
V.1-C.53│Last of the Senju III│

Finding Tsunade would be hard, Obito knew. Especially in this time, a time of war and battle, of death and intrigue and most importantly of blood.

Meaning that Tsunade would be ever the one to run away from the suffering that has happened to herself. To hide away in a bottle of liquor and waste away any wealth she may have via gambling.

'She is a good person though, I think...' Obito didn't have an idea or clue about what Tsunade would be like in this time period, but he is sure that there shouldn't be that much difference, right?

Thinking about it logically, where can one go to stay away from all of the conflict. A place that not only is as uninvolved in the current events of the world, but as disconnected from everything else and has a lot of security or safety surrounding said location.

From the possible locations given by Orochimaru, Obito was able to pinpoint two locations that she would be located at. It wad unlikely that she would also be anywhere outside of the Land of Fire in these times.

It was only all the more possible that she is somewhere within the Land of Fire, safe, away from the conflict, or any conflicts at all that is localized as well. It was also in a location that would allow her to indulge in her vices of drinking and gambling.

Getting up from his bed, Obito knew that this was the day that he would leave on his mission, but not before he had told the others of what he is doing. Obviously, Mikoto and Kushina seemed against his doing this by himself, and since it involved Rin, she wanted to come along as well.

So, while Mei and Kurenai would be with Mikoto, Kushina and Rin would come along with Obito. Rin because she is directly relevant to the conversation, but also Kushina because of her own connection with Tsunade.

The two locations are also thankfully close enough to each other that the travel time would be reduced. There was the possibility of using Kamui, but it isn't like he could just keep spamming this ability knowing the consequences.

'I really do need to 'upgrade' my eyes if I am to be able to do everything I want...' Obito thought to himself as he was waiting at the front gates for Rin and Kushina to be ready or prepared for the journey.

Obviously, it would be strange if those higher up didn't know about what they are doing, and of course, permission to go on this trip was sought out and accepted by Hiruzen.

In fact, he remembered the talk he had with Hiruzen that had revealed to him some strange things that he didn't think about.


The Hokage Residence is a large mansion occupied by the Hokage during their tenure, and is located close to both the Academy and Hokage Rock.

Circular in design, it is also one of the largest buildings in Konohagakure, towering over most other buildings. There is also the kanji for 'Fire' painted on the roof of the building.

It is filled with many forbidden scrolls, in which lie the secrets to many techniques. Built during the reign of the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, the Hokage mansion is last occupied by Hiruzen, the Third Hokage.

In fact, Obito is in said office talking with the Third Hokage right now. "Lord Hokage, I want to ask you something." Obito said as his Sharingan eyes, a permanent addition to his face was preeminent.

"Obito... Yes, come closer." Hiruzen gestured for Obito to come closer and so he did. "What is it that you wish to discuss." Hiruzen was growing older with greying hairs starting to show despite him not being that old just yet. He can live for a long time yet.

"I wanted to ask if I can be allowed some... leave. Yeah, some leave." Obito replied as he thought of what he could do.

"Some leave during these times...? I wonder, what is it are you going to do?" Hiruzen asked again, probably already having an idea about what he wanted to do.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not doing it so that I can get out of doing any work or anything. I want to find Lady Tsunade." It would be strange for Obito to just start referring to her as old lady, especially since she isn't an old lady right now like in the past.

She is still perfectly capable of living up the life of a youngster, and Hiruzen is aware of this as well. In fact, as she was the last of the Senju, many wondered whether or not she would settle down and return with a husband or something.

That would surely be a blessing, as while there may not be any actual royal family so to speak within Konohagakure, there was the Senju and their significance in the history of things that has happened.

Not only the Senju, but the Uchiha as well, but the Uchiha were not as respected as the Senju clan was. It was sad to see that she was the last remaining member, and there may, or may not be a few that wished to see her have children to continue on the bloodline.

Going by how things have gone and the fact she hadn't seemed interested in any of those men placed around her, even the one individual known as Dan Kato that they were sure that she would've gotten together with.

That is right.

Dan Kato was not someone that was just all of a sudden appeared into her life. Dan was both a plant or spy that would help to seduce Tsunade into getting together with him, and potentially having children with him.

That was thrown out the window when she didn't seem interested in him as well, and even if that did happen, there would've been no time for anything to really get intimate between the two anyway.

Dan Kato would just go off and die during the war, and it was sad that even her little brother had died as well. He was potentially the one to carry on the Senju legacy more so than Tsunade, which was definitely sad.

Well, it wasn't like Hiruzen had much idea about the true nature of Dan Kato, but he most certainly was among the people that didn't wish to see the Senju die off.

"Hmm... That is an interesting thing to do. Don't worry, I'm well aware of why as well." Hiruzen sat back on his seat. "If I allow you to do this, I will ask of a favor of you in return." Hiruzen continued with a glint in his eyes.

"And what is that?" Obito was confused and for some reason had a small bit of dread build within his abdomen.

"You see, this war is been long and hard fought. There have been many that have made contributions in this war, some more so than others. Then there is my job, my position as the Hokage to be strong enough to face off against all those that threaten the safety of the village." Hiruzen paused so that he may collect some of his thoughts.

"Yes...?" Obito felt some sort of anticipation being built up, but he wasn't sure if this was supposed to be good or be bad.

"You see, the position of Hokage is something that is hard to take on and mantle. The Hokage is generally regarded as the strongest shinobi in the village. Something interesting that you may not know of was the fact that Hashirama Senju, the founder of our village didn't want the title for himself." Hiruzen started to go into a history lesson.

"He intended the title to be given to his co-founder, Madara Uchiha, but the village's population instead selected Hashirama as the First Hokage." Hiruzen revealed what he knew.

