
V.1-C.47│Chunin Exams I│

The Chunin Selection Exams are an opportunity for genin to be promoted to chunin.

The exam structure and evaluation processes differ from one exam to the next so that genin cannot come prepared. Villages hold their own individual exams.

In fact, it was not until after the Third Shinobi World War, exams that are open to all villages started being held bi-annually, with villages taking turns for hosting responsibilities. These shared exams improve relations between the villages, present up-and-coming ninja to clients, and create an opportunity for gambling.

Although the exams, specifically the final round matches, are designed for there to be an ultimate 'winner,' success does not guarantee promotion nor does failure preclude it; if the observing ninja and daimyo feel a genin displays the necessary qualities for a chunin, that genin will be promoted regardless of how they place in the exams.

For this reason it is possible for as many as all of the finalists to pass, or even for none of them to. Being victorious simply expands the participant's chances of demonstrating their qualities in the next match.

Having too many participants to advance to the next stages seems to be an undesired result, as the examiners tend to run additional preliminaries to reduce the number of finalists.

This is a general gist of what the chunin exams are, and currently, a few genin had tried to make it back to Konoha to participate in said exam.

From those that have recently graduated from the academy, to those that have not been able to move past the genin rank even when they have reached an older age.

Currently, Team Kushina had finally arrived back to Konohagakure from their long 'trip' out on the border of the Lands of Fire and Lightning. Everyone seemed to have grown a little bit more, adding further to their growth in their capabilities.

It was a sight to see, all of those genin running around since the last time some had even been back. Some people hadn't even have any time to come back here, which could be considered their home, and it was something that a lot of people enjoyed coming back to.

Of course, because it was or is their home and coming back home after what seemed like a long and arduous fight in war was something... nice. At the same time however, there would be a darker side as well.

There are those that have died, and due to their deaths, they couldn't come back home to their families, friends or lovers. It was both a sad and joyous thing, these two things seemingly inseparable as people either experienced one or the other.

Then again, it was more likely that people experienced both. Other dark things that come from this is the trauma from experiences out on the field, or a crush having moved on from you as you spent to much time away.

Or your lover having cheated on you while you are out on the field, working for your village and family so that they be fed. It was cruel, damaging even and it could happen both ways, for both women and men.

It wasn't like there were only men that were fighting in this war, and in fact there are a lot of people that don't need to natural advantage in strength that comes from being one gender or the other. Though, it is still predominantly male in nature, due to the way men and women are.

Or at least due to the way the society and culture has made things be, but that doesn't discount women from the fight at all.

Obito would know, considering he is practically surrounded by girls or women with him all of the time. Then again, he is kind of lucky to not have to go through that whole bloodshed and death thing again, as he had made sure that this didn't happen to the best of his abilities.

Even still, war was not a nice thing, for those that are left behind, and also for those that participate in said war.

Conflict was something that divided and brought people together, two sides of the same coin that although different, originate from the same thing.

Obito didn't have to worry though, as most of those that he is close to are in actuality out on the battlefield with him, where he has a certain amount of control over things. Meaning that he can save them if need be, using all of his current abilities to his advantage.

It was also nice that the girls were improving on their own as well, with some help from him and others that are able to help them improve. While he would come running to help them whenever and wherever, that didn't mean that it wouldn't be tiring to do so.

At least now when he currently doesn't have as much chakra as he used to have. It would take too long for him to get the same amount naturally as well.

So he had decided that he would do as Kaguya asked, gather up fragments of chakra from all of the Tailed Beasts, and then she would be able to assist him some more.

'Now it is time to become a chunin! I didn't have a proper chance to do so before, but I think I can take this as my chance!' Obito thought to himself as he entered the gates of Konoha with the others, knowing that this would be his chance to 'redeem' himself somewhat.

After all, he not only wasn't promoted in his first chunin exam in his previous life, but missed out on the next one as well, leaving him as a genin. There was even that time he could finally go into the chunin exams again, which he was failed because he used senjutsu.

'Damn, I should've been listening that time...' Obito pouted as he thought about this instance.

Use of senjutsu is against the rules as it would have given him an unfair advantage. Indeed, Obito, as Naruto, who was not listening when this was explained, was immediately disqualified when he used senjutsu.

'I won't be making any of the same mistakes...' Obito thought to himself, as the girls went back towards the Uchiha distract, that is Mikoto, Kushina and Mei, while Rin and Kurenai went their own way home.

They didn't spend all of their time together and sure enough, everyone would want to spend time with the families that they have missed from being deployed out northwards.

Obito himself doesn't have anyone like that, but he doesn't mind as he could simply go wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. It was the beauty behind his Kamui dimension, which reminded him of the idea of turning in the bounty on the individuals known as Kinkaku and Ginkaku.

These two, having been killed by Obito, the Gold and Silver brothers could be used for him to gain a massive amount of ryo. Especially from Konoha, considering that these two brothers are especially wanted by them for killing the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

'Yeah, I think I should do that, but I can't do so with my identity as Obito Uchiha... It would also not be good to use my identity of Tobi as well... which leaves me with one option left.' Obito thought, before he smiled a cheeky smile. 'Yeah, only one person left that shouldn't exist in this world...'

Obito would walk off in another direction, knowing that he should be careful when going to collect the bounty on Ginkaku and Kinkaku. He knows for sure that people might want to see who he is, especially those that wish to know who was powerful enough to take care of those two brothers that defeated Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage.

