
V.1-C.78│I Didn't Mean To Do That II│

Being away from the rain, Konan sure thought of this as strange.

She was currently waiting on the Uchiha that she has some strange feelings about, known as Obito and the Legendary Sannin, Tsunade Senju.

She didn't expect Obito to be acquainted with Tsunade Senju.

Nagato was currently resting up, as his body and mind had gone into hyperdrive to attack those that had attacked them and forced Yahiko to try and kill himself. Thankfully Nagato was an Uzumaki, otherwise him using the Rinnegan as he did would've, should've killed him by now.

The little time that Konan had, she managed to analyze a little bit surrounding Obito Uchiha's space-time technique. She also had some information given to her via a clone of Obito about the place she was currently at.

The Uchiha district of Konohagakure, and she was told to stay hidden as best as possible.

The reasoning is because of the one known as Danzo Shimura, but it was more than that as there was a lot going on in the world. In Konohagakure.

"Oh..." Konan looked towards the sound of the person that had just spoken. "And you are...?" It was a woman, a red haired woman that Konan was able to sense very easily as her chakra reserves seemed to be huge.

"Hello." Konan replied politely. "My name is Konan." She could have a distraction for what is going on.

"Konan... You..." The red haired woman seemed to consider something for a bit. "Well, I'm Kushina Uzumaki." The red haired woman revealed her identity. "By the way, did you see a blond haired woman with... a very LARGE chest area?" Kushina asked her a strange question.

Konan was a bit estranged by this woman, but all the same decided that she would answer her. This woman seemed to be someone trusted here, or at least she thought so as she seemed to live here given that she is within this large house. "Do you mean Lady Tsunade?" Konan asked.

"Yes, her. Where is she?" Kushina asked her, seemingly wanting to see where the Legendary Sannin is.

"Do you live here?" Konan asked herself, wanting to know more as she was told to stay here and stay hidden, while looking after the unconscious Nagato.

"Yeah... By the way, why are you here anyway?" Kushina finally caught up to herself in her search for Tsunade, and instead questioned Konan in return.

"I was brought here by Obito Uchiha." Konan answered, and Konan watched in some fascination as the red heads face seemed to light up at the mention of his name.

"Obito's here!" Kushina rushed forwards towards Konan, and she didn't react, even if she felt the instinct to protect herself take over. After all, Konan was just captured and taken prisoner, near forcing her friends to die for her.

She blamed herself. "Tell me. Where is Obito." Kushina continued as she has forgone the desire to see Tsunade, and instead wanted to see Obito.

"Obito Uchiha is with Lady Tsunade." Konan replied, as Kushina would then let her go as she seemed to think on this for a bit.

"And what are they doing? Where are they?" Kushina asked in return.

"They have taken my injured friend somewhere to heal him. We are supposed to be here in secret." At Konan saying this, Kushina finally took a proper look at the girl, seeing that she was dressed in something strange, whilst also having a small amount of water dripping off of herself.

"Hmm... Obito has gone and gotten himself in trouble again..." Kushina whispered to herself, but Konan was able to hear her. "Come with me." Kushina said as she wanted to take Konan somewhere.

"I cannot. I will stay with my friend instead." Konan replied as she was staying outside of the room that Nagato had been placed in, a room that was pretty barren, without anything to take of note and something that Konan considered this room to be the guest room of this household.

"Your friend?" Kushina asked.

"Yes. He is resting in the room behind myself, as he has also been harmed." Konan replied.

"In Obito's room?" Kushina questioned as she looked at the door that was closed. "I don't know what he has gotten himself into, but your friend will be fine there."

The fact that this was Obito's room shocked Konan a bit, considering that there was hardly anything in there to take of note. It was as if it was lifeless and without his personality or character that usually would be displayed through things that was placed within a bedroom.

"I don't know..." Konan for now could only really trust Obito, and even then that was not something that was fully confirmed. Even if she felt as if she could, that didn't mean she wanted to continue trusting just anyone and everyone coming her way.

