
V.2-C.1│Into Exile I│

There are those that know things, and there are those that don't. Most of the time, it was ignorance, willful ignorance even, for things that one should know, or at least look into, but don't.

One could consider Obito is willfully ignorant, of a lot of things, or at least he used to be ignorant and as he grew up in his previous life, he was exposed to all things that the shinobi world could call tragic.

Horrific and grotesque.

In his new life, he was exposed to things, evils that while maybe not exactly much worse than what he has been exposed to, was still just as bad.

He has matured, had matured...

Or at least that is what he would have liked to believe, as it seems that that his trust, as minimal as he kept it because of the suspicious things brought to his attention, was still sort of broken.

No longer could he exactly look at the village the same way, or more specifically those that he would consider people of good nature and hearts. 'Well, now that I think about it, Fugaku Uchiha and Danzo Shimura are not exactly shining examples of good people...' Obito thought to himself, currently locked away within a cell, voluntarily, until they determine what they are to do next.

They haven't been able to do anything to him, get any information from him, and can't do anything really with his capabilities of escape. He has made sure to not be touched by Minato, for he understands that Minato need only mark him once to be able to teleport to and from him whenever he likes.

Obito was currently thinking about his own next steps.

Like, where does he go from here? Being exiled was not cool and all, but it doesn't exactly stop him from doing what he wishes to do. He will soon not be able to live or even enter the Land of Fire, but that didn't mean he can't go elsewhere.

If anything, he could create a home anywhere. Much in the same manner that Hashirama Senju was able to as well, in just conjuring homes and infrastructure through the usage of Wood Release.

It wasn't only powerful and useful for combative situations, but worthwhile to be used for other things. Like the building of, well, buildings.

'Well, it's not like I will be building any villages now am I?' Obito thought to himself amusedly, but at the same time, he was a bit saddened that his home, or what he once thought of as a home, was now making sure that it isn't.

As confusing as this situation is, Obito doesn't know exactly what is going on, and doesn't care enough to push through the bullshit and get himself to stay. No, his plans had changed ever since his first meeting with Kaguya.

He no longer was looking at just the level surrounding his own home, or the elemental nations as a whole, but instead is looking at the world wide stage.

There is not much he could do from being just a normal shinobi, and if he really wanted to do anything, it would probably require him to make a few... less than nice actions.

Specifically, he would have to do what was done to him and other jinchuriki. To do what the Akatsuki might still do themselves, but his purpose is slightly different from theirs.

He will need more personal power, yes, but he also understands that having everything just on himself would be detrimental.

No one, or at least no one should have the power and responsibilities of saving the world on their shoulders. At the same time however, Obito understands that with his power, great power that is increasing with purpose, it shows him that he needs to be more responsible.

Takin onto himself many things, he has done many things, yet that stuff is no longer valid. For that space and time is no longer a thing, but what he does know is that he should focus on is the here and now.

'Yeah, but what the hell am I supposed to do now...?' He couldn't exactly leave, at least not yet, not without knowing about the others.

His friends, or family, or both and more. "Young Master." A voice spoke, appearing besides himself, shocking Obito as he screamed out loud for a bit, but before he could make much noise at all, the being that appeared in front of him just placed a not so human hand over his mouth to stop his noise.

After this initial reaction, Obito got a better look. It was Zetsu. Moving Zetsu's hand away, Obito spoke. "Damn Zetsu. Don't scare me like that." For now, Obito would try to make his best use of Zetsu, no doubt as Zetsu is using him.

If anything, Obito still hadn't asked Kaguya how he should handle her creation here. Did she consider Zetsu... a child of hers? In a sense, it would make sense given that Zetsu was created through her, through her will.

"My apologies, Young Master. I have seen what is happening. If you wish for my assistance, I may give it." Zetsu replied.

"Assistance, huh? I'm not sure what is going on. Can you explain to me who is behind this?" While Obito didn't exactly plan to clear his name, as that would be impossible at this point, given that he knows that some level of politics would be involved, that didn't mean he couldn't try and better understand what has happened.

Zetsu responded. "Well, from what I understand, your village leaders seem to have it out for you." This information was not exactly something new, but Obito didn't think it was everyone. "Much like your grandfather..." Zetsu added.

Which is true, for Madara, while not exactly estranged from the village, was someone that felt it was truly real, in that people were against him.

In some ways, they were against him becoming the Hokage.

"I guess you can see it that way..." Obito replied.

"Danzo Shimura seems to see you as an obstacle, while Fugaku Uchiha seems to also see you as an obstacle, but their reasons are different. One is because of his own desires to be Hokage and rule Konohagakure, while the other wants your woman, Mikoto Uchiha, whilst also harboring the very same designs for power." Zetsu explained.

"I see..." Obito replied, enlightened by this new information.

"Then there is Minato Namikaze, and while not as... let's just say, selfish, as those other two, he does also have desires for your other woman, Kushina Uzumaki. Though, it seems much more likely he wants to use her potential as a jinchuriki." Zetsu further explained.

"Is Minato really like that...?" Obito asked, unsure about how to feel about this. Though, thinking back to his previous life.

'I was angry. Angry that he would seal Kurama within me, all because of the village. His job as it may be at the time was to protect the village... but still...' Obito could forgive him for that, for he had overcome such problems.

Though, in this new life he has had a new perspective, one taken away from the normal system of indoctrination that would be used and was used on him. Perspective.

It framed everything, and everything framed by his perspective allowed him to see things that he may not have seen before.

He understands that Minato was... not the best family man, his decisions were absolutely horrible, and in many ways he could have not sealed Kurama within him.

