
V.2-C.11│Getting Accustomed I│

The Land of Whirlpools, a place that has long since been abandoned for quite some time now, ever since the Second World War, nearing its end this place, it's people, it's economy, wealth, infrastructure, all has been lost and ruined beyond what a standard level of repair would be able to fix.

The Land of Whirlpools is where the Uzumaki clan originates from. It no longer exists, having been destroyed and the rest of the survivors scattered across the world. The surname Uzumaki was very common in this country. It was located on an island off of the coast of the Land of Fire.

Then there is the main location, mainstay of this Land known as Uzushiogakure.

Uzushiogakure, Hidden Eddy Village, or Village Hidden by Whirling Tides was the shinobi village of the Land of Whirlpools. Its ninja were renowned for their fuinjutsu to the point that it led to its destruction in war. Those who survived the village's destruction scattered across the globe to seek refuge.

The destruction of the Hidden Village eventually lead to the destruction of the country as a whole, and while it is true that the main family name here was Uzumaki, a lot of the other things present within these lands was hard to discover.

Their secrets, their culture, traditions, skills, if they had anyone with unique bloodline limit holders other than the mainstay Uzumaki clan that was a little more infamous throughout the world today.

In some ways, the Uzumaki clan name could be said to be the most widespread and well known throughout these lands is because the people adopted it from their people that came here.

Now, the Uzumaki, and even those that only had taken the family name of Uzumaki and were not actually a part of the mainstay clan, was, is, a name that is no longer seen anywhere within the world.

People would most assuredly make sure to not use that name if they were given it, or were born with it simply because of the implications of being found by their enemies.

There is a reason Uzushiogakure and the Land of Whirlpools in general was taken down and destroyed completely, with nothing but ruins left to accompany most of the landscape across the islands this nation used to exist on.

After having meet up with a few others, that being Rin Nohara, Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi, Haruhi Nohara and Sakumo Hatake, Obito along with Tsunade Senju, Mikoto Uchiha, Kushina Uzumaki and Shizune all started their journey towards these lands.

These unfortunate lands that are now in ruins.

Meeting and greeting with each other was now over, and they had a plan to set out towards the Land of Whirlpools since this place is most importantly one of the safest places to be.

If anything, the very nature of these islands would make it hard for most to traverse, with the sea acting as a nice border between itself and the mainland or other Lands, like the Land of Water.

Who would expect them to go here as well? Given that Tsunade and Kushina should have a strange relationship with this place, most would assume they would stay away from the place that either their family had originated from, or that they themselves have come from.

That aside, they had no choice but to go here... Well, there is always more choices, but the safest and clearest options for now would be to stay within these lands and see where they would go from there.

The trip to the Land of Whirlpools was naturally easy, especially since there was no way there would be anyone of great power stopping them from progressing.

There really wasn't any checkpoints where they needed to cross, especially since they were all trained enough that they could avoid dangerous landscape and environments, and trained enough to outmaneuver the basic. lower level guardsman spread throughout the land in many places.

The Land of Fire may have the largest population amongst the five great nations, and probably throughout the rest of the world, but they have such small areas and lands, small villages or towns spread throughout this massive landscape.

Truly, the Land of Fire is a great place for those wishing to expand and experiment with many things, whether that be for science, or for other avenues and ventures, like business, even when the economy is lacking in a lot of ways.

The Land of Whirlpools environment could be called... hostile, for there were a lot of things, a lot of nature that had started to move in once the presence of humans had decreased.

Nature is the great reclaimer, and once humans move out of an area, one would be surprised with how quickly animals are quick to adapt to the environment left behind by humans.

Supplies were gathered along the way, easily enough of course with the usage of anything and everything they have at their disposal. From techniques, to basic and simple hunting, to just going into some random town or village, disguised of course, and then just trading to get what they want and sell some stuff they had gathered.

Along the way, the group would go on to further introduce themselves to each other and stuff like that. The basics and all, getting a better understanding of each other and their capabilities, in case there is ever a time to work together as a team and face off against some opponents.