'Well, I wasn't really that powerful at the time, instead really just using some tricks that happened to allow me to subdue them.' He thought before he would go off to do his own thing.


As the exams are an opportunity for gambling, observers who placed a wager may tend to sabotage the opposing genin participant for their own benefit. It was a commonplace thing that happened.

This gambling would help to bring in some money for the village, and not just for those that wished to gamble. After all, the economy never did do well under the threat and constant pressure of war from all sides.

This didn't only affect Konoha, but also affected other nations as well if they did their own chunin exams.

When thinking about it, Mei Terumi, the Kirigakure kunoichi that was right now 'undercover' of sorts within Konoha, wouldn't be able to participate in this chunin exam. Neither would she be able to go back to her home village either, meaning she would have to wait until the war is over.

It wasn't like ranks like that mattered anyway for Mei, as all she needed to do is become the strongest, which would immediately allow her to stomp all opposition and gain herself the position she is hoping for.

Kirigakure was not a diplomatic village, and it was more along the lines of might makes right.

Not like this doesn't apply everywhere else anyway, but it was especially true in Kirigakure where their selection for their Kage was based off of strength.

Konohagakure is the hidden village of the Land of Fire.

As the village of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, Konohagakure has a Kage as its leader known as the Hokage, of which there have been three in its history to date.

Konoha resides deep within a forest at the base of a mountain known as the Hokage Rock, which has the faces of all those who have taken the office of Hokage engraved on it. It is surrounded on all sides by enormous walls.

While generally seen as the most powerful of the ninja villages, Konoha has enjoyed many years of relative peace and stability. Of course, even thought it has enjoyed some years of peace and stability, it has also gone through many years of war and disorder as well.

Brought into the conflicts of other nations, bringing conflicts themselves to others, or joining the Land of Fire as a whole to combat others.

The standard attire for Konoha shinobi consists of blue or black shirts which may or may not have swirl patterns on the shoulders, along with matching colored pants under a green flak jacket which also has a red swirl on the back, and pockets on the chest area. They also tend to wrap bandages around their legs.

Many Konohagakure ninja use Fire Release techniques, which could currently be seen as many genin had come here and had started to retrain or refine their techniques. Or simply use them as a way to best prepare themselves for the upcoming chunin exams.

It population had increased drastically during the Second Shinobi World War, or just before it, leading to them having to find a way to keep their people feed and satiated. Thus began said Second Shinobi World War.

Then there is the Third Shinobi World War that is happening now, due to the conflict between Iwagakure and Konohagakure.

For the people, it seemed like some sort of lull as many people returned and a semi-festive atmosphere had been created to accommodate those returning and the eventual beginning of the chunin exams.

In fact, the chunin exams had been planned out so that if there are any of those that are late to apply or come back, postponements would be made for other dates. In a way, this would be a very long and drawn out activity, but it would have to be done this way due to the current things going on.

There was no telling when Kumogakure would decide to attack again, or if Konohagakure would decide that they would like to start some things with Kumo themselves as well.

The main conflict between Konoha and Iwa was currently still going on, and it was a boring endeavor. Time. Time is all that was being wasted now.

But some people would be able to see the silver lining under these dark clouds. Which is where those opportunists would take this opportunity to do their absolute best in making money, like bandits, from the upcoming and soon starting chunin exams.


In the Land of Fire resides a bounty station, a black market exchange point where bounty hunters collect the bounty on names from the Bingo Book. Its entrance is hidden behind a urinal in a bathroom. Its current owner or manager and status is unknown.

It was a bounty station that existed outside of Konoha, because of course it does. There is no way bounty hunters would want to come to a village to collect a bounty, especially if the bounty was of a shinobi from said village.

There are however what are known as very private points that are close enough to Konoha, that shinobi from said village could potentially take the bounties on the heads of their fellow ninja if they so desired.

It was a shady business tactic, but what does one expect from a black market exchange from those that operate this business. Usually though, one would want to collect bounties on peoples heads that aren't from the same lands, as that would bring too much trouble.

At said point of exchange, an individual with spiky blond hair and blue eyes had walked into this small establishment. This person has a mask on as well, but the hair color and eye color should be enough for people to kind of identity the person.

Strange enough was that their mask was semi-unique as well, in that it took on the shape of a fox. An orange fox that is. Walking forward, said individual got to the desk to collect bounties and said. "I wish to collect the bounty on the Gold and Silver brothers." This instantly silenced everyone as they looked towards this individual.

"May I see proof of their deaths." They weren't wanted alive, only dead by Konoha. The receptionist asked, an old man with dirty and average features.

"Here." The fox-masked person placed the bodies of said two brothers, and immediately everyone was in uproar, despite them all being trained assassins.

"Let me verify." The old man said, as a whole process went about, where soon enough the old man would come back out with some ryo. "Here. Congratulations, but I would suggest you leave as quickly as you can. People here are greedy." The old man said nothing more as he gave the orange fox-masked male the money within a large pouch.

"Thanks." The fox-masked male said, before turning around to everyone else and adding. "This is mine. Goodbye." Then, like a magician, the orange fox-masked male did a motion with his arm, and seemed to disappear like a swirl, gone, but not before leaving his 'name.' "I'm Naruto, by the way."

Of course some would try to find him, even the stationed secret ops of the ANBU from Konoha would search, but everything would come up negative.

A report would have to be made.