'But that shouldn't matter now...' Obito thought, before he looked towards Zetsu, taking in and remembering every detail about Zetsu's current looks. "I will stay. For now."

"As you wish, Young Master. Please do tell me where you will be setting up next." Zetsu started to go back into the ground, disappearing and Obito noticed that Zetsu had the ability to hide himself from his perception.

Specifically, his chakra based perception abilities. 'I need to redevelop and recreate my chakra sensing abilities...' Obito though before he would take a seat, waiting for what comes next.


"What do you mean?" Mikoto asked as someone had just informed of something rather... outrageous.

"I heard that they are going to be exiling Obito! They think he is a traitor!" Kushina exclaimed, having come to know about what was going on behind the scenes.

"What...?" Mikoto couldn't believe it, for Obito was no traitor to the village... to the Land of Fire...

"Mikoto..." Kushina looked at Mikoto with a fierce look within her eyes. "What do we do?" She asked, not entirely sure of what she should do, except that she will take Obito out of wherever he is right now if she has too, and then escape.

To where? She doesn't know, but she needs to make sure he is doing fine right now.

"Don't worry. Obito can escape if he wants to, remember?" Mikoto asked right back, before trying to calm the otherwise not so calm Kushina. "Kushina. He could come anytime." Yes, that was weird, but at the same time, Mikoto is pretty sure that Obito wouldn't just be stupid and try and escape.

That is the same as turning himself into a criminal. No, right now, Mikoto has to consider other things due to this new information coming to her.

"Right... I understand. But, it was Minato and the rest of the Konoha council that has gathered this evidence saying that he has done some... shady things." Kushina is aware that some shady things may be in association with herself, or others.

An example being the fact that Obito and Mikoto needed eyes, Mangekyo Sharingan eyes from another person, preferably of the same blood type, so that they do not go blind.

"We know that Obito isn't like that." Mikoto replied, whilst thinking inwardly. 'But I am...' She was prepared and willing to do... not so good or moral things. She was prepared to kill a list of candidates that would have potential match of eyes for Obito, and herself.

Now, she may not have to worry about that because Obito managed to get his hands on his own set, or something else miraculous happened. He also has a pair of eyes, eyes that exactly come from the boy known as Shisui Uchiha, whom is said to be a suspected individual that has gone missing because of Obito.

Kushina had already explained some things to Mikoto, like that accusation, alongside many others, though some were not as significant and small, while others, or more like the very few that are being pinned on Obito are actually huge.

Huge enough to possibly warrant Obito's execution, yet things don't seem to be adding up.

'And even if Obito has done these things...' Mikoto stopped there, already knowing that she would push forwards with him all the way.

Even if he becomes evil, a tyrant or anything else, she would probably not care too much since she has decided from a long time ago where her loyalties lie. Her trust. Her love.

"Mikoto? Are you even listening?" Kushina questioned her taking ahold of Mikoto's shoulders and shaking her back and forth to snap her out of whatever it was she was in.

"Calm down, Kushina. I'm listening." Mikoto replied, physically getting Kushina to stop her shenanigan's.

"Then? What should we do? Are we... Are we going to leave Konoha?" Kushina didn't have much attachment to this place, though Kushina should also understand why this might be a bad idea.

"I don't know." How could Mikoto know? If anything, it does seem like they would be.

Then one might question, they? Yes they. For Mikoto was aware of the change in relationship behavior between Kushina and Obito, just as Kushina had probably grown aware of between herself and Obito as well.

'Which does remind me. I think it is time that we should talk about such things, but right now, other things should come first. Like where we are going to go...' Mikoto thought, as Kushina seemed to have something to say.

"It may be dangerous if I come." Kushina stated, reminding Mikoto of the consequences of not only following after Obito being seen as a defiant act that would make them rogue shinobi, but also become aware of the consequences in particular relating to Kushina.

She is the Kyuubi's jinchuriki after all. Then there would be those that they are leaving behind, like Kurenai, Rin, and even the energetic, somewhat rude brat known as Anko Mitarashi.

"I understand, but I doubt that Obito is willing to leave you behind, nor me." Mikoto stated, and this statement made Kushina realize that Mikoto is probably aware of some other things going on.

"Then...? What are we to do now? I know that I am going to follow after him, and you, but I have the strangest feelings that Obito's friends may not like that he is forced to leave. If anything, those others may feel like following along as well." Kushina replied, explaining that this situation may become more complex.

Especially since there is Rin, another jinchuriki but a jinchuriki secret to the world at large.

"And what are we talking about?" A rambunctious tone, and feminine voice that both Kushina and Mikoto recognized had entered the room they were talking within.

"Lady Tsunade... we were-" Mikoto was interrupted.

"Don't worry about it. I understand, just as you two do, and I'm planning to follow after him myself. After all, I can't exactly leave my student unfinished in his studies." Tsunade replied, revealing to both women of her plans.

It also wasn't like Tsunade had much loyalty to Konoha at this point either, and she was much more interested in just what was behind those Sharingan eyes of Obito's.

Or she may just be using him as an excuse to get away. Either way, she just wants to follow Obito, wherever it is he may go.

"Are you... never mind." Mikoto felt strange about this, but at this point, she could care less about whom Obito intentionally or unintentionally manages to seduce.

"Then? What's the plan?" Kushina asked, giving over authority to either Mikoto or Tsunade, as not only are they older, stronger than her, but also has more experience in much more... devious and acts of subterfuge.

"Don't worry about it." Tsunade smiled, before she added. "I know for sure that we have some friends, or more like mutual friends of Obito's that wishes to help us out."