
Sick Bastard

The classrooms for lessons are located near the west area of the northern compound. Why does the northern compound have areas? It's mainly because the northern compound has a size of approximately 47 km2. How big is that? A small city is approximately that size.

Considering the size of a single compound is the size of a small city, one can only imagine the total area of Zarion Academy.

The block that was the designated location for classes consist of a multiple rows of 2 story buildings. After being unable to find the exact location, Zhang Wei asked around and arrived in front of his designated classroom after much difficulty.

On the way he had to ask a few people for the location, but most said they do not know, or simply just ignored him.

He was getting kind of pissed off until a girl saw him struggling, and decided to help. After she heard about the location and the lecturer's name, she became wide eyed and gulped audibly. Zhang Wei saw this and raised an eyebrow.

[What's with that gulp? That can't be a good sign right? Damn I'm having a really bad feeling about this! He already had a bad feeling seeing no one sign up, but now he was kind of worried what will happen.]

The girl gave him a location and sent him off with a smile. Zhang Wei walked towards the classroom, but when he turned and looked back to the girl, she had her hand clasped together and was in a bowing position, it was as if she was offering condolences.

Zhang Wei frowned when he saw this.

[Oi! What's with that position? Why do you look like you are praying for my safety? Am I going to war or something? Now I'm really scared of what's going to happen!]

Now Zhang Wei was standing in front of the classroom, but he was stuck in place. He really didn't want to go in, but since he had already signed up and payed, he didn't want to waste his money. So he gave in and entered the classroom.

Opening the classroom, he saw an unbelievable sight. A man who looked like he was in his twenties, was looking at a suspicious book. Since he was sitting at the lecturer's desk this man must have been the teacher.

However, the title of the book was extremely intriguing, XXXXXX. What a disgusting abomination!

The worst thing was that he was reading this abomination, with a perverted smile on his face.

[What kind of sick bastard is this?!]

Zhang Wei stood there for a solid minute, debating with himself whether he should just leave immediately.

While he hated wasting those precious academy points, he could not bare to even look at this sick bastard any longer.

[Nope nope, Hell No! My elegant self would be corrupted if this bastard teaches me. Who gives a shit about a mere 2 academy points. As long as my purity is safe, it would be worth it.]

Just as he was about to make a run for it, The sick bastard finally noticed him and called out, "Oh you're here. Come in."

Zhang Wei cursed inside, [SHIT! He noticed me.]

"Are you Mr Murray?", Zhang Wei could only swallow his regret. Mr Murray closed his book and kept it inside a drawer,

"That is me. Come and sit." Zhang Wei went in sat down. Since he could not escape anyways, he might as well just go through with it.

Mr Murray gave him a short quiz to test out his knowledge. Most of the questions, questions about basic herb names, and the structure of the human body.

Zhang Wei was quite knowledgeable about the human structure since he studied biology, but he had never heard of any herbs that Mr Murray mentioned.

The herbs were basically medicinal ingredients that could not be found in his previous world. Even the names were reeking with cringiness.

[What the heck is Golden Royal Fox Plant?]

Seeing that Zhang Wei knew none of the herbs, Mr Murray stopped asking questions. He looked at Zhang Wei, and said,

"You're really stupid aren't you? Haiz, I have seen many idiots, but not a single one, could not at least name a single herb. You must be a special kind of stupid." Hearing this Zhang Wei was getting visibly annoyed.

[Oi! Do you have to be so rough? I'm from a different world, of course I would not recognize a single cringe plant that you named. Cut me some slack! You're going to make me cry here!]

"It's too bad you're not blessed with an exquisite and complex mind like mine. It's sad, idiots can never achieve anything similar to my level of intelligence." Mr Murray said with a genuine sad tone of voice.



[He's a shameless bastard! You have got to be kidding me right? Are you not that same person who was reading that disgusting piece of crap? No wonder no one wanted to be associated with this human crap. He's a perverted shameless sicko.

Humph! You think only you can be shameless?]

Zhang Wei calmed himself and went into actor mode, "Oh woe is me, it seems that no one can understand me.

I was simply not answering correctly since I was afraid you would be embarrassed if I got it all correct, but who would have thought you would mistake it for this Noble being stupid.

Oh how sad that this Noble's superior intellect cannot be comprehended by the common masses."

Mr Murray's smile never left his face. Clearly he was starting to get amused "Oh. Since you are so intelligent, I guess you wouldn't mind me asking a few more question?"

Zhang Wei heard that and internally clicked his tongue. [Shit! I did not expect that.]

At this point Zhang Wei could only thicken his skin and replied coolly. "No need. If I answer all of them, I'm afraid you may commit suicide.

Very few could withstand my brilliance, and most would deemed themselves unworthy to even look at me."


[He's damn shameless!]

At that point, that's the only thing Mr Murray could think.

Why do I keep introducing these weird characters. Can't I make up someone half decent?

UnKnown1998creators' thoughts