
Village Of Crambo

ugh.. my head hurts. hmm? where am I?

Corin opened his eyes to see himself laying in bed, confused he started to looked around. and see his friends already eating at the far right of his bed near the window.

"oh Corin, you're awake!"

"Maria?... where... are we?" Corin asked maria as he slowly walked towards them.

"I don't know actually.. the language in this world are different, but it seems we are inside the village we saw before we all passed out." Maria replied.

"A girl actually came here a while ago to give us food, Although we couldn't understand what she said, we did understand her intentions" Cypher said as he offered Corin to join for a meal

an unknown language? is it the same language in the novel? damn this why did the person who transported us give us cheats..

atleast give us the ability to understand this worlds language, Corin though as he continued to complain.


Stephan, who is sitting on a chair, was laughing as he saw Corin complained inside his mind


a few minutes passed

A girl opened the door, and gave the faint smile towards the 5. "olleh, ti smees ouy syug era ekawa"

Corin hearing the language,knowing that he is the only one who understand this worlds language, he offered to talk to the girl.

The 4 agreed

Corin walked to the girl and questioned if it's possible to teach them the language of the world.

Corin used the excuse of them having memory lost resulting on forgetting the worlds language as well as their past.

the girl smiled as she exited the room

the 4 had a confused face as to what Corin and the girl was talking about..

Corin walked towards the group and told what they were talking about..

"I asked the girl if it was possible to let her teach us this worlds language, and she agreed"

"Isn't that great Cypher!, someone offered to teach us their language.."

"yeah.." cypher replied to Maria with a worried look

"what's wrong Cypher? something wrong?" Maria said

"no.. it's just we barely know her.. how can we trust her? how can we be sure she won't trade us to a slave dealer?"

Cypher saying this made other 3 cautious.. Ciara stepped in to relieve their worries telling them the girl can be trusted

"did you guys forget? according to the novel Crambo was a peaceful village so we can be sure she is not a bad person.

ha! I thought you nerds read the novel, how can you guys not know that part. Ciara said

"I see, nice one Ciara" Cypher complimented her

"huh? no it's just you guys are idiots, anyone would know this if they really read the novel.

everyone's appreciation disappeared in an instant.

a minute of silent was surrounding the room. the girl came back with the a bunch of books in hand.

Corin greeted her and they started to study the language and other stuff..