
Author POV: Writer's Manifestation

In the modern city of Eqidux, where the supernatural powers of the divine sages are a distant memory after a centuries-old war, people live ordinary lives, struggling to achieve their dreams. In current times, Victor Revenant is a struggling writer and part-time English teacher. Despite his passion for writing, Victor's manuscripts are constantly rejected, leaving him with barely enough income from teaching and freelancing to get by. His jovial personality and sense of humor endear him to his students, but he hides a deep well of frustration and guilt, exacerbated by his mother’s constant reminders of his failures and financial burdens. One fateful night, Victor experiences a sudden burst of inspiration and writes a fantasy story about a hero who discovers a mythical artifact. To his astonishment, he wakes up the next morning to find that the very artifact he imagined has materialized in his room. This discovery leads Victor to realize that he possesses an extraordinary ability: he can bring to life items from the stories he writes... ---------------------- Disclaimer: This book has no affiliations with The Author's Pov.

Decrepit_bastard · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Verbal Spar At The Charity Gala

The weekend arrived, and Victor stood in front of his mirror, adjusting his tie. He wore a dark suit that fit him perfectly, highlighting his lean frame and adding an air of sophistication. Tonight was the charity gala, and he was excited to be Precious's plus one.

"Not bad, Victor," he muttered to himself, giving his reflection a final nod of approval.

He headed out the door, feeling both anticipation and nervousness.

When Victor arrived at Precious's apartment to pick her up, he was stunned. Precious looked absolutely breathtaking in a deep emerald green dress that hugged her curves and shimmered under the light. Her hair was styled in loose waves, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Wow, Precious, you look amazing," Victor said, offering his arm.

She smiled, her cheeks tinged with a blush. "Thank you, Victor. You clean up pretty well yourself."

They made their way to the venue, a grand ballroom adorned with elegant decorations and twinkling lights. The atmosphere was lively, with people mingling, laughing, and enjoying the evening. As they entered, Victor felt a surge of confidence, ready to make the night memorable.

As the evening progressed, Victor and Precious mingled with the other guests, engaging in pleasant conversations. Victor's charm and intelligence quickly drew the attention of many attendees. Precious stayed close, clearly proud to be by his side.

However, not everyone was friendly. At one point, they encountered a man named Richard, a well-known socialite with a reputation for being a bit of a jerk. Richard, dressed in an overly flashy suit, approached them with a condescending smirk.

"Well, well, what do we have here? Precious, darling, who's your handsome friend?" Richard said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Victor smiled politely. "I'm Victor. It's nice to meet you."

Richard's eyes narrowed slightly. "Ah, Victor. And what do you do, Victor?"

"I'm a teacher and a writer," Victor replied calmly.

Richard chuckled, clearly unimpressed. "A teacher and a writer, huh? How quaint. And what brings you to an event like this?"

Richard was a big donator so he didn't believe that Victor belonged here since he oozed with poverty.

Victor kept his smile, his mind racing. "Well, I was invited by Precious, of course. And I believe in supporting good causes."

Richard's smirk widened. "You don't say? Well since you're a teacher, why don't we have a little debate? Something light and fun, perhaps. Let's see how sharp you really are."

Victor could see the challenge in Richard's eyes and decided to accept. "Alright, Richard. How about we discuss the influence of literature on modern education?"

The conversation quickly turned into a lively debate, with Richard attempting to dominate with his bombastic style, while Victor responded with calm, well-reasoned arguments. The crowd around them grew, fascinated by the verbal sparring.

"Literature is an antiquated field, really," Richard began, waving his hand dismissively. "In today's world, STEM subjects are what drive progress. Literature is just a relic of the past."

Victor nodded, acknowledging Richard's point before countering. "STEM subjects are indeed crucial, but literature is far from antiquated. It teaches critical thinking, empathy, and cultural awareness—skills that are essential in any field, including STEM."

Richard scoffed. "Empathy and cultural awareness? Those are soft skills. They don't build bridges or cure diseases."

Victor smiled, undeterred. "True, but they build understanding and communication, which are the foundations of any successful society. A scientist who can't communicate their findings or work effectively with others is limited, don't you think?"

The crowd murmured in agreement, and Richard's smirk faltered slightly. "Alright, but consider this: with the digital age, people's attention spans are shorter. No one reads lengthy novels anymore."

Victor's eyes twinkled with amusement. "And yet, the rise of digital platforms has also led to a resurgence in storytelling. Blogs, social media, and even streaming services are all narrative-driven. People are consuming more stories than ever, just in different formats."

