
Author of Tragedy: Transmigration Into a World of Calamity

Be careful what you wish for. That’s what they all say... But there was a half-second time limit... and worse, a word limit. Flustered, all I could say was, “Let me enter my novel.” And guess what? I wrote five novels. A power fantasy, a slice of life story, a short love story, a reimagination of a historical event, and lastly, my alcohol-delivered brain-child, —A story of tragedy and calamity, where I let my sadistic tendencies descend upon every character, every place, and every little specimen I deemed worthy enough to mention. Which novel do you think I was placed into? CAN YOU ******* GUESS? YOU CAN, RIGHT? DAMN IT ALL! I will survive this even if I have to sacrifice the entire world. Gods? Superior Races? Unsolvable mysteries? I am the creator of them all. They. Will. Cower.

perilousindulgence · Fantasy
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139 Chs

Entrance Examination II — Ambrosya

This year's entrance examination would have the lowest passing rate in all of Aethercaller's history. The exam that Deuzetai would give was simply on another level. It tested three simple yet complex things.

One's intuition and analytical abilities, raw power and control, and finally, one's ability to grow.

It was a set-up created to filter out the less talented, as those characters had a much harder time growing their abilities when compared to more talented people. The time it would take for them to take a step forward would allow others to take two steps or maybe even ten steps forward.

Deuzetai was very cruel with that. But that was how I made him out to be. It was fun to have him around, especially in the later volumes. A great professor and an even greater mage.

It would also be very amusing to see the crestfallen expressions of many of today's examinees. I almost couldn't wait.

"A pleasant afternoon to you all," Deuzetai started with a calm expression, immovable like a mountain. He gazed at the now-immense number of people. "It amuses me to see that there are at least sixty thousand of you who have made it here."

The coliseum arena was still grandly spacious when I arrived, but as I spent time looking around and reminiscing, it rapidly filled up to what it was now. Sixty-thousand people. That was the number of people who had passed the preliminary test conducted upon registration—A simple review of one's secondary education grades.

Because of that, it was now time to "pull out the weeds," as Deuzetai would have it.

"I will put the pleasantries on hold for now to give us more room to breathe." His voice travelled through the air and straight into our ears.

He boomed, "Consider this your first test,"


An immense [ Aura ] fell upon my shoulders at this moment. It felt like I was the Greek Titan Atlas holding up the heavens. I thus struggled with all my might, and while I did, I couldn't help but recall Deuzetai's Charisma aptitude.


Charisma: Unmatched (Plus 5 Tiers)


The aura and intent that he exuded were filled with the magnitude of his will. It was Charismatic Force that no one here could bear. One-by-one, the examinees fell to their knees.

Those with weaker overall aptitudes instantly lost the will to go against Deuzetai.


Thud— Thud— Thud—!

Like the beating of drums, I heard bodies hitting the smooth stone floor. The creaking and cracking of bones rang out incessantly, like the crumpling of plastic. It was unnerving to hear thousands of people all failing to withstand the power of a single individual.

All of these 16-or-so-year-olds were literally ants before any professor of Aethercaller University.

I withstood the weight of Deuzetai's will for as long as I could. My body screamed as I tried to solidify my own will and intent to combat his. Thus, with my [ Very High ] Charisma talent, what I wished for became a reality.

I felt a part of my spirit emerge and form a layer of protection around me, weakening the onslaught that was Deuzetai's prowess.

I breathed, evening out my heartbeat as I focused on one thing and one thing only: Resistance.




After what I thought was forever, I finally felt the pressure dissipate.

My vision returned to normal, and the blur that was the coliseum became clear once more. Deuzetai's immense will had been retracted, thus allowing every examinee to breathe once more.

I looked around me, swiftly discovering the sea of collapsed teenagers that lay at my feet. Many had passed out while some were barely conscious.

I straightened up, and from underneath my hood, I met Deuzetai's gaze.

I watched as he regarded me for a moment before he turned around to scan the groaning examinees.

"To all those who are still conscious—even if only barely—then you have passed. Stand up and fall in line."

Thousands of unconscious examinees then floated into the air and were slowly drained out of the coliseum. I watched in awe as Deuzetai's assistant wizards all used Telekinesis to move the huge crowd.


Spell: Telekinesis

Mana Consumption: Moderate

Number of Mana Programs: 3-12 (E+ rank)

Description: Telekinesis allows one to move objects with one's mind. At low proficiency, only lightweight and small objects are moveable. At higher proficiencies, the limits to weight and size increase.


What followed after were the lines gradually formed by dazed examinees. I placed myself at some random location on the still-forming lines. I then closed my eyes to meditate. I wanted to replicate that momentary flash of inspiration I had. I was able to make my intent palpable.

The stimulation caused by Deuzetai was a useful tool for me to make progress. It was this kind of stimulation that I was looking for. It was risk-free and effective.

A perfect combination.

In the meantime, Deuzetai simply watched us from his place on the podium. His Enhanced Mana Vision scanned each of us, observing the minute peculiarities in our mana.

Sensing this, I too tried to peek into his abilities. And I thus witnessed the C+ rank Mana Quality that he harboured within his body. I was slightly surprised that I got through his defences, but as I analysed the situation, I came upon the truth.

His Enhanced Obscuration spell was not active, probably because he hadn't noticed anyone casting Mana Vision with his Spell Detection. Unfortunately for him, my Mana Vision was perfectly passive, so there was no creation of mana programs to detect.

I inwardly chuckled. This was good. Being able to safely analyse C+ rank mana meant that I now had an idea of what to expect for my future breakthroughs.


Five minutes passed.

When every conscious examinee finally fell into place, Deuzetai spoke up.

"Out of sixty-thousand, three-hundred, and four examinees, only eight-thousand and one are left. You have proven to me that you have the aptitude and due diligence to endure what is to come.

"Now that the arena has freed up, it is time for the necessary formalities that I have been putting off. Let me start with a brief introduction,"

He gave us all a deep look. And without flinching or losing any inch of grace, he spoke,

"Some of you may already know me. I am Deuzetai Illius of the house Astario. High Professor of the Spiritual School of Spells. I am in charge of the university's wizarding curriculum. My titles include [ Comprehender ], [ Spellcrafter ], and [ Illustrator ]."

His eyes gleamed,

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, younglings."

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