
Author Got an SSS Class to Fight His Own MC

[[WPC #268 Reincarnation - Gold winner]] NOTE: this book is under major editing. Ka Hyun-Su was a well-known fantasy writer. Even God created a replica world based on his book. Unfortunately, the story he wrote has a tragic ending. Everyone died and only left his MC alone after defeating the Demon Lord. The readers were furious, the god dissatisfied, and even the MC forced God to bring Hyun-Su into his own story. He needed to experience what it was like to live in a world filled with tragedies and a hell level of difficulties. God granted it! Ka Hyun-Su reincarnated into his own story. God gave him an SSS Class to at least ease his new duties. He needs to fight his own MC, who has a grudge against him. He has to save the world where he and everyone he loves live and even prevent the demon lord from taking it over. Will his knowledge help him overcome all the difficulties he will face? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* In the twenties and 80s chapters, there will be a few side character chapters. They were critical to the main plot. So, sorry if I put this chapter insert. The story will only focus on the MC in the following chapters, and the story will progress well too. Please give it a chance. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* FAQs 1. Harem? NO! 2. Romance? Yes, Vanya Zylven will be his only love interest. Who is she? please find it out on the story. 3. School arc? No. 4. Kingdom Building? Yes, but it will be in future volume. 5. GOT style deaths? No. Discussions, Illustrations: Discord: Herolich#3449 Disclaimer: I don’t own the cover. Please let me know if you want me to take it down.

Herolich · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Demon General

"Stupid pride! No wonder demons have been a punching bag for hundreds of years. Now that era has ended. This is the time for us to triumph."

The Demon Lord grabbed something from the chest of the demon general, who was lying headless at his feet. A Demon Core, a fiery red crystal stone.

The other demon generals looked on in shock at the scene before them. They had done everything their lord asked them to. Not in the slightest they doubted that loyalty, nor did the seventh general demon. But what mistake did he make to make the Demon Lord take his life?

"No need to be surprised. I will do this more often next time."

The last statement of their lord scared them even more. To stand in their position was not a simple thing. They had to show their loyalty for hundreds of years. And in those days, it was rare for a demon general to be replaced.

The power of one demon general, if not limited by their domain, could destroy the most prominent human empire in one night. That's how much power they have. There are only three people other than the demon race who can match the power of even a single demon general.

With this, it was difficult to find their replacement. And this time, the Demon Lord had killed one of them. What for? Did the Demon Lord intend to pass that power? To the weak human who was standing before them? The demon generals agreed it would be useless, but they preferred to keep their mouths shut.

"Are you ready to accept this blessing from me?"

The Demon Lord turned around. The human before him was kneeling right before him.

"Yes, I am, your Majesty."

The Demon Lord lowered his head and took something from inside the man's chest, leaving a large hole. He placed the blood-red crystal in his hand where his original heart was before.

The man was falling, but indeed he was still alive from the movements he showed. Or was he close to death? The man shouted, and the blood continued to flow. His skin paled as if all the blood had been sucked out. The gap in his left chest closed slowly. The blood vessels were showing because the flesh on the body was also sucked out.

Screams echoed through the room. The frail body seemed to flounder on the floor.

Disgusted looks were seen from the other six demon generals, evil eyes that seemed to ask them to kill the weak bugs before them.

The Demon Lord walked back to his throne, crossing his legs. Waiting impatiently at the scene of human pain in front of him. Swinging his left leg, the wait seemed too long for him.

"Can he survive?"

It was only a few minutes, but it felt like forever. The man had finally stopped screaming. And now, what appeared in front of all the demons was a figure similar to them. The same human, with snow-white hair and a pair of horns on his head.

The man then returned to his knees, facing the Demon Lord.

"Thank you for this noble gift, your Majesty."

The Demon Lord stood up, both ends of his lips lifted, nodding his head.

He then walked, slowly approaching the seven demonic figures.

"Now, you will be my 7th general. You hold the same status as the other six here."

The other six general demons immediately focused their attention on the half-demon created in front of them. The human who had stained their pride for standing at the same height as them.

If it weren't for the Demon Lord who created the half-demon, the six demons would have immediately agreed to kill him.

"Your Majesty, I beg your pardon. But he's a human."


The fifth Demon General, who was the first to speak, represented the minds of the other demon generals.

"So what if he was a human? He can fight better than you if both of you go outside from here."

"I'm sorry, your Majesty, but since when have we been cooperating with humans?"

"Some humans might even be crueler than demons, so why not?"

Some humans were indeed quite attached to the demons, they cooperate, or instead, they become slaves to the demons. They also act like demons. Despite that, they were humans, unable to compare to the pureblood.

The Demon Lord turned back to his half-demon creation.

"Do you have any name?"

"My life is yours, your Majesty."

"Okay, now call yourself Danich. Do you have any grudges or something?"

Danich was silent for a moment at his lord's question. Then answered while still in a kneeling position.

"Humanity. I want to cease their existence."

"Good. You will do your first job in the human world. Now everyone, follow me."

The Demon Lord strolled past his followers, walking towards the outside of the castle. Where the other demons were waiting. They were demons one tier below the generals.

In the castle's courtyard, where there was nothing but barren land and an atmosphere with little sunlight, the twenty-one tier 6 demons immediately kneeled as their lord approached.

"First General, have all the tier 6 demons gathered?"

The first General jogged, then stood close to the Demon Lord.

"That's right, your Majesty."

The Demon Lord looked back at the twenty-one demons kneeling before him.

"Do you know, guys? You are my proudest army."

The demon lord spoke in a low but resounding voice in the quiet atmosphere. Responded by the demons, who seemed troubled by the strange things that suddenly happened that day.

"We feel proud to carry out all the tasks assigned by the Demon Lord."

One demon replied when their lord spat out those words of praise.

"But you guys are of no use to me."

The words that made the demons again dumbfounded were uttered.

The demon generals weren't stupid. They could already guess what their lord was going to do. They gritted their teeth and clench their fists. Today was a tough and long day for them.

"Why did you become strong if you were just going to become a punching bag for the humans who came to this place, giving them enough strength to grow? Pathetic!"

The Demon Lord clicked his tongue, then spat at one of the twenty-one demons.

"Now I have another way to make you more useful."

The twenty-one demons raised their heads, their faces covered with smiles, while the others with confused looks.

"We will do anything for your Majesty."

The Demon Lord turned around, and the demon generals immediately stepped out of the way.

"Kill them all."

"Your Majesty?"

"Don't make me repeat my words."

The Demon Lord whispered, and the events followed exactly what the demon generals had imagined. A massacre by the demon generals of the subordinates who had faithfully served them.

"The peace in this world is coming to an end. And the true heyday of the demon lord is coming soon!"

The Demon Lord continued to walk with a sharp look in his eyes.

Now, we will go back to our MC in the next chapter.

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