
V.1-C.89│Successor VI│

In the process of a week, Madara would teach Obito all that he could, for he wished for more than to disconnect himself and end his current suffering, and await for when he is to be reborn anew in his younger form.

Madara was impressed with Obito's progress, or at least impressed in the progress he managed to show in regards to his ability to learn from him.

Madara fully intended to pass on to Obito all that he knew, or at least all that he knows in the form of his knowledge and hopefully drill into him the experience that Madara has acquired throughout his lifetime.

There ale certain problems with Obito's training regimen, or at least from Madara's perspective there was. Not that his own practice and training is wrong, just that it is difficult because Obito already had the basics and Madara had limited time left.

When it comes to Naka Uchiha, he had already faked his death towards the boy, and made Black Zetsu, the manifestation of his will, to keep an eye on him properly. Which gave Madara all of the time that he had left to spend on setting things up for Obito.

Which he had done so during the time before he would eventually reveal himself to Obito, and then proceed to tell him most things, but keeping out some of the most important things.

For now, Madara only had a limited more time left to speak to Obito, to teach Obito the remainder of what he wishes to teach. He would also be leaving this place to Obito, as he had already given Naka another place to set himself up away from here.

Thankfully, Madara could make a genjutsu with which he could pull Obito into another 'world,' with which he could properly allow both himself and Obito a release from their current limitations. Obito's temporary blindness, and Madara's weak body, in which allowed him to train Obito in this fake world instead of the new one.

This is exactly what Madara wanted to give Obito in the first place, for the physical side of things, Obito already had settled. So, Madara helped to further increase Obito's knowledge and experience.

Those two things were what he saw as the most important in terms of Obito's capabilities.

He would've liked more time however. The most important thing that Madara could help Obito in is Wood Release, his new power gifted onto him by Madara.

Wood Release is a nature transformation bloodline limit, a combination of Earth and Water Release. It was famously used by Hashirama Senju, and in fact is not known to have naturally occurred in anyone else, leading to it being regarded as impossible to use without having his cells.

Because of Wood Release's power and versatility, there have been various efforts to reproduce it after Hashirama's death. Such as the current case with Madara himself and now Obito, or whoever else that managed to get their hands on Hashirama's cells.

At its simplest, Wood Release allows the user to create wood, essentially converting their chakra into a source of life. At its greatest, mighty trees of various size and shape can be created. The vegetation can sprout from the user's body or grow from the surroundings.

Hashirama created a forest that served as a foundation for Konohagakure, contributing to his selection as First Hokage.

Wooden constructs can also be created, ranging in complexity from cages to complete houses. It is not necessary that the created wood take any identifiable form, allowing users to focus on its inherent pliability to ensnare targets or its durability for brute force attacks.

Wood Release can produce very detailed, ornate constructs. Wood Release: Transformation essentially creates a costume around the user, allowing them to convincingly pass as another person.

By using senjutsu, Hashirama could create a gigantic, many armed wooden statue that he fully controlled. Its barrage of punches were chiefly responsible for the Valley of the End's formation.

Wood Release's most versatile application is the Wood Clone Technique, which makes a fully functional duplicate of the user that is indistinguishable from the original and is even capable of performing other jutsu.

The Wood Release was also equally famous for its power to manipulate, suppress, and/or absorb a target's chakra, Hashirama's mastery of this ability earning him recognition as one of the few people able to fully control a tailed beast.

This would be done by ensnaring a target with the Wood Release and upon such physical contact would then control the chakra until they were finally too weak to escape.

Hashirama's usage of this skill let him subdue many of the tailed beasts, keeping them under his control and allowed him to distribute several to the early hidden villages.

Such power was something that Madara could pass up on, and there was no way he was not going to give such power to his grandchild as well. So, Madara taught him all about such techniques, or at least the things that he is capable of, and it wasn't so surprising to Madara that Obito actually had grown in proficiency such that he reached a level of affinity on par with Hashirama himself.

Though, this is only from what Madara was able to see, and it seemed like this experience of not being able to see had given Obito whatever he needed to learn and develop a brand new technique he was working on that would expand upon his sensory abilities.

Truly, Obito is a prodigious talent, similar to himself in many, many aspects.

It was no surprise that Madara had grown even more attached to his only living relative, the only living relative that is closely related to himself. After what happened to Izuna... he really started to see the world differently more and more.

Not that he didn't already have this perspective from the start innately, just that with the way his life has turned out, one might think he would neglect building relationships with those that he probably should.

An example being Obito. He doesn't have much more time left now, and in fact he was ready to leave the world in the hands of his puppet, Naka Uchiha, so that he may be resurrected such to bring about a new age of peace.

Then after his uses are over, Madara will take control and do what he needs to do. Finally, after Madara is finished with his plans, he could hand over the reigns and control over the world to his grandson. If need be, he would even implant his own Rinnegan eyes into Obito, so that he may control the world as he does.

That is if Obito would want to do something like that, and while Madara could have it arranged such that Obito is forced to accept the way he does things, it was not his place to force him to do certain things. He had already done something to Obito that could be considered unforgivable in taking his adoptive grandmothers life.

Madara may be a cruel man. A man that is willing to go to hell and back to achieve his plans, but the priorities in his life had changed with the confirmation that Obito is his grandchild.

Now his time has come, and he wishes not to linger any longer. He is thankful that Obito is a quick learner, or otherwise this would've taken a longer time, prolonging his suffering.

