
V.1-C.51│Last of the Senju I│


She heavily, heavily disliked blood in all forms.

She was once very willing to believe in the attainability of dreams while her little brother was alive, and that by supporting and encouraging those dreams she might be able to help achieve them.

When both died gruesomely shortly after receiving her support, she lost faith in the idea of dreaming for anything, believing that the mere pursuit of it would be doomed from the outset.

She becomes especially critical of wanting to be Hokage, as her little brother died trying to attain the title and the past Hokage have all died prematurely and, as she would argue, pointlessly because he held the position, she concludes that to be Hokage is a fool's job.

A fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead. Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower-back.

While as a child through her young-adult years she wore her hair in a high ponytail, she later keeps it tied in two loose ponytails. The Strength of a Hundred Seal, a special technique, took the appearance of a violet diamond shape, is clearly visible on her forehead.

She was very skinny throughout her childhood to the point of being known as flat-chested. By young-adulthood however, she grew into a slender woman of curvaceous frame with above-average height and noticeably large breasts. She is in fact widely regarded as the most beautiful kunoichi in the world.

She often wears a grass-green haori with the kanji for 'gamble' on the back, inside a red circle.

Underneath she wears a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants.

Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage. She wears open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels. She has red nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails and uses a soft pink lipstick.

She also wears a special necklace that once belonged to the First Hokage, and she has done so for many years.

She is, was, known as Tsunade Senju, princess of Konohagakure.

Tsunade is the granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. Because Hashirama was the First Hokage of Konohagakure, Tsunade is called 'Princess.'

Hashirama doted on Tsunade when she was very young because she was his first grandchild, and found her deviance and her adoption of his own gambling habits highly amusing. Tsunade inherited his necklace when he died.

After she graduated from Konoha's Academy, Tsunade was teamed with Orochimaru and Jiraiya under the leadership of Hiruzen Sarutobi. When Jiraiya failed to acquire a bell during the team's first bell test, Tsunade teased him, prompting him to criticize her flat chest.

Despite this remark, Jiraiya had a certain interest in Tsunade from their first meeting, which only increased after her breasts developed; when she nearly killed him for spying on her while she bathed, he was forced to be more discrete about his interests.

Tsunade's younger brother, Nawaki dreamed of someday becoming Hokage so that he could protect Konoha, their grandfather's legacy. On Nawaki's twelfth birthday, Tsunade kissed his forehead and gave him Hashirama's necklace in the hopes that it would help him achieve his dream.

He died the next day, a casualty of the ongoing Second Shinobi World War, thus returning the necklace to her. Tsunade began advocating for the inclusion of medical-nin on all four-man squads in order to avoid future deaths like Nawaki's.

Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, agreed with her arguments, but could not dedicate resources to the necessary implementation due to the ongoing war.

Then there was Dan Kato, someone that shared her opinion on this matter, but he too would die. In fact, she was well aware of his feelings for her, but she felt that it wasn't right.

She couldn't return his love the way he wished to love her, just as she was annoyed at her teammate's, Jiraiya's advances on her as well.

Although their team under Hiruzen's leadership had disbanded, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya continued fighting together during the Second Shinobi World War.

During one such fight in Amegakure, they were the only three to survive an encounter with Hanzo, for which accomplishment Hanzo dubbed them Konoha's 'Legendary Sannin.'

In the aftermath of the battle, Jiraiya opted not to return to Konoha so that he could train the Ame orphans. Tsunade would go on to make her own independent contributions to the war, frequently counteracting Chiyo of Sunagakure's poisons.

Although Tsunade's actions are said to have won the war for Konoha, Tsunade was unable to prevent the deaths of many people, especially with how a lot of her fellow allies and comrades, and it was the tipping point for her.

Really, it could of been anyone that would've died at this point that she had any such connection with, and it would've been the tipping point. It was, especially when her friend Dan Kato would die as well, sharing the same dream as her little brother and then some.

