this leaves their body vulnerable to attack. Furthermore, any damage the possessed body receives is done to their original body as well.

If the Mind Body Switch is used on an ally for whatever reason, the ally's consciousness can be transferred to the user's body so that it won't be defenseless.

Truly, it is a useful technique and can be categorized under the chakra nature of 'Yin.' Which is perfect for the techniques that Obito is currently making also happens to be categorized as such, or he would at least categorize Thought Acceleration and Memory Partition to be 'Yin' in nature.

What Mikoto seemed to teach Kurenai not only involved this technique, but it seemed to be a method with which one could explore the mind of another and gather secrets from within.

It made sense, since the Yamanaka were a clan that seemed to be involved not only in intelligence, but also involved in things to do with interrogations as well. After all, their mind-altering techniques may not be actually altering another's mind, but it was certainly giving them some insight into the human mind.

"... Got it?" Mikoto asked as she finally finished giving Kurenai the run down.

"Of course." Kurenai nodded her head back, ready to proceed.

"Good. Then, let's begin." Mikoto nudged Kurenai forward, allowing her this chance to start increase her own genjutsu or at least Yin based technique skills to increase.

Of course, Mikoto did this specifically to Kurenai to have her do this not only because she wants to help Kurenai continue her education, but to also allow herself some rest. Being pregnant was, is, a very... let's just say, exhausting task.

With the whole thing known as chakra involved, it makes things both much more complicated, yet much simpler as well.

Kurenai looked into the eyes of the person she would use this technique on and counted down within her head. '1... 2... 3...' When she finished, and went through the techniques hand signs, alongside manipulating her chakra in a certain way, her consciousness was soon then transferred into the body of the young man.

Though, this wasn't a switch between the two, and it was more like the main part of Kurenai's consciousness went into the young man's mind, while some stayed behind, but it wasn't enough mental fortitude to keep her actual body awake.

In doing so, her main body went unconscious, leaving Obito to catch her from just absolutely falling to the ground. "How long will she take?" Tsunade asked.

"The Yamanaka are certainly a very skilled bunch. They may not be genjutsu experts, but by nature, Kurenai is ready to start delving into techniques that require much more 'Yin' based control. Since this is her first time, it should take a few minutes, at least." Mikoto explained.

"Can you explain just what technique that was?" Obito asked, curious to understand more.

"You want to learn it as well?" Mikoto asked, unsure of why he would want to, because he doesn't need and easily has other methods at his disposal. Something like this is much more suited to someone like Kurenai, who is not overall that physically strong.

In fact, Mikoto herself is also not that physically strong in comparison with someone like Tsunade or Kushina, the two of them being powerhouses in their physically capabilities. Especially Tsunade.

"Yes. I want to use it... as a reference for a technique I am making." Obito replied, not giving too much away, given that this technique is dangerous, or should be in its development.

"Sure." Mikoto would then teach it to Obito as well, but instead of going through the whole theoretical process, she could just show him by using it herself. Of course, she just used it to take control of some harmless animal, allowing Obito to observe through his Sharingan how to use it.

All that was or is needed from there is everything else that Mikoto currently has access to. Obito learnt all that she knew about the Yamanaka clan's techniques.

When one really thinks about it, much like Tsunade and Kushina whom are both watching the two, they could only lament the fact that the Sharingan is quite the cheat of an ability.

Soon Obito would get what he wanted, and Kurenai after about half an hour would come out of the consciousness of the young man she had just delved into within his head.

"So, what information could you gather?" Tsunade asked Kurenai would was now waking up fully from her small 'sleep.'

Kurenai found herself having been placed down into a much more comfortable position for her body to rest. "He... That guy is supposedly from some sort of small resistance created some time along. Remnants of the residents of this destroyed nation." Kurenai replied.

The individual in question was knocked out cold, his mind not being able to handle the strain placed on him by the technique that Kurenai used. "His name?"

"He is simply called Ashina. No family name." Kurenai replied.

"Oh... the name of the leader of Uzushiogakure from its founding." Kushina said aloud her thoughts on that matter.

"Interesting. He isn't an Uzumaki. What is his purpose for being here then?" Tsunade asked some more.

"He was here... he was here to try and assassinate Kushina and Obito?" Kurenai seemed confused though.

"Why, what is it?" Obito asked seeing her confusion.

"He wasn't ordered to come and try and kill. He also doesn't have any capabilities that would suggest why he was so confident in coming here to kill you two." Kurenai herself was confused, but she was also a bit angered at this fact.

She herself wanted to beat up the man more so now, while Kushina wasn't as mad as before. She disliked the idea of her pregnant friend being hurt more so than herself. "Is that all...? What an idiot." Kushina stated.

"Kushina... I don't think you should be saying that. The people that have survived really do see you as some sort of savior for them. This young man here wanted to kill you and Obito because the two of you somehow threaten one of the factions here." Kurenai explained.

"Great, politics." Tsunade sighed and shook her head.

"It would seem that way...?" Obito was confused as well, but Kurenai would help to better answer their questions, making all the easier for everyone to gain a better understanding of the Land of Whirlpools that is no longer the Land of Whirlpools.

It's culture, religion, people, economy, which is non-existent, alongside anything and everything else that would probably give them a better idea about which next steps they should take.

It would seem however, that there was one important piece of information above the others gathered.

The fact that some sort of party would be coming their way to install Kushina as their new leader.

Tsunade believed this to be a perfect way for them to start protecting themselves, and it would make sense to gather up enough strength and influence so that Konoha doesn't come looking.

There are many avenues to explore.