Obito was already a stretch enough to give him Yahiko, especially since Konoha's Black Ops was involved in that ambush. "Hey." Kushina stepped forwards towards her, somehow figuring her feelings out. "There is no need to worry. Whatever it is, Obito can deal with it just fine. If your friend was placed here by Obito, then he will be fine." Kushina said. "I just wanted to take you to get changed into something more comfortable. Get yourself dried up and everything."

Kushina smiled in a kind manner towards Konan, and Konan didn't know how to feel, but what she did know is that she disliked remaining as she is. "Ok..."

"Don't worry, we won't be long. I want to hear what happened, if you would tell me." Kushina smiled in a way that was disarming, much like Obito was able to disarm her but his smile was different.

Konan noticed that she was thinking a little too much about Obito in a way that she would be thinking about Yahiko. 'Why is that...? He is similar, or at least seems similar... But he isn't...' Konan shook her head before she would follow after Kushina.

Some time later, which wouldn't be that much time as she would return back to Nagato, whom seemed to be sleeping quite well for now.

Kushina seemed to go off in search for Obito, leaving Konan to consider her new state of dress. It was simple, and the clothing mirrored the clothing that most civilians she would expect would wear here in Konoha.

It was simple enough though, and comfortable enough that she didn't mind wearing this clothing. Though, if she did look at the clothing some more, she would notice that there was a little clan symbol on her back, that of the Uchiha.

This didn't really matter though.

Konan looked at the gaunt Nagato and lamented the fact that he would so willingly do this, destroying himself in a way, even if living. She wasn't told the result of his condition by Obito, but she was smart enough to understand that this was probably so damaging that it would affect his ability to do anything.

Linking with the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path left a number of black receivers embedded in his back and caused his body to become very emaciated, limiting his mobility. He was currently laying on his stomach, for those black receivers on his back was something that has become a part of him.

Patiently she waited, waited and waited.

The seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours. Long enough for her to start to lose the ability to stay awake, and even though not really a comfortable position, Konan would soon enough fall asleep beside the still living Nagato.

She would awake later at the sound of someone entering the room, and before she would notice or sense their presence and chakra, she would attack with her paper ninjutsu reflexively.

Shaped in a way that would pierce and cut, the paper spawned from herself went towards the intruder at the door, yet... "Woah! Calm down there..." It was the man she had meet and now entrusted her friends lives with for now.

Obito had managed to be fast enough to avoid being hurt by her papers within this small space, as he disappeared one second, to reappear the next. "You..." Konan realized what she had done. "I'm sorry!" She bowed as she said this, truly apologetic for her actions.

"Eh, next time I would appreciate it if you wouldn't try to kill me, thanks. This is the second time now, isn't it?" Obito stepped forward ignoring Konan as he went towards Nagato and used the Mystical Palm technique again.

"And...?" Konan didn't say much. She didn't need to say much for Obito to understand what or who she was talking about.

"He is safe... for now." Obito replied as Konan managed to notice that he seemed almost tired.

"Are you... Are you ok?" Konan cautioned to ask as Obito was someone that so far has helped her, and while it may still seem suspicious to her, it was better than having either of her friends dying because of her hesitation.

Inaction was the wrong move, yet action could potentially also be the wrong move as well. Both ways, there was only one that could help herself and her friends. "Yeah... I'm fine, just a little tired after that whole thing I had to deal with." Obito replied.

His chakra reserves are definitely well and beyond most of everyone else. Hell, it was even more than the current Nagato, and he is being supplemented by both his Uzumaki heritage alongside the Rinnegan, allowing him to become powerful quickly.

"..." Konan chose to remain quiet as she waited for Obito to be done with what he is doing.

A few minutes would pass by, before Obito would finish. "There... That should be it for now." Obito finished before he would turn around to face her. "Now that I have dealt with those two idiots, let me have a look at you."

Konan didn't have any expression on her face, as usual, yet the way Obito looked and the way he looked towards her in particular made her feel as if his words were a bit inappropriate. "What do you mean by that...?" She asked, making taking the way he said his words in a strange direction.

"I mean, while Nagato and Yahiko both were injured enough to require my attention, that doesn't mean I should neglect you as well. Come, sit down." Obito had taken a seat himself as he wanted her to sit opposite of himself.