Richard's frustration was visible as he tried to regain control of the conversation. "Fine, but what about the job market? STEM graduates have a higher earning potential than those with degrees in literature."

Victor nodded again. "That's often true, but literature graduates bring unique skills to the table. They excel in roles that require strong communication, creative problem-solving, and leadership—skills that are increasingly valued in diverse industries."

The crowd around them grew, fascinated by the verbal sparring. Victor's calm demeanor and insightful points resonated with the audience, while Richard's attempts to undermine literature came across as narrow-minded.

Seeing the shift in the crowd's sentiment, Victor decided to conclude on a high note. "In the end, it's not about one field being better than the other. It's about recognizing the value in all areas of knowledge and how they complement each other. A well-rounded education includes both STEM and the humanities, and that's what prepares us for the complexities of the modern world."

The crowd erupted in applause, and Richard was forced to concede, albeit reluctantly. "Well played, Victor. Perhaps I underestimated you."

Victor smiled graciously. "Thank you, Richard. It was a good debate."

Precious beamed with pride, linking her arm with Victor's. "That was incredible, Victor. You really showed him."

Victor chuckled. "It was nothing. Just a bit of friendly debate."

The rest of the evening continued with more pleasant interactions. Victor's performance in the debate had won over many of the attendees, and he found himself engaged in numerous conversations about literature, education, and even his own writing.

Precious stayed by his side, clearly enjoying the attention they were receiving. They laughed, danced, and shared more than a few meaningful glances.

At one point, during a quiet moment on the balcony, Precious turned to Victor, her eyes reflecting the city lights. "I'm really glad you came with me tonight, Victor."

Victor smiled, his heart swelling with affection. "I'm glad you invited me, Precious. I've had a wonderful time."

Precious told him how Richard was usually like that and how she suspects that he fancies her but isn't the slightest bit interested due to his jerky nature.

They both laughed it off and as the event came to a close, they left the venue hand in hand.

Victor walked Precious to her door, and they shared a lingering goodbye, both looking forward to the future.

"Goodnight, Victor," Precious said softly.

"Goodnight, Precious," Victor replied, watching her go inside before heading home.


The weekend passed in a blur of excitement and anticipation from the gala, but Victor knew he had more pressing matters to attend to.

With the house quiet and the day stretching out before him, he decided it was the perfect time to experiment more with his magical ability.

He started by gathering four items he had previously brought out from his stories: the Orb of Eternity, the dragon blooded compass, the translation ring, and the mirror of glimpses. Each item sat on his desk, imbued with a faint, mystical glow that hinted at their extraordinary nature.

Victor picked up the Orb of Eternity, feeling its cool surface under his fingers. He focused, willing the orb to show him another glimpse of the future.

The orb responded, but instead of a clear vision, it showed fleeting images of possibilities—events that could happen based on his choices.

He saw himself at the Fallen Hole, surrounded by students, then another where he was in a dimly lit room, writing fervently as objects materialized around him.

He didn't go too far but it would seem that the future had changed from the initial perilous one.

Satisfied with the orb's response, Victor moved on to dragon compass that gave him a medium of strength.

Next, he tried the translation ring. He slipped it onto his finger and picked up a book written in an ancient, unfamiliar script.

As he read, the words transformed before his eyes, seamlessly translating into his native language. The ring's power was both subtle and profound, opening up a world of knowledge previously inaccessible to him.

Finally, Victor examined the mirror of glimpses. He held it up and gazed into its reflective surface, willing it to show him something significant.

The mirror's surface rippled, and he saw a fleeting image of Amanda, his grateful neighbor, holding her son close with a look of relief on her face. The mirror then shifted to show Precious laughing with him at the gala, her eyes sparkling with happiness. The images were brief, but they filled Victor with a sense of connection and purpose.

Feeling confident in his control over these items, Victor decided to push the boundaries of his ability. He wanted to see just how many items he could bring out from his stories at once. He sat down at his desk and opened his notebook, ready to create.

He began writing a story about a mystical pendant that granted the wearer protection from harm. As he described its intricate design and the magic it held, he felt a familiar tingling sensation. The pendant materialized on his desk, glowing softly.

Encouraged, Victor immediately started a new story about a pair of boots that allowed the wearer to walk on air. His pen moved swiftly, and he soon felt the boots taking shape beside the pendant. They were vibrant and sturdy, radiating a faint, otherworldly light.

Finally, he wrote about a small, enchanted lantern that never extinguished and provided light in the darkest of places...