Then there is the factor that most of those that were coming along are in actuality female, of course making a weird dynamic, but it wasn't like there wouldn't be some other guys as soon as they would settle down elsewhere.

Obito, poor Obito would have to... entertain the women that have come along with him, not that it wasn't something bad or anything like that. Splitting his attention and spending time with others as need be, or even wanted, is easy enough since he doesn't even need to directly train himself.

Shadow Clones for the win, and if it was really required, using his shadow clones as a way to allow him to be with multiple people at once was also simple.

But, Obito didn't like using shadow clones, or any other clones exactly because he isn't actually there with them, and instead it was like an artificial experience. He certainly has tried to come up and focus the shadow clones such that it would be something real, but he found out soon enough that this was flawed.

It was a great technique, but it was lacking in several areas of what Obito would like for it to have. He would like to be able to have full on extensions of himself, where he can control them, manipulate and move the clones, talk with them as if they are his own physical body.

That would be asking too much however, meaning that Obito would now have to set out on another project that would allow him to do so.

Using the Shadow Clone technique as a sort of basis, in combination with the Wood Clone technique since it allows them to exist even further allowing such clones to take a certain amount of damage, he would plot to create a new technique once again.

He already has great experience, yet he would have to delve deep into the very recesses of his mind to create something prefect. Of course, the strain on his mind would be greater as well, but he could handle it.

If he can handle the large amount of information, even if similar, taken in by shadow clones once they disperse, he could certainly survive splitting his consciousness, his mind into several 'compartments,' as he would like to put it.

The idea of being able to be at multiple places at once, like actually in full view and perception came from the idea of the Six Paths of Pain that he remembered. The Rinnegan is quite the cool tool, and Obito also understands that he would probably soon get his own Rinnegan at this point like ghost Sasuke had said.

Knowing this, understanding this, he also remembered the whole ordeal with Nagato as Pain in his previous life and his access to what is known as the Six Paths of Pain.

Being able to control multiple bodies, and they are actually under your control is cool and all, but those bodies aren't his own. Also, Obito just wanted the mental aspect taken from that and placed within a modified clone technique.

Which would lead him to having to further concentrate and come up with some way to increase how many 'main thoughts' he would have access to.

He came up with two things.

Memory Partition. It is the ability to partition ones thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single 'room' in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms.

He got the whole room idea from the whole sealing process, and he has quite a few examples to pull from. In a way, sealing techniques could also be connected to space-time techniques for it creates a whole separate space that is bigger on the inside.

As a jinchuriki for Kurama, and then the pseudo-jinchuriki now for Kaguya Otsutsuki, Obito pulls from that and can now create the Memory Partition technique.

Of course, this is just the first part that he has come to, and he is quite limited in being able to further increase the amount of 'thoughts' or 'rooms' that he could have.

It is different than having multiple independent machines in their heads because, while there are multiple processes, they work toward one goal. They manage different problem sets, but work together to generate one overall solution.

Then the next technique that kind of came about by accident or more like luck when he was developing Memory Partition, he had made another idea or in-development technique that he dubbed, Thought Acceleration.

It is exactly as what it says to do in the title, accelerating his thoughts or giving him the ability to think faster.

With these two things, he hopes to make himself 'smarter,' for while being able to think faster and being able to think on multiple things at once doesn't exactly mean he would become smarter, it would give the illusion that it has.

Again, this idea was by luck, but it also draws on some aspects of what a 'computer' was from his previous life. Right now, computers are a thing, but they are not at the same level of technology as it was in his previous life.

Soon enough it would get to that point, and then even better after.

Anyway, with Memory Partition in combination with Thought Acceleration, Obito knows that he is a step closer to being able to access and control multiple clones as he would like.


Obito was drawn in by Kaguya now, especially since a few days ago she has been sending this signal out towards him and it seemed to be important.

