
V.1-C.37│World War Begins IV│

Soon enough, people were dispatched from Konoha and out towards the occupied territories under Iwa, and they would be confronting Iwa on the front lines for an extended period of time.

Other outbreaks of conflict start to appear as well, all throughout most of the bordering Lands to the Land of Fire. Not to say that Konoha was the only one being negatively affected, as other villages and Lands would also be going after each other as well.

Konohagakure and Iwagakure would fight across Kusagakure. Iwagakure had also started some beef with Kumogakure. Sunagakure would also seemingly participate in the war. Kumogakure would be a part of the war, specifically mainly against Konohagakure, but would have those skirmishes with Iwagakure.

Then there was Kirigakure, whom were already preparing and aiming their weapons towards Konoha.

Overall, it seemed to involve just about everyone. All of the larger nations that is, while there was only one other smaller nation that would be involved, and that is the Land of Grass, where Kusagakure would be housed and the battles that take place there would be where most of the fight would be happening.

Currently, there was one team in particular that would be going out into the field, to specifically go into the mainlines. The team consisting of Kushina, Obito, Rin, Kurenai, and Mei, all making up Team Kushina.

On the other hand, they wouldn't be going completely alone, as another would be joining them in their mission to secure a specific point in the border between Konoha and Kumo.

Specifically, Team Kushina would be double teaming with Team Choza, composed of Choza Akimichi, Ebisu, Might Guy and Genma Shiranui.

Mikoto had also requested to come along as well, and because she was someone that wasn't really out on the field much, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage allowed it.

It wasn't like she would be getting in the way of anything, but would instead be helpful in their mission.

There was also the possibility that Team Seven, under the leadership of Minato would also be coming as well, but they had been dispatched towards another location nearby to the main location Team Kushina and Team Choza was sent to.

Travelling along with said individuals wasn't hard or anything like that, but Guy was a whole different story. Guy was seemingly a little upset at the fact that Obito was in a team exclusively made of girls.

Either way, they were now stationed at this position for whoever knows how long, awaiting for something to happen.


Sighing, Guy couldn't help but lament the boring task of keeping watch while everyone else enjoys their time inside the encampment. 'At least I have a friend with me.' Guy nodded his head as he glanced towards Obito, whom is also on guard with him.

Of course, that doesn't mean they would be able to do anything against enemy shinobi coming in for the attack, but they were here because of their physical capabilities.

Both Obito and himself are fast enough to get back and escape to warn the others of a potential attack, and the main reason Guy wasn't here by himself is the fact that he is not the best in locating threats straight away.

A sensor like Obito, especially with his Sharingan would enable them to be alerted on time to anyone's approach.

Still, the night was still going on, and they would be able to change out with someone else within a short period of time. It wasn't like they are forced to be sentries for the rest of the night.

That wasn't how it worked.

It was based on a rotational basis, meaning that they would be replaced by another person. Otherwise it would just be one person here, instead of the two of them because they are both genin.

Putting teamwork aside and all, they would have to deal with anyone that also wished to come in during the night as well.

As Guy was thinking to himself about how he should better train himself to fight against Kakashi, Obito suddenly made a movement. "Guy. I want you to go in and make sure to alert everyone of an approaching enemy."

"W-What!? Someone's coming!?" Guy nearly yelled out, but Obito gestured for him to go. "Yes! Of course, but how about you?"

"I will be fine." Obito seemed to have a serious expression, before continuing. "Leave. Go wake the others already."

"Right!" As Guy left, Obito went forward leaving the encampment behind as he had an idea of the enemies he was going to face.

Coming out through some woods and entering a clearing, Obito easily signaled to the approaching shinobi his location. He made sure to make a small display of fire that would attract not only the enemy shinobi's attention, but also the attention of everyone else once they see it.

There was two individuals that was brought before him.

One was older, and larger. Dark skin with a large muscular build, white hair combed back, a small moustache and goatee. His face has pronounced cheekbones and tear troughs under his eyes, and a prominent crease across his forehead. He has pointed canines and his top lip also has a darker hue than the bottom one.

