
Training. :/

Everyone was full of anticipation as they listen to Colin. As he was talking about the skill book and its contexts, the others started to test wither it works or not, even though it was a simple fire the size of an ant it was still magic made out of thin air.

As expected, Ciara was the first one to successfully cast the spell, she boasted as she looked at them full of pride, having a smug in her face made the others felt to punch her. Cypher was the next one to successfully cast the spell, having the sense of achievement he was full of determination to learn more.

The others had no luck in casting the spell as they do not understand its concept or have no magical adaptability on that specific element.

"hey Cypher! mind hitting me, I wanna test something" Frank said to cypher, he wanted to test wither his position or body of a tank was enough to take a punch from a hero.

"You sure Frank?" Cypher asked as he still haven't controlled his strength, which Frank replied with a uncertain nod. "all right then, prepare!"

Cypher punched Frank with a little strength making him slide back and loosing balance. "holy! Are you ok Frank?" Maria runs to Frank as he was laying to the ground. "yeah, I'm fine." Frank replied as he checks his chest area if any damages given.

"Cypher! I received no damage at all."

"Oh? That's a relief. I was shocked for a moment how far you fallen back." Cypher runs towards Frank with a relieved expression.

"Those muscle heads making others worried, hey Corin what else is written on the spell book?" Ciara said to Corin as he was reading other spell books found on Ciara's Magic bag. "The other spell books are too complicated, I barely understand the words inside, Its too Complex for me."

"I see, It seems we have to reach the library on the nearest town in here.."

Everyone look at Ciara with the face of just discovering something. "Going outside? Right were in the Pendragon's Dungeon. I forgot." Cypher said.

"but isn't the outside of this cave dangerous? Don't forget we are Inside the Pendragon's Dungeon, and this dungeon is located near the demon territory. Shouldn't we train and get to know our powers first before rushing towards." Maria replied as she warned others to be more careful. Considering how normal transportation novels were it always resulted on the situation where if you die, you indeed die.

Knowing this, the group started to talk on how they are going to deal with the situation. They decided to understand and train their powers first before doing anything rash.


Stephan Sitting inside his room looking at the monitor he smirked. "Good Decision, I'll let them train for now. It seems the heroes I picked right now are interesting than I thought." Stephan stand from his sit as he walks away to his desk.

"A what a beautiful day" Stephan said as he heard his name being called from a far. "Grandpa Stephan!" The one shouting Stephan's name was a black colored hair boy, he was wearing a school uniform from USPF. "Good Morning! Grandpa Stephan!" The boy said

"Good morning to you too Red" Stephan answered.

"how is your sister doing?" Stephan added.

"she's doing alright, Grandpa Stephan. Oh right! when are you going to read the continuation of the story Grandpa Stephan?"

"You brat, you should be studying right now, not listening to this old man's story. but to answer your question, Tomorrow"

Red's face was full of excitement, because he cannot read complex words now, he only listens to Stephan's story telling because he made the story easy to understand.

"Well then, I still have somewhere to go, and I'm guessing you too. Be sure to Study hard Red!.

"I will Grandpa Stephan!"

They waved each other good bye as they gone separate ways.

"Now time to buy stuff I need"