
V.1-C.94│Calm Before the Storm IV│

He had joined up with the ANBU, just as his former teacher said for him to do.

Kakashi had, at this point, lost one of his eyes during the war, and there was nothing he could exactly do about this loss, other than try and recover and work around this new flaw in his perception based skills.

He did feel saddened at the lose of his eye, and then there were his current teammates and their own problems as well. Asuma was currently feeling upset, no doubt because he was a part of the problem that lead to their other teammate losing his arm.

It was upsetting all around, but their teamwork was enough, just enough to avoid anyone from absolutely dying. Thankfully, their efforts were also helpful in ending the war as well.

Kakashi has now deigned it the time to change his outfit a bit as well, no longer looking the same as he once was and being older as well.

Kakashi has a strong resemblance to his father, so much so that they are sometimes mistaken for each other, well, that is if Kakashi was a bit older than he is now. He has spiky silver hair often oriented to his left-side, dark grey eyes, that are sometimes mistaken as just black in color.

Kakashi also typically has a relaxed and lazy expression, around most people but this was but a normal thing. It was during the Third Shinobi World War, his left eye was damaged, leaving a vertical scar from the injury.

Of course, his eye wasn't completely 'gone,' but more like damaged enough that it doesn't function properly anymore. A type of blindness affects that eye, so Kakashi has changed up his appearance a little to cover up this flaw on his face.

Still rather raw, though it has been a little while now since the 'incident' happened. Kakashi now said left eye with his forehead protector.

Since early childhood and near-constantly, he wears a mask that prevents most of his face from being visible. Even his ninken have seen his face so sparingly that most of them don't remember what he looks like unmasked.

On the few occasions he exposes his full face, he has a narrow jaw-line and a beauty mark under the left corner of his mouth. Overall, he is considered very handsome.

Kakashi wore several different outfits prior to what he has now. In the academy, he wore a long sleeved anchor-grey shirt with a zipper, a green scarf and slate-colored shorts. He also wore blue sandals, which he also wore during the Third Shinobi World War.

During the Third Shinobi World War, he wore a black T-shirt with white stripes in the middle of the sleeves, additional sleeves over his arms, metal arm protectors, leather straps around his back and chest, and dark pants.

Prior to its destruction, his family's White Light Chakra Sabre was kept in a small holder in the middle of his back. Kakashi thought that his father would be angry at him for having lost this valuable object of the family.

But no, Sakumo Hatake is a supportive father, and easily forgave Kakashi for the destruction of the blade. Especially since this object, this blade was not so special that it would define him or his son.

Now, as an ANBU, Kakashi has a new change of outfit.

He wears a simple blue suit with a grey flak jacket, strapped up sandals and arm guards that went up to his elbows. While not on duty as an Anbu, he wore a similar outfit with segmented gauntlets and bandages over his calves.

His fox mask had red and black markings around the eyes, sides, and mouth.

Right now, he is off duty, and more specifically he had been called over towards where Obito was. Obito supposedly wanted to meet up with him, as the two of them haven't seen each other in a while, Kakashi thought that it would be fine to do so.

Coming into the training grounds that Kakashi knows as is the place that he, Might Guy and Obito Uchiha like to meet up and spar or practice with each other, Kakashi saw Obito standing there, waiting.

"Oi! Kakashi, nice to see you there." Obito had a small smile on his face, and Kakashi wondered where Obito kept his enthusiasm or happiness.

"Hello." Kakashi replied as he stepped closer towards Obito. "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Straight to the point, huh?" Obito asked rhetorically, as Kakashi was not on to mess around with things, especially not with what happened during the war, and before, and even after as it is now.

He is a part of the ANBU after all. "Yes, what is it?" Kakashi asked again.

"I see that you're having some eye problems." Obito said.

Sighing, Kakashi replied. "Don't tell me... What is it? Not even Lady Tsunade would be able to help me with my eye."

"Who said I'm going to heal your eye? That is far beyond my current capabilities." Obito shook his head as he replied to Kakashi.

"Then there is another reason I'm here? It's not to practice or anything like that, right?" This was one of Kakashi's days off, and he didn't exactly want to train right now, as while he isn't exactly... lazy... he does take some joy in not doing anything at all.

"No-no. Of course we aren't going to be doing anything like that. I'm just here to offer you something." Obito smiled a foxy smile, or at least it seemed that way to Kakashi.

"And what is that?" Kakashi was now a little suspicious of what this was, for Obito has been known to have a small tendency to prank people...

"I want to show you something. A ninjutsu, and then I want to see you try and copy it, but fail, and then create your very own ninjutsu derived from said technique. What say you?" Obito asked him the strangest of requests.

"Huh...?" Kakashi was a bit speechless, for this was a bit strange.

"Here, let me show you." Obito would then show him a technique that goes by the name of the Rasengan, and would then help Kakashi better understand the technique, whilst showing him its strength and Kakashi was amazed.

It was certainly powerful, and he wanted to do something with it himself. Though, Kakashi would not be able to do it in the same manner that Obito was able to do so, and instead would create something new.

On the very same day as well, a day that Kakashi didn't think he would be spent training.


"I'm home!" A young woman, a very young woman of the age of 14 entered her home, the same home that she shares with her family. Her mother, and her father. "Mother? Father?" This young woman goes by the name of Kurenai Yuhi.

She is older than when she was a genin, stronger too.

Though, that is only natural.

"Mother? Father...?" Kurenai called out again to catch the attention of her parents, though they didn't seem to be home. That is until she came across her mother, whom happened to be sleeping on the couch, passed out, while her father was nowhere to be seen. 'How silly. She should of gone to sleep elsewhere...' Kurenai thought to herself, as she would proceed to care for her mother.

