
V.1-C.96│Calm Before the Storm VI│

Begrudging, it was, that she would be the jinchuriki for the Kyuubi.

However, she supposed that being the jinchuriki for the most powerful Tailed Beast was not without its benefits. It also wasn't without its disadvantages as well.

Kushina's capabilities have only increased with the passage of time... Well, the measurement known as time reflected the change she has had upon working on her own abilities.

From those granted via being the Kyuubi's jinchuriki, to those that she has been born with, and those that are an learnt from her clan. In most, many, if not all ways she is the last inheritor of her clan's techniques and arts. Meaning that she could very well be the only thing left of her people's heritage, culture and teachings.

Sure, there are other Uzumaki, though rare as she has only come across a few others, like the recent Uzumaki descended boy known as Nagato, or the deceased Mito Uzumaki, whom Kushina had inherited her 'condition's from.

As an Uzumaki, Kushina was blessed with a strong life-force, granting her tremendous chakra reserves and vitality. This also gave her tremendous stamina, healing powers, and longevity.

Even by her clan's standards, Kushina's traits were especially potent, able to produce a powerful and special form of chakra that was well-suited to being a jinchuriki, having the entirety of the Nine-Tails sealed inside her and further enhancing her reserves.

'Poor Rin doesn't have any of that...' Kushina thought to herself.

Kushina was very talented and knowledgeable in the art of fuinjutsu; which she later taught to Obito to help him in developing his own skillset.

From her clan, she inherited sealing techniques to seal a tailed beast within a target, which could also be enhanced. With her chakra, Kushina could materialize Adamantine Sealing Chains, which were strong enough to restrain and subdue the Nine-Tails.

She could also form a barrier in conjunction with these chains keeping all from entering, even someone at the Hokage level would be hard pressed to break down such a barrier.

Her nature releases were of Wind, Water and Yin, though she was inherently born with and started out with Water as her primary elemental affinity.

A direct opposite to Obito's innate Fire affinity, however it wasn't something that would get in the way of what she wants... She still considered that she has a long way to go yet before she does fully realize her current dreams or aspirations.

That of starting a family with Obito.

Her former dream of wanting to be the Hokage was in some ways an attempt to claim some form of attention, positive attention, yet she didn't exactly gain anything like that.

Not until she was older, more mature, more powerful, and what could be considered the most important factor, she is considered very beautiful, so beautiful in fact that she has had a few encounters with men trying to vie for her attention.

Some surprising, some plain or simple, but none would really matter to her.

None of it matters to her.

The only thing that truly matters to her, is those she considered close to herself. Whether that be her, what she would consider, family and then friends.

Recently, or more like since it was revealed to Obito that she is the jinchuriki for the Kyuubi, she was kind of forced to keep on continuously confronting the Nine Tail's.

Obito thought that it would be a good thing to develop some sort of friendly relations with the Tailed Beast. She can't say for any other jinchuriki, but her own experiences with the beast has made her come to realize that it was a malicious being.

Something that wished to escape her, even if she were to die as a result, forcing it to have to wait and go through the excruciating process of 'rebirth.' Of reformation.

She didn't really listen to Obito, at first.

She didn't trust the Nine Tail's, and while she has it fully constrained through her own fuinjutsu methods, that didn't mean that it would perfectly keep it at bay forever.

At times, there were moments where she did feel her own spikes of anger or hatred towards a few things, especially after it was revealed that Konoha may have had a hand in destroying her homeland.

Even if unsure about that fact, it still contributed subconsciously, making it harder to see Konoha as a proper and safe home.

There really wasn't any other place that could be considered safe either. So, Konoha would have to do for now.

Kushina was currently being lazy, lounging around within the place she has come to call her home. For some reason, Mikoto has decided to take a very long leave from being a shinobi, but that didn't mean that Mikoto wasn't still honing herself.

'She has been taking it relatively easy...?' Kushina wondered what that could mean.

She took another bite out of the apple she happened to be eating. She would promptly finish it... whole. She didn't like to leave things unfinished.

