
Author: Messing With My Own Novel

No one's life is perfect everyone faces difficulties in their life, all of us in one way or another face them, but for Alan his whole life was full of them, betrayed by friends and looked down upon by everyone, what would he do when he found himself into his own creation which made him suffer the most?

Alan_White · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Gaining Support

"Next I want to have you see this"

As i said my holowatch began to project a holographic screen in front of us and out of my storage ring i took out a silver gun, few thin bands, a disk with runes inscribed on it and a few storage rings.

"What are these?"

"These are rune disk, a rune bands and storage ring as i called them"

Mentioning Runes his brows furrowed and i carefully explained them to him, these are items i made myself rune disk a disk which when activated in the given area opens a formation inscribed in them and used for support, area based attacks and healing if want, rune bands which uses Aether energy to work on and have all the features of modern holowatch and can work on other side perfectly, storage rings inscribed with space runes can store more items than enchanted rings and rune guns which uses a person's Aether energy to shoot bullets and works on monster depending on its grade.

Runes aren't new to humans as we already got basic knowledge about them from the other side but then also not enough to create much of things, the enchanted items are the ones used and created by blacksmith which we use and if these things comes out it will be great for Awakeners as humans are on dire need for it.

I showed Arnold a presentation about them, its usage and profits we could earn he was really in shock after seeing this, i also showed him different and effective potions i created through alchemy for Awakeners and also for normal people to consume like nutritious drinks it was all business from now and proposed to open it with Frost family in charge with i owning 40% of the shares, he thought a bit and said he needed few samples for more research and i gave them gladly.

"Don't you trust me too much, what if i just reverse engineered them and sold them?"

"A man with principles like yourself and your father will not do anything like this and even if you tried it i don't think you will succeed as no one beside me knows how to make them"

In the novel i created him an ice supremacist but at the same time an honest and principled person who just despised Sam for not being ice elemental and naive but in front of his daughter he gave up and married both of them off.

"I'm curious, why 40% if you want you can demand more shares why settle with low shares?"

"The money i will get is more than enough for myself to live and i also know that most of the work your provided team will be doing and i also have to show you profit as even though you are patriarch other elders won't be easy to convince"

He just narrowed his eyes at me as if to pry me open and just sighed softly in defeat.

"Very well once all the products you gave are confirmed to work as you said we will sign the contract for this"

He agreed on my proposal, I don't have to worry about my future in my lifetime once this is done, Frost family is full of arrogant people and villains but then also Arnold is a discipled and honest man who keeps his words so if he said i don't have to worry about it he will with crook or hook, will convince the family members.

"What about your last request?"

"I want permission to enter main temple of Holy Land"


"I want permission to enter main temple of Holy Land"

"I get what you said but do you understand what you are asking for?"


"Do you think they will listen to me or anyone in the world and let you enter it, they will rather kill everyone in the world than bring any stranger inside the main temple"

"Yes i know but if i won the seat of holy for myself"

"Wait you mean"

Listening to my words Arnold was in shock and looked wide eyed towards me

"I will participate in this year's holy election of Holy land through Felix Academy, i just need your support"

Arnold silently looked at me and after a few moments he nodded,

"Okay i promise you if you cleared the trial and participated in the election my Frost family will support you"

He got up and stared deeply into my eyes and extended his hands and we shared a handshake and he left the office and Stephen entered the office and gave me my new S rank hunter card and transferred 1.5 Trillion Dex which were more than what i would get, i looked at him with one of my eyebrow raised

"It was Mr.Frost who gave the remaining as your bonus"

I chatted with Stephen for a while and bade farewell to him and left the building with Aisha.