
V.1-C.35│World War Begins II│

"You did what!?" Mikoto exclaimed as she had just heard some things from Obito, whom was also with Kushina as the two of them would talk to her about their first mission together.

"Yeah... It's complicated?" Obito said as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Complicated..." Mikoto sighed as she looked at Obito, before looking at Kushina whom also had a similar demeanor to him. 'Is it just me, or are these two kind of similar?' Mikoto connected some dots that it may be because they all live together, it would be obvious that Obito picked up on some traits from Kushina, or herself.

"Yeah, complicated." Obito nodded his head with a smile on his head, as if he wasn't a source of trouble.

"Never mind, never mind." Mikoto decided to just let this go, but before that... "Kushina. You saw his eyes, the Sharingan."

"Yes." Kushina nodded her head, finally being able to hear some more from Mikoto.

"Before I explain things, Obito, your eyes... how do you feel? Is there anything different about your vision?" Mikoto had to ask him first, knowing full well that using the Mangekyo Sharingan is disastrous for ones sight.

She herself had used her own Mangekyo Sharingan a few times before. "My sight? It's fine." It was true, Obito wasn't currently suffering from any side effects, other than the normal strain associated with activating the abilities of a Mangekyo Sharingan.

"That's good... that's good. I would suggest you don't use it too much, if at all. Otherwise you could lose your sight from overuse." Mikoto said, shocking Kushina that such a side effect, such a price was used to pay for the power that Obito has.

"D-Does all Uchiha have the same potential advanced forms?" Kushina asked.

"Obito, your Mangekyo ability is called Kamui, and is a space-time technique. My own is different, and yes, Kushina, the Sharingan, the Mangekyo Sharingan does have such a price in using these advanced abilities." Mikoto revealed.

Turning to Obito, Kushina grabbed ahold of him before looking straight into his eyes. "Obito. Promise me to not use them, not unless it is absolutely necessary!"

"... I, kind of already promised that, didn't I?" Obito was touched by the concern, but it was a little overbearing at this point, being bombarded from all sides with affection like this that is. He didn't properly even know the concept of love, didn't understand it fully, and most of this, while not new anymore, still took him time to adjust to.

One doesn't just get rid of ones trauma just because time passes, that's not how things work, even if one wished it to. "R-Right." Kushina did let him go, noticing that she was quite close to Obito's face as she had said this.

Mikoto didn't let this change in behavior slip, catching onto the change that Kushina has seemingly undergone. 'What happened? They go on one mission, and things have... turned strange.' Mikoto thought, but of course it was only really strange on Kushina's part.

Obito on the other hand seemed none the wiser. "I have also been told we have a new, temporary resident." Mikoto added.

"Yes. Her name is Mei Terumi. She will be taking refuge here, until things calm down within Kirigakure and then we can clear things up." Kushina replied.

"Where is this girl now?" Mikoto asked, wanting to see her.

"She has gone out with Rin and Kurenai, as it would seem they wished to give her a tour around Konoha." Kushina replied.

"Ok. That's fine, I guess we can meet later." Mikoto added, before continuing. "Now, let me tell you a bit more about the Sharingan's advanced form that I know of, called the Mangekyo Sharingan..." Mikoto would inform Kushina of everything she currently knows of.

A Mangekyo Sharingan is distinguished from a normal Sharingan by its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoe seal. While the exact design differs for each user, they all resemble pinwheels. It is initially awakened by the trauma suffered from witnessing the death of someone close to the user.

Kushina of course made the connection for Obito, that being he had to have felt a strong emotion in relation to Granny Masumi. But, Obito is supposedly different in that he hadn't even witnessed the death of Granny Masumi, but this detail was put aside by both Kushina and Mikoto.

After all, it wasn't like they knew that this was for sure the certain method to do so. So, Mikoto had slightly revised her own information, thinking that there was something else, specifically an intense emotion related to the awakening of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

For Obito, he immediately awakened his Mangekyo, but Mikoto, she said that she only awakened hers after a few days, meaning that the time of awakening varied.

The Mangekyo Sharingan retains all of the Sharingan's generic abilities. In addition to that, the Mangekyo grants powerful abilities that differ between each eye, though abilities may be similar in nature.

Overall, this was the gist of what the Mangekyo Sharingan is, or at least the extant of Mikoto's current knowledge of it.

"That is it." Mikoto finished her explanation for Kushina, just as Obito had stayed around to listen himself, and it somewhat aligned with what he knew.

He was also unsure if seeing someone close to you was the only way to unlock said Mangekyo Sharingan, but it was the only way that has been tried and proven. "That's it? There isn't some special method of way to make sure you don't go blind?" Kushina asked, hoping that she could help Obito and Mikoto with their own eyes.

After all, it was not something she wanted either of them to experience, but she was really asking more so for Obito. Unknowingly to her, he was the motivation behind her asking of this statement, and if it was just Mikoto, she probably wouldn't have asked this question.

Not because they aren't friends, or don't consider each other family, but because of other reasons.

"To be honest, I don't know." Mikoto shook her head as a reply, the only person in the room that did know was Obito.

"We must find a way." Kushina said, knowing full well that Obito would probably be using his eyes more and more. There was just no way around it, because if it is discovered that he has such an ability, he would become more free and open about using it, accelerating the process of him going blind.

"We can try to find something." Mikoto thought for a bit for a solution, before remembering the Uchiha stone tablet. 'Maybe there might be something there...?' She had never looked at it before, not really, but sometimes she would notice it was there.

It was written in a language that couldn't be understood, but that didn't mean that this thing would exist for nothing.

Then there was Obito, who did have another possible solution other than just taking another persons eyes. 'Hashirama Senju's cells. This wouldn't exactly be hard to get, but...' Obito thought about those that have access to it currently.