As she did finish, she became aware of the approaching Obito, a chakra signature that she has ingrained into her memory, being and perhaps her soul, as with ease she recognized him.

It was all the more easier since everyone happened to be out and about today, disbarring herself of course. "Obito?" She questioned as she felt him behind herself.

"Hello, Kushina." He greeted her back.

"Why are you back so early?" She asked him as she dangled her legs in the air in a playful manner on the couch she has slouched onto.

"I finished my exercises early. I don't have anything else to do..." Obito answered her, giving her an idea, especially since there was no one else around, and no one else would be around for hours...

"Really...?" Getting up, she gets off of the couch, before looking towards the young man she has decided to wholeheartedly give her love to. "Say, what do you think about going out with me?" She only just after saying this realized how this may come off, though Obito didn't seem to take it this way.

"Sure. Where do you wanna go?" He replied easily, not realizing her intentions, nor even mistaking the intentions behind what she had just said.

"..." Clearing her throat a bit as she snapped put of her short lived embarrassment, Kushina, with a small blush upon her face replied. "How-... How about we go out and...have something to eat? She was new to this whole romance thing.

"Sure. I can do that with you anytime." He replied happily to her question, though she knew that he didn't know her actual intent.

"I mean..." She looked into his eyes as he grew a little confused at her continued speech. She knew that if she couldn't properly ask him now, she would probably never have a proper chance to do something about her current stalemate in her relationship with him. "I mean I want to go OUT with you." Kushina continued.

"Yeah...? I already agreed..." Obito still didn't seem to get it.

"No, I don't think you do get what I am talking about." She shook her head before she stepped forwards towards him. "I mean I want to GO OUT with you." She very pointedly said as she looked into his eyes trying to convey her meaning.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I under-" Before Obito could finish, she grew frustrated enough that she just placed her lips on his.

She kissed him! She really couldn't believe she had just done that, and it seemed like he didn't believe it either, for his eyes were opened wide before she stepped back. His expression was definitely amusing, but at the same time she felt a little shy at his reaction.

While not exactly what she was expecting, or wanting, it wasn't outright denial or a negative look, but through her sensory abilities gifted through the Kyuubi, she was able to sense... conflict? "Obito? What's wrong? Did you... not like it?" She asked, his expression turning a bit awkward, but he seemed a bit more calm after she spoke to him.

"No... I appreciate this, but I am unsure if this is the right thing to do..." Obito replied the conflict within him apparent to her as she sensed his emotions.

"Then? Are you rejecting me?"

"Of course not! I would never! It's just... things are complicated." If one knew Obito, one might assume that his conflict stemmed from him having multiple partners, selfishly gaining himself somewhat of a harem.

But no, he had already come to terms with his own feelings of want, of desire, of greed and lust. No, it had to do with something else. "I don't know if I should do this... I'm not sure if it is right?"

"Does it not feel right? To be with me?" Kushina asked, feeling a tad bit hurt that he was being like this. He wasn't outright rejecting, and it even seemed like he wanted her, just that something was holding him back and she didn't know what it was.

"That isn't what I mean." Obito replied as he kept hold of her stare.

"Prove it to me then. Prove to me that you accept me. Want me." Kushina stated boldly, wanting Obito to help alleviate her own hurt feelings, with whom he is responsible for.

Obito took a few seconds, and those few seconds felt like an eternity for her as Obito seemed almost if he was to reject her. To not prove her wrong.

That is until he leaned forward himself and became the initiator in the next few moments of a kiss shared between the two of them.

After this, Obito was not only the initiator, but also the one to put a stop to this small, innocent moment of love shared between them. "That is how I feel. That is what I want, but for reasons that I do not wish to disclose, I think we shouldn't continue down this path." He said to her, but this time she didn't feel hurt.

No, she now knew his feelings, as he stated verbally, and his admission was backed up through his actions. To her what he says after shouldn't matter anymore.

