
Author _Jane

" Within my deepest darkness, We met, like destiny."..... . . . As a divine witch possessing the rarest of powers, Avalon was fated to bring about doom. Her clan was cursed with the task of saving a crown prince who happened to be half Lycan and half wizard. Being a Mickelson allowed for this. The prophecy warned that "if she ever utilizes her powers, you'd all fall, one by friend, one by foe, and one by family."Thus we were constantly on the run. Avalon and her sister fled from the vampire's domain only to settle in a refugee camp where they were suddenly invaded. In their escape attempt. Sawyer died by the hands of Mythagor when Avalon was just at age 14 leaving her in a tumultuous state. . . . King Ares Mickelson is the most formidable Lycan to have ever existed, possessing enigmatic emerald green eyes. He has lived for nearly three centuries without finding a mate due to his dark past. His curse had befallen upon his previous mate and her entire clan in order to preserve his own life. Ares chanced upon Avalon, an 18-year-old woman, in the dense forest and came to realize that she was his destined mate. This occurred after he had journeyed to attend his mother's funeral. However, what will come of the Lycan king when he finally encounters his long-awaited mate – a divine witch whom he happened upon in the woods? Is Avalon prepared to seek retribution for her sister's untimely demise? Or is Avalon ready to accept him despite his dark past?.

Author_Jane · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: "Within my deepest darkness we met, like destiny"

Another large black wolf suddenly emerges from the corner of the bush and it pounces on the smaller wolf. 

The large black wolf didn't waste time to bring down the smaller one.

From it's style of attacking,Avalon could tell that the large black wolf is not an ordinary wolf. Hell! It did not exactly look like a wolf. 

It has this features Penelope's Lycan has.

But this one carries too much dominace. It had killed the other wolf in simply swift..

She has thought that Lycans are not larger than Penelope's lycan. But she didn't picture it to be this big.

"Ah. Its a male" Avalon gasps as she watch the Lycan transform into it's human form.After he had murdered the other wolf.

And because it is stark naked. Avalon could not help but cover her mouth quickly when another loud gasp escaped her mouth.

Avalon's eyes widen as terror surged through her when the male notices her staring. 

This made the human_Lycan turn in alert. It felt weird because he didn't percieve her scent. 

There was no scent coming from her.It was as if she cover up her scent. 

Because he could not percieve any human scent from her.

 And that was not normal. 

Covering himself with his black cloak, and with full speed, he picked her up and pinned her to the icy ground.

And stares directly into the most beautiful blue ocean eyes he has ever seen. 

But Avalon lays beneath him trying her hardest to remain silent as she fought against terror and duty. As she finds herself enchanted by this man's beauty. 

He is so sin fully beautiful. Avalon screamed within. 

She studied his look. The way his blond cascaded down his shoulder. 

He has deep green forest like eyes. Avalon noted.

The beautiful lycan begins to sniff her, as he was amused that she has no scent on her. Not even a human scent.

But Greece, his lycan was pacing around in his head. *Something is wrong, she is mate but I can't smell it. I can feel the pull. But something is not right".

Amused, Ares decides to ask, 

"what are you"? 

Avalon did not know how to reply, because she is still drowning in the sea of enchantment. Obviously he is from a wealthy home judging by the expensive garment he is wearing. 

" Why does he have to be so sinfully beautiful?"She muttered, but this did not go unherd by him. 

 "Who are you to make my lycan so nervous?"

"I am asking what are you?. And why you make me feel so nervous?"

That beautiful and rhythimic voice of his was playing in her ear. 

Finding own after what seemed like centuries that she was lost., Avalon stutttered.

"i_um_i don't know_what you are talking about", 

"This is the first time I feel like this, could this be that you are_never mind. It is not possible."

Ares had wanted to inform her about what Greece had said, but he didn't believe it.

He was cursed to be mate less. So perhaps there are other reasons she made him nervous.

"So, what is your name.?" "hun?" she asked. She did not expect him to ask her name. 

Moreover why does he need her name.? She wonder.

"I asked your name." he replied.

"Avalon. Avalon Heaven." 

She had said it before she could caution her self not to disclose her true identity as a true blood.

Not comfortable with the way the beautiful lycan was staring at her with his forest green eyes. 

. She quickly changes the subject.

"Um_the dear. You shot it first?" 

She asked not stating directly into his eyes.

"Yes. You can have it. Leave quickly before the sun finally set. You don't want to eaten by rogues". He warned.

And left in the same full speed he had used when he knocked her to the floor. 

"Oh my! I did not even ask his name" Avalon laments as she carries the dead dear along with her. 

With fear, she runs straight to wake Penelope and they both went ahead back home. 

Avalon explains why happened to Penelope.

"So you did not bother to ask for his name. But you will tag him as the forest green eyes wow ! When did rogues start to work in this side of the forest?"? 

"No. The forest green eyed handsome Greek god" They joked as they headed home quickly.

Scared of the 


Derrick has been waiting for Areas near the carriage since he went after a rogue into the forest. 

But he has not returned and it was getting dark, they have to return to the royal palace before it gets darker.

Derrick decides to search for him, he had a feeling that perhaps something was wrong with the crown prince since he has not returned yet.

As he sets for the west, he could see his master speaking to himself. Perhaps his Lycan walking like nothing would harm him in this thick forest. 

"Your highness it is getting dark we need to return to the royal palace quickly." Derrick urged.

"of course, I am sorry for keeping you waiting. I was distracted by a blue eyes woman"

Area responded still baffled by why the blue eyes girl, whose name he would never forget. 'The Heavens clan". 

He thought her clan was wiped out of history. 

Determined to know more about her, he called Derrick atrention. 

"Listen Derrick, you would discreetly help me find this girl with blue eyes. Her name is Avalon Heavens. I am sure you know that the Heavens calm are the ones who performed the sorcety with my mother. And they are the reason I am without a mate".

" Yes your highness. I am well aware. I hope you are sure about this. Because their entire clan was swiped out."

" Yes. I know what I saw. She is the first human to make me this nervous. And she does not have a any scent. So I can't tell if she human or not"

"Yes! Your highness. Now we must return to the royal palace" 

Derrick said, raking note of Area expression.

"Sure. Before jealous fate take away what is left of my pride"

Areas responded and claimed in the carriage. 

"And by Jealous fate do you mean, queen Amber the Late king concubine?"

"No. I mean the blue eyed Trueblood!. She can't be my mate.!". 

"And if she is?"

" I will keep her be by my side." 

"I am aware all the Heavens clan was wiped away your highness." Derrick answered.

"But the question is, was she a survivor?." Ares asked his Lycan.

Greece is still baffled by his new found mate. 

"And if she was?" Greece asked.

Ares Mickelson is determined to keep his mate by his side.

"We keep her by our side".

"She is a true blood from the Heavens clan. The clan that was wiped out because of us. What if she decides to to avenge us after she finds out you are a Mickelson?"

That, Ares was not sure of. 

"But because,within my deepest darkness, we met like destiny" Ares answered.