
Author: Realms of my Imagination - Book 1


Nounless_Ego · Anime & Comics
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Capítulo 1

For those who don't know this, then read, and if you then ... .I don't care. I just read this then.


As we all know, reincarnation is like some kind of shit that circulates in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth repeatedly for what I think it is. It has been fascinating and intrigued the whole race of humanity for millennia. Across cultures and religions, this kind of concept has taken on various forms, making its own path into the system of human intellectual understanding and spirituality. From the ancient philosophies of Hinduism and Buddhism until to the modern interpretations in literature– either it's anime, manga, light novel or etc. The reincarnation has left an indelible mark on human curiosity.

In the realm of fiction, the notion of reincarnation offers unique drafts upon which to explore themes of destiny, love, redemption, and personal growth. Imagine a tale set across multiple lifetimes, where characters are bound by an unbreakable thread of fate, destined to cross paths time and time again. This intricate web of lives can be identified as a framework of each strand representing a different existence, written in ways that reveal deeper connections and meanings or known as truth.

The central characters in a reincarnation story might find themselves born into different eras, cultures, and social statuses, yet their souls remain similar, seeking answers in each new life. These characters could experience the euphoria of recognition upon encountering each other's fates, guided by an innate sense of familiarity that defies the boundaries of time, memory, and destiny. The emotional resonance of such reunions can evoke feelings of nostalgia, longing, and a sense of belonging that transcends mere mortal existence.

Like the certain anime where there's a pink haired horn female protagonist with her darling, letting us wait for how many years just to watch its continuation. I can't even fathom it as, why would they even release a sneak peek for a season 2, but they won't even release it. They just leave it like at the meet-up of the two after their suicidal deaths, later on turning it to a massive cliffhanger where they're still someone many weebs waiting on it…

But anyways…

As another story unfolds, the protagonists could even be connected with the acquaintance with their past lives, haunted by unresolved conflicts and unfinished business. These unresolved issues may manifest as recurring dreams, visions, or even déjà vu experiences. Their journey of self-discovery could lead them on a quest to uncover the truths of their past lives, seeking closure and healing across different eras. Along the way, they might encounter spiritual guides or mentors who help them navigate the intricacies of reincarnation and its impact on their present existence.

Alongside With it an emotion that transcends time and space could serve as the driving force behind the characters' repeated encounters. A poignant exploration of love enduring through lifetimes can evoke a powerful emotional response from the audience. The heart-wrenching beauty of a love that persists despite the challenges of time and circumstance can be both heartwarming and heartbreaking, leaving a lasting imprint on the reader or viewer.

However, reincarnation need not always be portrayed as a linear journey. The story could take an innovative turn by exploring the concept of simultaneous lives. Imagine characters existing in different time periods but connected by shared experiences, emotions, and thoughts. Their paths could converge in unexpected ways, defying conventional notions of cause and effect and leading to a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all existence.

The philosophical implications of reincarnation also offer a rich vein to mine in ideas. Questions of identity, purpose, and the nature of the soul can be delved into deeply. How does one's identity evolve across lifetimes? Is personal growth a continuous upward trajectory, or does it involve cyclical patterns of progress and regression? Such inquiries can invite readers or viewers to contemplate their own lives and the world around them, sparking introspection and contemplation.

In a world where technological advancements are blurring the lines between reality and virtuality, the concept of reincarnation could be reimagined in innovative ways. Perhaps characters find themselves reincarnated in virtual worlds, exploring the boundaries between the digital and the spiritual. This twist could open up discussions about the nature of consciousness, reality, and the impact of technology on human experiences.

In conclusion, reincarnation is a captivating and multifaceted concept that lends itself beautifully to storytelling. Its exploration can lead to narratives that span centuries, delving into themes of love, destiny, growth, and the mysteries of existence. Whether depicted as a linear journey, a tapestry of interconnected lives, or an exploration of the philosophical implications, the concept of reincarnation offers storytellers a rich palette to create narratives that resonate deeply with audiences and leave an enduring mark on the literary and cinematic landscape.

Strange, right?

On how I can understand this kind of bullshit, or whatever it is, that even I start to write this thing?

For the answer…

…I don't even know whether it's just my whimsical thoughts that help me or not, I don't know.

Since for all I care about, I am in this strange situation. It seems connected to the concept that I just explained a while ago.