She had already decided she wouldn't be taking no for an answer. "Are you seeing someone else?" She had believed herself to be the first, but it would seem her wait had cost her a bit in terms of getting to him. Her question did receive an answer though.

"Admittedly, I am, and I am not only just seeing one person, but at this time, two people..." Obito replied to her honestly.

"Then that doesn't matter to me. Though, I would like to know with whom I am to share you with. Knowing you however, I can also assume that there may be multiple more women in your life that you would care for the way you do me, right?" Kushina asked him. "I am assuming it is just women, right?" She didn't take him to be someone interested in men.

"Of course I only like women!" He exclaimed, a moment where he seemed to be genuinely willing to speak up against. It seemed like he had some bad experience in that manner, though she doesn't think she has ever heard of this.

He also laughed awkwardly at that last point, before giving her the names of the two women he is seeing in a much more intimate manner. "First it was Mei, but we haven't done anything that could get the two of us in trouble..." Kushina kept silent waiting for the next name, which would surely surprise her.

"The second... now don't get too surprised, is Mikoto." Obito finished, allowing Kushina to absorb this information.

"I'm a bit surprised it wasn't Kurenai or Rin. Though, sooner or later those two will follow no doubt." Kushina smiled a bit. "This isn't a problem for me. I was prepared to share you with the others, as long as it is within reason, for a while now." She stepped forward once again, leaning on Obito and placing her full weight onto him.

Which was a breeze for him and his current physical strength.

She felt his muscles underneath all of that clothing of his, and wished to take a closer examination. "Well, there may also be something that has happened that is troublesome with Mikoto..." Obito said as Kushina stealthily started to feel him up a bit.

"Yeah...? And what is that...?" Kushina asked, though she really didn't want to do anything else right now. Her movements did start to get a reaction out of Obito though.

"What are you doing." Specifically, she grew a greater blush as she felt his... 'thing,' start to harden and increase in size. It was impressive really.

"What do you think?" Kushina smiled in a foxy manner herself, in that managed to further inflame Obito into action, though he had great self control.

Well... as great as it could be.

"That's the problem I was talking about..." Obito replied as he was starting to get into the mood as well, not really having a problem with Kushina's advancements, except for the fact that such advancements could potentially gain him a second little developed 'problem,' that really isn't a problem but more like something he doesn't know whether he could handle.

"You have done this with Mikoto? Then I must ask you to help guide me in the experience..." Kushina started to undo his clothing, before taking his hand and dragging him towards her bedroom.

For where else would she make love to him other than a place she shares with him? "What if... what if you get pregnant? What then?" His question did make Kushina pause for a second to consider this possibility.

After all, contraception is not even really around at this point, and no one was willing to go ahead and develop some sort of technique to block unwanted pregnancies. Something like that couldn't just be turned on and off, not without a lot of skill in develop of a technique like that, or a seal.

"And? Are you saying you wouldn't take responsibility?" Kushina asked in turn as she turned to face him once again, the two just a step away from entering her bedroom.

"I will. I will one hundred percent do that. Just... I don't know. I'm just a little afraid at this prospect, that's all." Obito admitted that the possibility, or for him the guarantee that he is to become a father is something... big.

"I wont lie. I am as well, but we just need to be here for each other, right?" Kushina said with a smile, truly believing in this. Emotions go a long way, but she also knew that herself or Obito are both capable enough to provide for a budding family.

Even in this shit economy, they could just run away somewhere and they could both contribute to providing easily. Hell, this wasn't even taking into account the others that would surely join him and his family.

"That is true. You're right." Obito replied after some silence, before the world would twist and turn and Kushina would find herself on the bottom as Obito had managed to teleport herself and himself onto her bed.

"Please..." She looked at him, ready and wanting.

"If this is what you want, and this is what I want. You're mine." Obito kissed her, and the next however long it would take would be a new experience.

She would be pleasantly delighted, satisfied and all sorts of other emotions. This experience would be so nice for the both of them, that they may have started yet another happy little accident.