"Ah... I understand." Konan replied as the misunderstanding was cleared, but he didn't seem to realize she even had a misunderstanding.

"I see that you are wearing some of Mikoto's clothes. I guess Kushina didn't want to give her own." Obito said as he started to use the Mystical Palm technique on her.

"Mikoto...?" Konan assumed that this was another resident of this place.

"Yeah, you even got my clans symbol on your back there." Obito pointed out to her this fact. "You seem to be fine enough, just some bruises."

"Thank you." She was polite enough to say this.

A silence would before the two of them, or three of them if one included Nagato as he was also there with the two.

Konan regarded the man in front of her, and considered him a man due to his height. 'Well, he could be the same age as myself...' She did consider that a possibility, given that there are so many children that was forced into this war, this conflict.

'I guess it was never meant to be...' Konan had her own thoughts on conflict, on the way of life that Yahiko or Nagato would both try to pursue, though she wouldn't really make that known to others.

She would follow along with what Yahiko and Nagato wanted to do, as she also wished to see them succeed in their quest for peace.

'So close... so close to death, and it was still for nothing.' Konan thought as she was struggling a little bit.

"You know, you don't have to keep it to yourself." Obito's voice woke her up from her thoughts, before she looked towards him, into his eyes and found herself captured just as she was the other time.

There was something alluring about his eyes, and it had more than to do with him having the Sharingan active. "I don't understand." Konan replied, not sure what he was talking about.

"Sometimes, for one to not feel pent up in emotion, they would talk to someone about stuff. You know, stuff that makes you feel sad, or angry, or even happy. Stuff like that." Obito said.

"And what reason would I have to share with you?" Konan questioned him in turn.

"None." Obito equally held a neutral expression like her own, and in ways it made her feel slightly comforted by this fact that there is someone like herself. Even though, she has seen him smile before, and she noticed that it was not as genuine as people would believe it to be. "You have no reason at all. If you wanted one, I'll give you one. Do it, because I want to listen."

Konan considered his words for a bit, as she then glanced towards Nagato. "Don't worry about anyone listening in either. Not even Nagato here." Obito continued.

This gave Konan just enough of a push to reveal some thing to this complete stranger she has an odd sense of trust in, and maybe even... comfort? "I was... I was, scared..." Konan would spend some time with Obito, just listing and telling him things about several things that has happened to her throughout her life.

Her ups and downs, and all the in-betweens. Her worries. Her sorrows. Even those small happy moments she managed to hold onto.

By the end, she felt a weight come off of her shoulders.


Danzo Shimura was not a kind man, not at all.

Having just taken care of those Akatsuki brats, wishing to stop them from their efforts of trying to create peace, Danzo was more and more in line with the ideas of his that center around the prosperity of the village.

The Village Hidden in the Leaf's, and while a lot of people would consider him to be the scum of the earth, he considers them stupid. Clearly, his hob was to do the dirty work that no one else wanted to do.

Thankfully, Hiruzen was still someone that trusted him enough to deal with a lot of things within the village and the country at large.

Danzo's thoughts drifted towards Obito Uchiha, and the purpose behind him wanting to send Obito towards Amegakure. The reason was due to the nature of things going on around this person, and he wanted to understand him some more.

Seeing as he is the second person after Minato to learn the Hiraishin, and so quickly, much more quickly that Minato managed to do so was not too much of a surprise. His performance, Obito's performance in many things was something Danzo kept a close eye on.

It also didn't surprise him that Orochimaru wanted to connect with the boy as well, probably for one of his experiments of his.

Danzo doesn't know what happened after the battle that took place between Hanzo and those Akatsuki members, though what he does know is that he was probably successful in what he wanted to do.

Danzo was doing all of this, has done all of this in an attempt to make sure he guarantees his chance at becoming the Hokage.

At some point he knew that he would take up the mantle. For now he would just have to wait and bide his time until he sees an opportunity, though he would try and put Orochimaru on the 'throne' so to speak if ever the candidacy of the next Hokage was brought up.

'The war mustn't end. Not yet.'