I feel conflicted since how can I handle this, seeing that it's just an endless darkness I see in this place, floating endlessly since I don't feel any physicality that I can feel aside my own 'body?'.

I can't tell since all my senses aside my cutaneous sense, which is known as sense of touch, I just don't feel anything.

Maybe I should think about how I end up in this kind of place, so the readers don't feel bored of me.


"What a fine morning it is~"said a teenage boy who was wearing a strange outfit since his clothes were somewhat like armor. This one has a sexy-cool design since it's just its own color that screams badassness—black and violet. Alongside, it was a helmet he's holding, and also, this one has a cool design.

"Luv u, Sky ❤️~." He flirty, said while looking at the clear blue sky while forming a T-pose in his balcony.

But anyways, let's start the flashback.

In the colorful  world of cosplayers, where hardcore fans bring their favorite fictional characters into life, there once lived a passionate cosplayer named Hikari Mitsuaki. Who was born with a heart full of creativity and a talent for crafting intricate costumes, Hikari's dedication to his craftiness was truly remarkable.

Hikari was known for his full attention to each detail of the costume and his ability to eventually act in a wide variety of characters we can know. From shounen male characters to female ones, his costumes were nothing but a life-like version of his character. His deep obsession with cosplaying led him to attend conventions, gatherings, and events where he could showcase his artistry and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

One fateful day, an opportunity arose for Hikari to participate in a grand cosplay event at a renowned venue, the Cosplay World Expo. This one was a dream come true for him, as the Expo was known for its massive scale of attracting cosplayers and fans from all over the world. He saw this as his chance to shine and make a 'lasting mark' in the cosplay community.

For months, he poured his heart and soul into creating an awe-inspiring costume based on a beloved manhwa character. He meticulously crafted every piece, from armor plates to its accessories, ensuring that every detail was accurate, countless days have passed until he reached the day of the Expo finally arrived, and as he walked into the venue adorned in his masterpiece, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The venue was a sight to behold, buzzing with energy as cosplayers mingled, photographers snapped pictures, and fans admired the craftsmanship on display and of course his  costume garnered attention, and he was overwhelmed with joy as he posed for photos and engaged in conversations about his creation.

As the day progressed, he noticed a commotion near the entrance. A panicked crowd had formed around a structural flaw that had been discovered in the building. The atmosphere shifted from excitement to concern, and whispers of evacuation began to spread. It became clear that the venue was in danger, and chaos began to unfold.

In the midst of the chaos, Hikari's heart raced not because of his own safety but for the safety of those around him. Amid the confusion, he spotted a frightened little kid who had become separated from their guardian. Without a second thought, Hikari sprang into action, his cosplay instincts guiding him. He rushed to the child's side, offering comfort and reassurance.

As the situation escalated, the sound of creaking ceiling and cracking walls echoed throughout the venue. With determination in his eyes, he held the child close and made a dash for the exit, navigating through the panicked crowd. Time seemed to slow as debris fell around them, and just as they reached safety, a deafening crash filled the air.

Behind them, the venue collapsed in a cascade of destruction. The place that had once been filled with laughter and excitement was now a scene of devastation. Through a combination of luck, bravery, and quick thinking, the child had managed to escape the disaster relatively unscathed…

but not Hikari.


Which leads right now to me, in this situation…

I even start to feel bored since I can't even do any shits right now. As I just know, I am floating here in this place.

Bored as it was, I then started to think about some strange things that happened in my life.



When I was in my 9th year of school life, my classmates were not in the classroom. Then you may be wondering what makes it strange? Since you know they can just leave me alone as I am sleeping in the room so they can just go to the auditorium.

But that's not the reason you see.

So let me explain what makes this strange is that, after I take a nap in the classroom…

They just vanish, including the students in the whole school, like they were not there in the first place, strange right, because of this incident, multiple investigations have been implemented, but its not fruitful.

Next was the sudden disappearance of my customer at my part-time job, as far as I remember at that time, he wore a cheap athletic-theme outfit that has been consists of deep-gray tracksuit bottom with a orange stripe on its side, with a black snickers with a vibrant orange as its lace complimenting his tracksuit.

Just right after he exits the convenience store, he suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing, like them he just vanished like he was not there, you know. After that situation, I finally started to think that there were some kind of supernatural shits happening in the whole world while being hidden in the public to let the innocents uninvolved.

But what will happen to me!!?