Specifically by moving her to her parents bedroom.

Soon enough, Kurenai would basically have the house to herself, bar her mother waking up, that is.

Kurenai looked around the humble abode she grew up in, and this home, a home where she came from her from and went off to become a shinobi because her parents have been struggling for years to gain and get themselves out of poverty.

Konohagakure may be a pretty cool place... though that is only for the people whom are actually benefiting off of staying here.

From the clans, both greater and lesser, to the skilled, being able to strike it out rich, and most certainly for those that are already rich as well.

Konohagakure is a veritable treasure grove for venture capitalism. Though, the ability to work yourself a business would be much better done in other areas that aren't hidden villages for a few reasons.

Kurenai looked around, before deciding to get herself something to eat, and when opening one of the cupboards, there wasn't much of anything within. There happened to be a few things that could be cobbled together to make something edible.

After that, she ate the food ahe made, and thought herself an adequate cook. 'Maybe I could make Obito something...' Kurenai thought to herself, and she blushed a little upon thinking about the way he would react, or from a many other fantasy scenarios she conjured within her head.

As she finished, her father had come home. "Father?" She asked as he seemed just as tired as her mother was.

"Oh... you're back home." Her father replied, but didn't greet her and instead went ahead to have himself something to eat. He has to work late to help provide for his family after all.

Though, with three working people within the household, they really shouldn't be struggling to get by, but they sort of are.

That is the price to pay for the war, as it can affect people even after. It was unfortunate that neither Kurenai's mother or father were smart enough... or it is more better to say, in a good position enough to capitalize on the war to earn themselves wealth enough to not worry anymore.

"How was your day, father?" Kurenai asked him, and when looking at him, he seemed to be the average man. An average civilian with not much defining characteristics in comparison to Kurenai's mother.

"It is fine. Though, the economy right now..." Kurenai's father's eyes kind of glazed over as he thought about the hardships of the future.

"Father...?" Kurenai questioned, as she caught her father in what seemed to be a bad time.

Her own contributions to the family aside, she doesn't really make much money with which she could spend. "Kurenai... I think that your mother and I shall be reconsidering a few things. Before I continue, you should go and wake your mother first. Your mother and I have been discussing a few things, and-..." Kurenai's father stopped there, before continuing. "Get your mother first."

Kurenai was now worried. "Ok..." Kurenai went towards her parents bedroom and woke up her sleeping mother. "Mother..."

"Kurenai...? What is it? I'm trying to get some rest for work tomorrow." A sad thing that, but it is one of the only ways for someone to earn a living, with which they could support and grow their family.

Unfortunately, both of Kurenai's parents don't work at very high paying jobs, and their hours are shit as well. "Father said to wake you up to discuss something important...?" Kurenai answered her mother, before her mothers eyes widened a bit and she proceeded to get up.

"Ok. Come, I think I know what he wants to talk about." Kurenai's mother got up, before walking out of the room, without any makeup or anything else of the sort that would show her husband the side of her that she would want him to see.

After all, at some point when living with someone, you grow a little lazy in trying to keep up ones physical appearances. This is for both men and women.

If staying healthy and in shape was easy, no one would look like absolute shit.

Soon enough, both girls, mother and daughter had come to sit down with Kurenai's father, before he would start to speak. Specifically towards Kurenai. "Kurenai... your mother and I have come to the conclusion that staying here, within Konohagakure, would be stupid. We hardly get any money, and we are working all of the time, and then we have to ask you for some money..."

"You are leaving Konoha...?" Unconsciously, at this moment, Kurenai separated herself from her parents in this equation. She didn't exactly not want to leave Konoha.

It was more like she wanted to stay because of a certain someone. "Yes." Kurenai's mother replied.

"We have decided to leave soon. Though, it is up to you whether or not you will come with us. Being a shinobi, you should be able to look after yourself." Kurenai's father added, giving Kurenai a choice.

"Where will you two go...?" She asked her parents.

"We have found somewhere close by, though we could really go anywhere that is better than here. Congested areas, cities and stuff like that are not good only because there is so many people here, with so little work." Her father replied.

"I wish for you to come with us, though I know about that boy you like... what was his name, Obito Uchiha, right?" Her mother gave Kurenai a sly smile with a small giggle, making Kurenai blush a bit with an embarrassed expression.

"Kurenai." Kurenai's fathers serious tone caught her attention after this small diversion. "We are leaving, very soon, and I would like to know... no, your mother and I would like to know if you will come with us."

"I..." Kurenai thought about everything going on, her connections, her current relationships, platonic, familial and even romantic... 'Well, no such romantic feelings exist, yet...' Kurenai thought, before she would come to a decision. "I think that I will stay."

"Ok." Kurenai's father nodded his head, seemingly not too worried about his daughter.

On the other hand, Kurenai's mother, whom Kurenai shares most of her features with, except that Kurenai has those special looking and unique red colored eyes, was worried. Even if Kurenai's mother could be safe in assuming that Kurenai's crush, Obito Uchiha, would share Kurenai's feelings, return them, protect and provide for her.

"Are you sure?" Kurenai's mother asked.

"Yes. I'm sure." Kurenai responded, resolute now in her feelings on this matter. She wanted to go where her heart took her.

"Well, if that is what you wish..." Kurenai's mother got up, before coming over towards her, and then proceeded to hug her. "Just know, that there will always be a home for you, with your father and I."

Kurenai hugged her mother back. "I will. I love you mother." Kurenai said as she embraced her mother, before saying the same towards her father. "I love you father."

"I... love you too." Kurenai's father said, as the same could be said for Kurenai's mother.

Certainly, things were not looking great, but it wasn't a total disaster.