It would not be impossible, but it would certainly be a hassle. 'And there is no guarantee that it would work the same way as I imagine it would work for me.' Obito only had his memories to work off of.

"Don't worry Obito. I wont let you lose your eyesight, knowing that you will probably use that ability of yours." Kushina said smilingly, remembering herself about that small detail about Obito being willing to use said ability to help his 'previous ones.'

It didn't go unnoticed by Kushina, and neither had it one unnoticed by others as well, namely, Rin, Kurenai and Mei. Even Mikoto has a vague understanding that Obito would probably use his Mangekyo Sharingan again.

"Yes, Obito. I will make sure you don't lose your eyesight as well." Mikoto couldn't exactly lose out to Kushina here. She was supposed to be the oldest and most responsible.

Obito looked at the two of them, the fire within his heart for each, surging within him. "Then I can only do the same." Obito replied smiling.


"Obito?" Kakashi asked as he watched his friend come to him, along with another individual that he also knows of.

"Hey, Kakashi." Obito called back as he was alongside someone else, that someone else being Might Guy.

Guy here looked at the two people, Obito and Kakashi, before he had come up with something within his mind. "Hello! Kakashi, one of the elite!" Guy spoke in an enthusiastic way.

"One of the elite?" Kakashi was confused at the phrase.

"Yeah! You're a part of the elite, the talented within the village." Guy had a smile on his face as he said this.

"Obito? Why did you bring him along?" Kakashi said, as he had been training with Obito for a while now, that is when he didn't need to go on any missions, which would be changing due to the environment lately.

Specifically conflict had finally broken out between Konoha and Iwa. "Him? Guy here wanted to finally meet with you. Don't ask me the reason why, ask him." Obit had a smile of his own as he said this, seemingly aware of something that Kakashi wasn't aware of.

"Kakashi! I wish to fight you, if you will." Guy proposed, wishing to test his metal against Kakashi's genius. His hark work against his prodigious talent. "You were an elite through birth, while I am an elite through effort!"

"Eh, what does that make me then?" Obito asked.

"Obito? You? If I had to describe you, then you would be an elite through effort and birth! A genius that works harder like no one else!" Guy exclaimed, well aware of the effort that Obito put into himself.

In fact, Guy looked up to Obito instead of wanting to make him his rival, like he would do so with Kakashi. "I think that you, Kakashi, and myself can have an amazing rivalry! So? How about we lay our youth on the line for a hot-blooded battle!?" Guy couldn't miss up on this opportunity.

Sighing, Kakashi looked at Obito, who was smiling a smile that may or may not be cheeky, before he looked back towards Guy. "I don't like doing things that I don't have to." Kakashi replied to Guy's request, before he got up. "Your humor leaves me speechless."

"What about my challenge?" Guy asked as Kakashi started to walk away from the training grounds, not wanting to be bothered by Guy, or even Obito at this point.

"I refuse..." What would proceed after that is Guy annoying Kakashi throughout the rest of the day to get him to be challenged, with Obito watching the fun.

Soon enough, Kakashi grew annoyed enough to accept his challenge, and their challenges ranged from absolutely everything a shinobi would do the very next day. From sunrise to sunset the two would do things and challenge each other, with Kakashi winning every single time.

Because of this, Guy grew more and more desperate to beat him, before the time would finally come.

Now sunset, where both Kakashi and Guy were finally face to face in their last 'battle.' "All right. I will be referring here." Obito said as his Sharingan eyes kept a close watch on both individuals, both ready to release their special moves.

"Here I go!" Guy called as his hand was balled into a fist, extending towards Kakashi.

"Come on!" Kakashi called back, seemingly ready to punch Guy as well.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" The two called at the same time, their fists pulled back, before they both went towards the middle.

That's right, their last challenge is the legendary game that is supposedly based off of chance. "Again! Again! Again...!" It would continue like this for a while, the two of them making the same moves again and again.

Obito was getting tired himself, as the two of them continued to face off against each other. 'Did they really go at this for the entire time, not either of them being able to win once...?' Obito thought to himself, before night time would arrive and the three of them would have to stop their activities here.

"Ok, ok. I think that is enough." Obito said as he caught both of them as they tried to outplay each other again. He had grabbed both of their hands.

"But, but! Obito! I know I can win!" Guy said as he was close, or at least he felt close enough to winning now. Victory was within his grasp.

Letting go, Obito looked between the two of them, and did think that their friendship would develop from here. Which is nice enough, since these two are actually better in making each other more motivated to become more powerful.

Obito couldn't be that source of influence, because both Kakashi and Guy saw Obito as a whole entire different breed from themselves. Not that they still don't want to challenge him, just that they didn't see him in the same light as they could each other.

"Obito's right, Guy. I think we should finish up for now." Kakashi may sound tired, but he was also a little bit happy at making another friend, a rival even in Guy. Guy may have lost in everything, but it seemed like they would tie in this last thing.

"Right... But I wont give up! Just you wait, Kakashi! I will beat you one day. Mark my words." Guy smiled as he said this.

"Sure... You can try." Kakashi replied himself, before he turned to Obito and said something that startled Obito. "Did you hear? There is a war coming..."

"A war..." Obito thought on this for a long time now, already knowing what is to come.

"Yes. How not youthful." Guy shook his head.

"I will soon be deployed to some conflict between Iwa and Konoha, along with my team." Kakashi revealed to Obito, but also to Guy as well.

"You are...? Don't die then." Obito said to Kakashi, before turning around and adding before he left the two. "I should get going then."

"Bye, Obito!" Guy called out as Obito left the two of them alone. "Kakashi, now that we are alone, maybe we should-..." Guy would be surprised to find that Kakashi had left as soon as Obito had. "K-Kakashi... How... How... How cool!"

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