Since I'm involved with the undiscovered side of this world, will I be eliminated just to keep the secrecy of this supernatural shit?

A massive wave of goosebumps rushed over me, presenting that I'm scared as fuck right now.

I speedily dial the nearest police station and report the situation and of course they will think I'm crazy since how can a human just disappear without any form of vehicle or something.

But I said that I have evidence that these stores have CCTV inside. So they immediately rushed in this area, but unfortunately like last time they also didn't know since the situation doesn't even involve science. It's more like magic or some supernatural things. They even re-watch multiple times the recordings but it's just it, after my customer left the store he just vanished outside leaving them trance.

After they re-watch the scene, they decided to call for help but it got the same results leaving the phenomenon on hold for more investigation or more likely they give up on it.

Fortunately after that accident, there's no supernatural shits happening in my vicinity, so I was relieved. So I decided to move to Kuoh to rest my mind, since I believed in this time no strange things would happen around me.

As I stayed here in Kuoh, I visited many places like the shrine at the top of a hill, the wreck church of the place and a beautiful park. Since I noticed that the sun was about to go to sleep, I decided to go back to the hotel I was staying in.

After entering the room, I felt my stomach rumbling so I ordered a Bucket meal from McDonald's, as I am waiting for the delivery to arrive. I then started on planning my personal costume for the upcoming convention at Tokyo in July since it's still February. I still have around less than 5 months to prepare, so I started to browse what character I will cosplay at the convention.

After five minutes passed I listed around 20 possible characters that I will be cosplaying right now.

They are:

Yukino Yukinoshita

Tengen Uzui

Uzumaki Naruto

Zero Two

Ai Hoshino

Saber Artoria

Roxanna Agrece


Manjiro Sano or Mikey

Daniel Park Ui



And so on.

After listing the names I decided to start by eliminating characters so I can start designing the outfits.

Well I will start to eliminate Yu, since his personality is so depressing for me, even though I can act his character I will stick to eliminating him in the list, next is Uzumaki Naruto but before you start to complain let me first explain.

I know that you all love him and all the characters aside Sakura but I decided to eliminate him since for me, he is super famous among the cosplayers community, so maybe many cosplayers might cosplay his character.

As I started to eliminate various characters in my list, I then heard the doorbell prompting me that my delivery was in there. I then paid the delivery man with 20% tip of the said price leaving him thanking me. After he left my doorstep, I immediately took a drumstick of the Bucket meal for tasting. As I feel content, I then go to the table and place the Bucket meal so I can get a large bowl of rice. A waterily drool can be seen on my mouth as I sniff the air that's been affected by the aroma of the fried chickens, as I scoof a bunch of rice using my spoon and pick the drumstick of a chicken, I then dip it on at the gravy sauce for enhancement of the flavor.

As I slowly try to intake the dipped drumstick and the spoonful of rice on my mouth, the aroma of the two makes my mind blow so I started to think what will be the taste if the both of them enter my mouth.

The moment it enters my mouth, my sense of taste starts its own job. As I use my tongue to taste the food, a massive euphoria flooded my tastebuds overflowing it with many combinations of flavors, each one compliment to make the desirable service for customers,  but unfortunately I'm not like those food critic in Food wars, so I can't make a definite explanation about the flavor, but all I can say, is that this food is living it's role as the food it is.

After I ate, I started to clean the dishes because if I don't and just leave the dishes at the table behind, Mama will be disappointed in me. So for the readers who read this shit, make sure you don't leave any dishes on the table but clean it immediately or else your mother will throw slippers on your face.

Anyways after I clean the dishes, I then go back to the list of my characters that I might cosplay. As I hold the paper the only characters left in the sheet are Roxanna Agrece, Ghost:Retribution, Phantom Osiris, Nikto: Darkside, Galaxy:Garou and Scáthach. Looking at it, I feel that picking one of these six will be super hard as each one of them has a cool design alongside their outfits but that is the reason why it's worth it, the more challenging it gets the more productive the result will be.

As I continue to think about what character I will cosplay, the time has already reached its peak, letting me know that it is time for me to sleep.



As the morning-sun kisses my chicks receding me to wake up, a grunt noise can be heard beside me. It came from the bottom of my blanket, as I was confused, a sudden realization rushed over me, a frightening one at it.

Recollecting the incident yesterday brought a dreadful expression to my face.

"What should I do…" I said while brushing her rosy cheeks with my index finger.