However, he needed to make sure he is not only safe, but those around him are safe as well, so that he can lay his worries to rest.

Sure, they are strong and growing stronger, but his worry is only exemplified by the fact that he isn't exactly at the same level of power as his former self was at. He is getting closer sure, and then there is also the fact that he can't be with them twenty-four-seven.

A factor that also contributed to his idea of creating a way for him to be with each person he cares for at some risk to himself, leading him to creating said techniques related to him being able to perceive anywhere and everywhere all of the time.

From Memory Partition and Thought Acceleration to be put to future use, Hiraishin: Sensor so that he may survey and make sure his close ones are safe, or at least is in a safe enough environment, to other things in the works that involve his dimension, the Kamui Dimension.

It would be foolish of him to have come this far, yet to fail at the last second simply because he would get protective over those he loves.

He was one of the greatest fools, or idiots in his past life, and he wasn't willing to make the same mistake by not having as many backup plans as possible.

Stepping into this white space, Obito would soon once again see the older woman by who knows how long, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"Kaguya...?" He asked as he saw her waiting for him.

"Obito, come closer." She motioned for him to come closer and so he did come closer.

Stepping close enough, Kaguya reached forward with her hand towards him, and simply grabbed ahold of his hand, and what happened next was strange.

A strange feeling enveloped him, as if there was something being unlocked, and once that happened, he felt a strange flow of information enter his head.

The information wasn't much, and just a simple instruction about what had just happened. Obito and Kaguya have now formed a proper 'connection' in the form of a proper seal, meaning that now Obito is truly a jinchuriki of sorts.

Still, if he didn't really benefit from having Kaguya inside him from before, now he would most certainly benefit in the form of some limited abilities gifted to him simply because she and he share a certain amount of trust with each other.

"Well...? This is certainly new." Kaguya stated as she took a contemplative expression, though she didn't stop holding his hand and neither of the two seemed to notice.

"You felt that too?" He asked.

"Yes. It would seem that I have finally at least gotten the ability to see through your eyes..." That was something new, meaning that what Obito views, so too can Kaguya at least see through him.

"And in return... I will be able to access some of your powers?" He was a bit confused about what exactly she has to offer him.

"It would seem it is just my sensory abilities..." Kaguya stated, before adding. "Alongside some of my chakra helping to boost your own. That is good. It will make it easier for you to gather up the chakra of the other Tailed Beasts."

"I guess..." Obito didn't know how to feel about someone being able to just see what he is doing all of the time, but it was like a deal in place. She can have that, and he can what she has in terms of perception based traits. "Wait... Does that mean I could like... use your Byakugan...?"

That would certainly be strange.

"Maybe, maybe not. I'm unsure. We should test things." It would seem that Kaguya was strangely excited for some reason.

"Uh, before anything else happens, I think I better explain the situation right now. You see..." Obito would then go on to explain things, especially about this idea about being reincarnated but sent back into the past before everything else.

Kaguya was shocked, for she has definitely not heard anything about this before, and neither has this type of thing happened before either.

It gave pause to her goals or desires, but it would matter not. Now she is much more connected to Obito, and she likes it.

Though she wouldn't tell him that, now would she. "That is ok. I understand." Kaguya said, before she noticed she was still holding his hand. She took her hand back a bit aggressively, before she would quickly add. "Sorry."

She was usually not one to apologize, but she didn't want Obito to feel as if she didn't like his touch. Far from it really. "No, no. It's ok." Obito shook his head. "I guess this means some more stuff will be revealed once we gather more chakra from the Tailed Beasts and you become stronger..."

"Yes." Kaguya stepped forward towards him. She looked at him directly into his eyes. "Thank you. You don't know how much you simply coming to visit me, to help me, means to me."

"Well..." Obito didn't have anything to say.

"Again, thank you." Kaguya would go in for a hug, and she would be successful, fearing for a second though as Obito would not hug her back for a few seconds.

Soon enough though, Obito would return her hug, allowing her to have a small smile appear on her face.