Because he was such a close friend and he reminded her of her little brother, she had gifted to Dan Hashirama's necklace.

With Dan's death, Hashirama's necklace returned to Tsunade once again, convincing some that the necklace was cursed to kill anyone who wore it other than Tsunade. Tsunade herself became convinced that achieving one's dreams was impossible and that to be Hokage was a fool's job.

She therefore left Konoha, taking Dan's niece, Shizune, with her to train her as an apprentice. Due to her hemophobia, Tsunade retired from any direct involvement in medicine or combat, instead relying on Shizune whenever a need for either came up.

Despite her many noble qualities, Tsunade is not without her faults. She is blunt and short-tempered, prone to striking Jiraiya for his perversion, she is widely feared because of this tendency.

Her own behavior isn't much better than theirs, as she drinks constantly, sometimes sleeps on the job, and tries as much as she can to have other people do her work for her.

One of her favorite vices is gambling, which she acquired from her grandfather, Hashirama Senju. Despite how often and how irresponsibly she gambles, Tsunade has notoriously bad luck, causing those who have made huge profits off of her to call her 'The Legendary Sucker.'

Tsunade is fully aware of how unlucky she is, and so whenever she hits a winning streak she takes it as a bad omen and prepares for the worst, she has at times tried using her bad luck to her advantage, betting on outcomes she doesn't want so that her unluckiness will prevent them from happening.

Of course, that doesn't mean that she would successfully prevent said bad thing from happening just because of her luck. It was imperceptible, and for her to try and take advantage of it was just another one of her ways to reach out and change the shitty hand she has been dealt.

Despite being from a well off family kind of considered royalty.

'Why does another war have to happen again...?' Tsunade thought to herself as she looked up into the sky with saddened eyes, knowing that she would have to be more careful from now on.

Unrest was a great catalyst for people to become... less reserved in their actions against others. She also knows that her current beauty is still enough to lure bad actors, bad actors that would wish but nothing more than to have her.

Even not taking in consideration everything else that surrounds her. That is a part of her, and she wondered when she would be able to die with the necklace that she wears.

'I wont die, for that is my fate. To never be with the ones I love...' She missed her younger brother dearly, and missed the rest of her family as well.

One might say that there is one person very distantly related to herself, Kushina Uzumaki, and Tsunade would agree that she has a relationship with the girl. However, Tsunade would also admit that she is a coward.

A coward unwilling to face her fears, to overcome them and become better than what she is now.

'But what's the problem with being a coward? If anything, it helps to prevent conflict...' Tsunade reasoned with herself, and what she thought is true.

When confronted, run and avoid being hurt. Don't engage the other person not only because you endanger yourself, but also do so for the others around you, who care for you, and run away that you may not harm the person that wishes to do you harm as well.

Do not feel ashamed because of those feelings of fear, but embrace it because it is something that allows you to keep living. If you do not embrace such a feeling and let yourself be kind of guided by your emotions, then what is the point of having them?

Tsunade looked at her hand, clenching her fist and wishing nothing more for everything to return to normal.

"Lady Tsunade?" The young Shizune had come to her, Shizune being her junior in age by a dozen years at least. At this point, time only seemed to go by as if it was stopped for her ever since the death of her little brother, Nawaki.

"I'm fine, Shizune." Tsunade waved her off as she took another swig from the bottle of sake she was holding.

"Yes, Lady Tsunade." Shizune answered her with a concerned gaze, having come to know that Tsunade was a woman that was stuck in time.

She couldn't or wouldn't move forward, the times of war getting to her just as it would get to anyone else that has lost someone close to them. It probably didn't help that Tsunade is the last of her family, the last of the Senju's.

She could also be considered the last of the Uzumaki clan as well, that is if there was not one more person within Konoha right now that existed. If Kushina didn't exist, Tsunade would most likely become the next jinchuriki herself.