Sitting upon his throne, Madara had gotten up as he looked towards Obito whom was standing before him. Madara had not kept Obito here, and Obito had to come up with some type of an excuse as to his current look with his blindfold.

It was simple really, as he just applied a transformation technique, one which hid away the fact that he couldn't see for the past week. As soon as Obito learnt of the technique, Wood Release: Transformation, Obito used it for such purposes as it was better than the basic transformation technique that others would be able to see through using various methods.

Especially since Obito lives within the Uchiha district of Konoha. "Is there a problem, old man?" Obito asked him.

"There is nothing else I can teach you." However, there was still much that Madara would like to pass onto him.

"Yes...? Then?" Obito questioned him, still with his blindfold on.

"I have some things to give you." Madara walked over towards one of the walls. "Many of these are my weapons, however what I would consider most important is this." Madara lifted up something that really shouldn't be a weapon, or would seem as such.

It looked more like some sort of fan. "Gunbai." Madara stated, before he walked towards Obito and handed it to him. "Take this, with which you can do what you like."

A gunbai, or Gunbai Uchiwa, is a non-folding fan, carved from a unique spirit tree from which only ritualistic instruments are made. This Gunbai has been passed down between Uchiha clansmen for generations.

Madara, during his lifetime, was famed for the use of this fan in battle.

It is a wide fan with tomoe on it and has a long handle with bandages wrapped around the base, as well as having a long chain attached to it. In the past, when Madara used it, it was brown with a black border, with red tomoe, and a chain was attached to the handle that appears to have been connected to his kama.

It no longer held the same look, and instead it is different, having a purple tint with a black border, and tomoe design on it, with a chain extending from the hilt. "I have modified it such that it may better suit your fighting style..."

"This gunbai has the ability to convert incoming chakra into wind nature transformation, reflecting an opponent's attack back towards them. I wielded it both as a shield and as a mace in conjunction with my kama, and it has also allowed me to perform various other techniques." Madara continued.

"You on the other hand may wield the gunbai predominantly like a flail, using the chain attached to guide the fan which can also be used as a shield because of its durability." Madara finished, before placing the gunbai before Obito. "Take it."

Obito did just that. "... Thank you."

"There is no need for thanks. It is your duty, your right to have this passed down onto you." Madara spoke back.

"Right..." Obito replied, leaving Madara to sigh in some level of exasperation, as Obito has made it clear to him that he is still somewhat of a hopeful person.

'He reminds me of Hashirama a little, strange...' Madara thought of the people he has had some level of affection for, whether that be platonic, familial... and even romantic in nature. He could see a few people in Obito. "It is my time now." Madara's words confused Obito for a bit.

"There is something else I should tell you. Given that I have implanted into you Hashirama's cells, you have the ability to awaken something legendary, godlike even. The Rinnegan. It can only be unlocked from combining the powers of the Uchiha and Senju." Madara stated, and although he isn't right in this knowledge, he isn't that off from the truth either.

"I'm sure you have heard of the Rinnegan and the tale of the Six Paths Sage, correct?" Madara asked.

"Yes..." Obito replied, knowing that even without Hashirama Senju's cells that was more like absorbed into than grafted, he would awaken the Rinnegan at some point.

That is if what Sasuke had told him the truth of what is going on. Or at least part of it. "Then I need not explain those eyes. I am also sure you know of Nagato, an Uzumaki in control of the organization of Akatsuki... His Rinnegan eyes are my own." Madara wasn't about to reveal everything about his plans, but he should at least divulge some things.

Obito stayed quiet, knowing that he wasn't the best liar or actor when it comes down to it. His one only trick he has cultivated was the innate one gifted from the Uchiha, his impassive and expressionless face. "I transplanted my eyes into the boy when he was younger. You need not know now why." Madara would not answer Obito even if asked anyway, so it was better to nip the bud before it tried to bloom.

"I will also hand over Zetsu to you to control, to use as your own as you would like." Madara left out the part where he was also having Zetsu monitor the happenings with Naka Uchiha, and making sure that things go accordingly with his plans.

Madara then started to walk forward in a way that extended the protrusions from his back. In doing so, Madara made Obito watch as Madara destroyed the things attached to him that is keeping him alive.

Standing up, Obito couldn't believe what he was seeing... Well, sensing really. "Old man...?"

"Stay." Madara was starting to breath heavily now, struggling as he felt his consciousness slowly start to slip, as he went towards his throne with which he took a seat. "I will die now. However..." Madara gasped for air for a bit, before he steadied himself on his seat. "... I will return. Things are in motion, and the world shall know peace, true peace. Then, it is you who will be seen as the savior. You who will be seen as the one to help humanity become anew."

"Hashirama's country was a shameful contradiction… Man seeks peace, yet at the same time yearning for war… Those are the two realms belonging solely to man. Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood is something only humans can do. They're two sides of the same coin."

"To protect something… another must be sacrificed. That is, other than that of, say a dream world."

"Remember this, Obito Uchiha, heir of Madara Uchiha..." Madara drew his last breath, with Zetsu and Obito just standing there, with Obito in a little bit of shock over what had just happened.

Obito decided that there was no time like the present. He reached towards his blindfold and got rid of it from his head, his eyes closed as his face is in the direction of Madara. "Young Master...?" Zetsu questioned Obito as it watched him now.

Slowly, Obito opened his eyes and would have the sight of Madara's dead body in his mind forever.

Obito's eyes, those of the Sharingan was transformed, and gone was the normal pattern as it morphed into his own Mangekyo Sharingan.

Before it would transform again, spinning madly, before landing its finalized form.

The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.