"Really...? The First Hokage wanted... Madara Uchiha to take on the position, why?"

"I know not why, but it probably had to do with things that I was not privy to. I was young myself after all." Hiruzen shook his head before he continued. "Anyway, one could say that the Uchiha have never had the position to take on the Hokage title ever since then. Then there is myself. The Hokage typically selects their successor."

"If they die or are otherwise incapacitated, the next Hokage is instead chosen by the daimyo of the Land of Fire with the advice of his committee, the Konoha Council, the Jonin Commander and a representative of the Anbu. This choice must then be approved by Konoha's jonin. If one of the Hokage's predecessors is still alive, they may return to office rather than select a new Hokage-" Hiruzen was interrupted before he could continue.

"Yes, yes. But I don't see where this is going...?" Obito stopped him from continuing down a long triage of whatever he wanted to say.

"Right, right. I apologize. Let me just say this. The Hokage is responsible for most of the village's day-to-day affairs, such as assigning the village's ninja to missions or securing funding for the village's projects and personnel. As the Hokage, I spend most of my time in the village, only travelling abroad for events of vital importance to Konoha." Hiruzen stated.

"For the Hokage, for myself, we should each typically live according to the Will of Fire, a philosophy that holds that Konoha is a family and that the Hokage is chiefly responsible for protecting that family."

After all that was said, Hiruzen stopped to take a breath. "Haha. It seems like I am getting a bit old." His face turned serious again, but with a playful look that had come onto his face. "How about it then, become one of the candidates for being the Hokage."

Obito's brain shut down for a few seconds as he was trying to comprehend what was being said by Hiruzen. "H-Huh...?"

Laughing a bit more, Hiruzen was completely aware of what he had just said and asked of Obito. "I said, I would like to consider you for the position, that is if you wish to take it. No matter what, I have seen things and heard things, and gotten reports on you and your progress. I don't know how many more years I will keep going on with this job of mine before I can retire. I ain't getting any younger."

"Of course, you will need to put in even more work than what you have done now, to build up your name and reputation enough so that you may be recognized. Even if I can chose my successor, that doesn't mean the people would like it." Hiruzen stroked his growing beard as he said this.

"..." Obito didn't reply and just looked at Hiruzen blank faced.

"Obito...?" Hiruzen now grew a bit worried, as he leaned forward thinking that he may have shocked the boy with a bit too big of a proposal. 'I mean, I guess I could've done this in another way...? Maybe?'

"Lord Hokage." Obito woke Hiruzen from his thoughts. "May I ask why... me?" From what Obito knew, Hiruzen was keeping an eye out for Minato, or was supposed to be but now he was wanting him to take the position... why is the question.

"I have my reasons." Hiruzen wouldn't give his reasons, but it only made sense to him. From what he knows, Obito should be at the jonin level already, especially from what has been said about what he could do, which was impressive.

A technique that was created all by himself technically makes Obito a genius in on himself, being able to create a brand new technique but also go up against the two shinobi from Kumo, A and B.

How could he not grow interested more, and there happened to be to many important things surrounding him. Hiruzen had continued his own investigations as well surrounding Obito, and while nothing has shown up, he can say for sure that he has the potential to be the Hokage.

Just look at what he has accomplished so far, and give him another year or two and he should be competent enough to even take on his position.

It also wasn't like a very young Kage like Obito would be something that hasn't happened before or isn't already on the board for other villages as well.

Obito seemed to be good at making allies, close friends and bridging the gap between himself and others quite well, which was something that Hiruzen was looking for, but he was not sure if he would want to become the Hokage.

That is why he asked. "I will... think about it." Obito finally replied.

"That's ok. Take all the time you need. It isn't like I will be retiring now, or even the year after. I just wanted to ask of you opinion, if you didn't want to be the Hokage yourself, who would you think is appropriate for the position?" Hiruzen was interested in his thoughts on this matter.

"Well, from what I know, there are two people that are gaining popularity enough. Lord Orochimaru and Minato Namikaze." Obito replied.

"Yes, those two are likely candidates." Hiruzen nodded his head as he waited for more to come out of Obito's mouth.

"There should also be Lord Danzo..." Obito listed off a name that Hiruzen wasn't expecting for him to hear, but it also made sense that Danzo may be a likely candidate as well, considering his position and closeness with Hiruzen and the Hokage seat of power.

"Right, right. Well, think about it. Oh, and if you do manage to find Tsunade, why don't you say hi for me." Hiruzen said before Obito left the room.

"Of course. Goodbye, Lord Hokage." Obito said before he would leave Hiruzen alone to his thoughts, but also allow those that were watching over the Hokage to contemplate on the Hokage's words as well.

Right before Obito left though, Hiruzen had one more surprise for him. "Wait! Obito, I nearly forgot." Obito turned around one last time, waiting for what Hiruzen had to say. "Congratulations, you can now consider yourself a jonin. Now go, I have other things to do as well." The Third Hokage dropped this bombshell before kicking him out to get on with whatever he was doing.

The Anbu for sure would send this information over towards Danzo as well, which would only draw more attention over towards Obito and his position relative to everyone and anyone else within Konohagakure and other shinobi of the world.

Having gotten his permission, this meant that Obito could go ahead to do his goal of finding Tsunade. Whether or not he could convince her to follow him would be another thing though, given that he really doesn't know what she is like currently.

'I mean, it isn't like she should be all that different from how I first met her, right?' Obito wondered why he had this suspicious feeling in the gut of his stomach, like there was something hanging right over his shoulder.

'Nah, I should be fine.' Obito shook as head before he would try to leave Konoha in the following few days, but also be forced to bring along Kushina and Rin as well.