"Heh." A voice all of a sudden had awoken Tsunade and Shizune to another presence in the room. "Looks like I have found you, finally." The voice was of someone that was tired, and for some reason Tsunade felt an odd sense of familiarity.

Looking, she saw a young man appear before her. Shizune stood up, prepared to attack this person, that is until they looked into his eyes, the color of blood.

Tsunade felt herself stiffen for a split second, before her brain registered that it was not blood, but the eyes of a person. The eyes of an Uchiha. "... The old lady isn't the old lady anymore." The person said as he looked to be young, but he was tall enough for Tsunade and Shizune to think that he was somewhere within his late teens.

"And you are?" Tsunade asked, still in a semi-drunken stupor as she gazed upon the young man that had entered.

"Obito Uchiha at your service, and I need your help." The spiky, black haired youth with nice looking features replied, identifying himself as Obito Uchiha, before adding. "My teammate needs someone to heal her, and you are the only one that can do so."

"I'm no shinobi." Tsunade stopped Shizune from saying or doing anything, strangely allured to the red of his eyes. "Not anymore. Boy, how old are you?" She asked.

"Old enough." Obito replied as he was wearing the familiar Uchiha garbs that she knows of.

"Old enough to drink?" Tsunade raised her bottle of sake as she gestured for him to join her.

"Maybe, maybe not." Obito replied as he seemed to look deeply into her eyes, making Tsunade feel conscious about herself.

About the state she is in, and it was like he was seeing right past everything that is in front of him. Someone that could be considered in a slump of sorts. "You..." Tsunade felt strangely familiar when looking at him, and for a split second she thought that she saw something in him as well.

"Me...?" Obito tilted his head as he asked. "Ok, you caught me. I was lying. My friend doesn't need your help and isn't in any trouble at all, but I think that she would make a good student. So, please come and teach her, and teach me."

"You wish to learn... from me? I'm sorry, but I will not be involved in anything that is going on. Not the war, not the village and most certainly not teaching anyone." Tsunade denied, but also kind of flabbergasted at how easily the young man, or was it boy? It didn't matter, but what did matter was how easily he was able to break down her defenses.

She would usually be a bit more reserved, and maybe even against others, going so far as to strike them for coming in on her like she is. She is practically in a state that was extremely suggestive, but she only felt a little embarrassed in the presence of Obito.

"You wont?" Obito placed a finger on his chin, before saying. "How about this. Let's gamble." He smirked at her, challenging her to a battle in which she would no doubt not refuse.

"You want to gamble with me? What are you betting with? What can you bet with?" Tsunade asked him, seeing that he wasn't all that well off.

Or at least that is what he appeared to look like, otherwise he wasn't that bad looking and she could admit he was probably among the most handsome of men she has seen. 'No, he is definitely within what I would consider nice to look at.'

"... Good point..." Obito seemed stumped, which amused Tsunade a bit and as she looked towards Shizune, she got an idea.

"How about this, I will agree to train you and whoever you want, as long as you win..." Tsunade started, and seeing the boy start to nod already, she continued with a smirk of her own. "But if you lose, you are mine."

"H-Huh!?" Obito reacted and so too did Shizune with a blush on her face, probably knowing the implications of what she just said. "W-What do you mean...?" Obito hesitated to ask, unsure of where this is going.

"You heard me. I am... sadly have been a single lady all my life, with no lover, and I think that you should be good enough for myself." Tsunade was still a bit drunk it would seem, but it also seemed like she stated some of her own desire.

She liked the way he looked, which should be more than enough, and she could see how things go from there. Most importantly, she was lonely and in Obito's presence, she didn't feel alone. Even when she has Shizune, she felt alone.

"Y-You cant possibly be saying..." Obito seemed to be piecing things together now.

"That's right. If you lose, you will become my husband. How about it! Want to do it!?" She smiled as she looked straight into his eyes, slightly drawn and maybe the alcohol was affecting more so than expected.