He has black Fuma Shuriken tattoos on both shoulders and originally wore large, golden vambraces on his wrists. He also wears a gold belt around his waist with a boar's face engraved in the center, black pants with torn ends, Kumo-nin shin guards, and shinobi sandals.

This man was known as 'A,' currently just a jonin shinobi from Kumogakure, while the second person that was with him is known as 'B.'

'B' has dark skin and a muscular build, as well as white hair and a goatee. On his right shoulder, he has a tattoo of the kanji for 'iron,' which is the Iron Armor Seal that was used to seal Gyuki into him, and on his left cheek, he has a tattoo of a bull's horn. His top lip also has a slightly darker hue than his bottom one.

B wears oval-shaped sunglasses and a white-colored forehead protector. He also has his village's standard one-strap-over-one-shoulder flak jacket, and a long, red rope belt tied around his waist, the standard Kumo hand and shin guards, shinobi sandals, and a white scarf around his neck.

These two were Obito's current enemies, as much as he didn't like it, he knew that the shinobi world was not exactly the brightest, especially in these times. "Who are you, boy?" It seemed like A was interested in this boy before him.

"No one important." Obito replied as he needed to come up with a way to disable B from the fight, as it would be troublesome to fight them both. Looking towards B, Obito decided to make use of his Sharingan, placing him within a genjutsu and placing the Tailed Beast within him into a genjutsu as well.

"B!?" A exclaimed, having noticed that B was taken into a genjutsu, something that shouldn't really be possible. "Boy, you shouldn't have done that." B was known as one of the fastest people alive, but Obito had his own tricks up his sleeve to deal with him.

"Don't worry. Leave, that is all I ask." Obito said as A looked at him.

"I can't very well do that..." As A started to talk however, Obito was distracted by the person within him speaking.

'Obito... please... please, give me my chakra.' Kaguya seemed desperate enough to plead with him not caring in the slightest about her disagreement with him in the slightest, probably having enough freedom at this point to communicate with him.

Also she probably sensed his actions taken against B, whom is current the jinchuriki for Gyuki, the Eight Tailed Beast. Shaking his head, Obito only replied. 'You know I can't help you with this. It's... not something I can do. I refuse to do it.'

'...' There was only silence after that, no doubt Kaguya going back to mopping about Obito 'betraying' her. "You weren't even listening to me, were you?" A asked with a frustrated look on his face, having noticed that Obito didn't even seem to care about his presence.

Before anything could happen however, Minato Namikaze had made his way here and engaged A within a fight. Seeing this, Obito decided to take this opportunity to ask Kaguya some more questions.

'How can I help you? How can I help you, without killing anyone?' Obito couldn't lie, he had also developed some attachment to the woman, something he found himself doing a lot with girls. Lots of them as well.

'...' There was still no reply.

'What if... What if I can absorb some of the Eight Tail's chakra? Will that be enough for you?' Obito asked, wishing to bridge a divide between himself and Kaguya while Minato fights with A, but he wasn't fully out of the real world.

He didn't want to be taken by surprise. 'You would... You would do that?' Kaguya asked in a hopeful voice.

'I'll try.' Obito went forward towards B, which didn't go unnoticed by A, but he was currently fighting against Minato, whom was able to contend with him. Now right in front of B, Obito decided to use an ability that he had access to.

The ability to absorb chakra was something he had somehow developed in this new life of his. Going deep, with all of his current prowess in sealing, his genjutsu to trap B and Gyuki, along with his chakra absorption ability, he devoured some of the Eight Tail's chakra, passing it along to Kaguya.

But that didn't mean this was without consequence, as it broke the illusion he had placed on B, and he had also gone numb because the Tailed Beast chakra had to flow through him to get to her. "W-What...?" B muttered before seeing Obito in front of him, as he went backwards.

