
Author's Rebirth

[This novel is not dropped][It's on Hiatus] (Warning; -(The first 60 chapters will contain pure adventures!)(45 Chapters free!! ) -For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter -Read the free chapters then judge it by yourself War- Present!, Necromancer- Top tier!, Mc vs The World- Present!!, Destruction- Universe Scale!!, Netherworld Summoner- Yes, Yes!!, Harem- Absolutely no!!, Female Lead- Single!, Romance- Not the main focus of the story!!, No Personality- Top Quality!!, Evolution- Monsterous!!, Level-Up System- Killll! ---------------------------- On my way to a job interview, I had an accident. Instead of dying, I woke up inside my book 'Era of Heroes,' which I wrote when I was in my early 20s. I found myself in the body of Alex Delius, a minor character in the story. Trying to survive in a harsh world without any power or a strong background was challenging. Then it hit me—I could make life easier with my knowledge of the future and understanding of the main characters! Right...? "Yeah, I can do this!" Or so I thought until I remembered how the book ends. This world is heading for doom! Before long, I realized the novel and the world I ended up in might not be as alike as I first thought. Follow Alex’s journey as he makes friends, betrays, manipulates, and falls in love using all the information he has as the author. ========== -The cover Art is not mine If the owner wants to remove it, Please contact me. -(How can you support my novel?) = By Power Stones and Golden Tickets - For every 150 Power Stones- 1 bonus chapter - For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter - For every 1 Plot hole of the story- 1 bonus chapter ============ You can also support this book by giving this book comments and reviews.

JetLord004 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

God And Portal

My hands trembled as I stared at the message on my phone. "Are you the author of this story?"

It had been surreal enough that an unknown entity had entered my fictional world, but now the stakes seemed to be escalating.

I hesitated before typing my response, my fingers dancing over the phone's keyboard. "Yes, I am the author. Who are you?"

The response came swiftly, and it sent a chill down my spine. "I am the one you cursed, the entity you railed against in your frustration. I am the god of this realm, and I brought you here."

My heart sank as I realized the gravity of the situation.

The very being I had cursed for the challenges and dangers within my own creation was now addressing me directly.

"Why have you brought me here?" I typed, my voice laced with a mixture of fear and anger.

The response was filled with an unsettling amusement. "For my own entertainment, of course. Your curses and frustration were amusing, but now I offer you a chance to see if you can overcome the challenges you so despised."

I couldn't believe it.

I was trapped in a world of my own creation, at the mercy of a god-like entity who had brought me here for his own twisted enjoyment.

"But this world is a creation of my imagination," I protested, desperation creeping into my words.

The god's response was cold and mocking. "Your imagination is a powerful thing, but in this realm, I hold the reins. I will change the upcoming challenges in the labyrinth to suit my whims, and you will face them."

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of this surreal situation. I had to find a way out, to regain control over my creation.

"You can't do this," I typed, my anger boiling over. "I am the author, and I should have control over this world!"

The god's laughter echoed through the labyrinth. "You may be the author, but I am the god here. Your fate is in my hands, and you will face the challenges I set forth. Enjoy the game, dear author."

With those chilling words, the unknown sender's messages disappeared from my phone, leaving me alone in the dimly lit corridor.

I clenched my fists, a mix of frustration and determination welling up inside me.

I may have been brought into this world against my will, but I was still the author.

I would find a way to navigate the challenges, to outsmart the god who had brought me here, and to rewrite the ending of this twisted tale.

My journey had taken an unexpected turn, but I would not be a pawn in someone else's game.

As I stood there, my mind swirling with a mix of emotions and questions, I couldn't have anticipated what would happen next.

Just as I had begun to process the strange encounter with the god-like entity, a sudden shift in the air caught my attention.

Before I could react, a portal materialized right in front of me, and I watched in helpless horror as it expanded and pulsed with a vibrant, otherworldly light.

I stumbled back, my instincts screaming at me to flee, but it was too late.

The portal's pull was irresistible, an invisible force that tugged at every fibre of my being.

I fought against it, digging my heels into the ground, but my efforts were futile.

With a violent, swirling motion, the portal absorbed me completely, wrapping around me like a turbulent vortex.

It was as if I were being pulled through a cosmic whirlwind, my senses overwhelmed by the disorienting chaos of colours and shapes.

For an agonizing moment, I lost all sense of direction and self.

It was as though I were a leaf caught in a storm, tossed and turned by forces beyond my control.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over.

I found myself on my hands and knees, gasping for breath, surrounded by a completely foreign environment.

The transition had been jarring, and I took a moment to regain my bearings.

"Where the hell am I?" ( Alex)

I was no longer in the dimly lit labyrinth, but instead, I was in the heart of a dense jungle.

Towering trees with thick, twisted roots loomed overhead, their canopy forming a green umbrella that filtered the sunlight into dappled patches on the ground.

The air was heavy with humidity, and the sounds of the jungle enveloped me.

Birds called out from the treetops, and insects buzzed and chirped in a harmonious symphony of life.

The jungle was vibrant and teeming with unknown creatures, a stark contrast to the eerie stillness of the labyrinth.

I pushed myself to my feet, feeling a mixture of shock and disbelief.

How had I ended up in this lush, untamed wilderness? It was a world beyond my comprehension, and I was completely unprepared for what lay ahead.

As I attempted to make sense of my surroundings in the perplexing jungle, another unexpected occurrence added to my bewilderment.

A robotic voice in my head announced, "The system is going into sleep mode."

I was left in shock and surprise.

I could have depended on the system for direction, knowledge, and assistance in this strange world, and now it had disappeared.

In frustration, I exclaimed, "Why does this always happen to me? Just moments ago, I was pulled into the portal, and now my system is gone."

"This must be a plan made by that bitch to make my survival in this forest not so easy. "

I shouted, "System."

But the system stayed silent, leaving me to navigate this unfamiliar jungle alone, with no guidance and no understanding of what lay ahead.

As I tried to process the situation I found myself in, a new sound intruded upon the jungle's cacophony.

It was a soft, insistent "hiss, hiss" sound, like the sinister whisper of a serpent. My heart was skipping like shit, my instinct told me to run.

When I looked back to find the source of the sound, I saw a monstrous and humungous creature.

"I fuc*ed up. " (Alex)

I would be mass-realishing this novel, so if you like then add it to your library.

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