Obito also retreated as well, a bit tired by this process. Not another word was said by Kaguya after this, and Obito didn't have the energy to talk with her right now.

The fight between A and Minato soon came to an end, where they would both have to retreat. Specifically, Minato had thrown Obito onto his shoulder, before using the Hiraishin to travel away from this area.

While A and B would leave as well, their scouting mission both being a success and failure.


"Are you stupid?" Mikoto was harsh as she started to scold Obito for his actions. Of course there was also others worried, but it was Mikoto that was speaking to him.

Everyone else that had gotten up, now had gone back to sleep because the problem had been taken care of.

While Obito was being scolded by Mikoto, Kushina was at the front gates, making it her turn in keeping watch now. However, it would seem like Minato had not only taken this opportunity to face off against A, but would also approach Kushina, whom is wholly uninterested in him.

"Lady Kushina." Minato said, given that Kushina is the last of the Uzumaki, making her effectively the head of the clan.

"Mr. Minato? Is there something you need?" Kushina asked as she was confused he was here. "Also, thank you for helping Obito out. He can be reckless sometimes." She was grateful, because she was worried about what Obito would do.

"Yes. I successfully protected him. I just wanted to talk with you, that's all." Minato replied.

"About what?" Kushina asked.

"Eh... I was wondering about if you are single." Kushina was not as dense as Obito, immediately recognizing what this question was about.

"... Yes..." Kushina would've liked to say that she isn't, simply so that she can get out of this uncomfortable situation. Sure... Minato looked somewhat good, but she was and is wholly uninterested in him. "I'm sorry, Mr. Namikaze, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now."

"Oh..." Minato has no experience with romance, so he was rejected, and even if he did, he would still be rejected because Kushina only had one person within her heart like that. "May I ask why...?"

Kushina was starting to dislike Minato now, since it seemed like he couldn't take no for an answer. "I just don't want to." Kushina replied, as she had neutral face now, bordering on a cold expression.

"Right... if you'll excuse me." Minato left, but he did stay around to stalk her without her knowledge. 'Why... Why... Why...?' His thoughts had been consumed as such.

As the time was passing by, soon enough, Obito had come to talk with Kushina, immediately grabbing Minato's attention. With a smile on her face at seeing him, Kushina spoke. "Obito! Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Obito responded with a smile of his own, as it seemed like Kushina treated Obito with another level of attention from what Minato had observed a few years ago. It also seemed like Kushina looked at him differently.

"That's good then. Obito, you're my family. I dont want you to get hurt." Kushina went forward and hugged Obito, but it was done in such a way that Minato grew suspicious of the relationship between the two.

"Don't-... Actually, I cant tell you to not worry. You and everyone else would do so even if I say it. Instead, all I can say is that I will be fine." Obito said to Kushina, and Minato started to feel weird listening to them.

Sure, spying on others and gathering information was a part of a shinobi's lifestyle, but that didn't mean he didn't feel strange. Watching Kushina with Obito, it felt as I'd something had been stolen from him.

He not only needed her for his own plans, but he now also started to want her in other ways, but it seemed like he needed to find a way to get rid of Obito. It was clear to him that Kushina held special feelings for the boy, whether not he liked to admit it or not.

Obito had decided to stay with Kushina, and it was something that Minato had caught on to. Obito had a hard time sleeping, or at least that was what Minato was able to piece together.

Still, seeing the way Kushina and Obito were with each other made him a little more than upset. 'If I remember correctly, doesn't Asuma hold a grudge against Obito as well...?' Minato thought to himself, having gotten to know his genuine team well enough.

'I will use this...' Minato thought, before he would flash away, butwhat he didn't know was that he had been sensed.

By both Obito and Kushina, one that was able to do so with his Sharingan, while the other was able to sense evil intentions.

Specifically Kushina's evil sensing technique she has due to being the jinchuriki for Kurama. 'Was that Namikaze...?' She thought to herself before narrowing her eyes.

Looking at Obito, Kushina was now aware that Minato may be more despicable than she first thought.