
Another world?

"Is this how it ends, I, who was once called one of the strongest dragons defeated by a bunch of humans, how regretful". Said the dragon ,full of scratches, as he laughed in regret.

As the dragon lay down, The hero looked at the back to see his friends laying on the ground. "huff, huff, finally.. we have won, but at what cost." The hero sat down as he sighed. seeing as he and his friends fought the dragon, without knowing its capabilities resulted as a major lost for them, his friends are died, but it doesn't bother him as he knows he will join them later.


In a void full of bookshelves from each sides, It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call in an endless library. Stephan came to view, sitting in a majestic way. The old man was writing as he smiles "The kids shall be your replacements as you have now done well" He said as the letters flew up in the sky.

"I wonder what story you shall give me brave heroes"


"huh, what happened?, where a--- AHHHHH" The hero woke up as he saw a dragon laying beside him. "What the-!?, Guys!?," he continued to shout in fear as he turned his head side to side, having a panicked face, he crawls towards the 4 body's he found laying on the ground

He tried to wake them up, once, twice, a lot of times. He was losing hope feeling desperate, He sat down, as he comforted to himself as he questioned, where he is, why is this happening to him, whats going to happen to him next. He was mentally confused and scared.

As he comfort his self he noticed, he himself is wearing strange clothing. a silver chest plate covered in blood stains, leather clothing with strange designs, a sword handle and with a broken sword. He then realized this is not his world, putting pieces together he came up with that conclusion.

"Did I reincarnated?, wait no.. it can't be... theres no truck that came to me.. Did I got transported instead? but.. where.. A dragon.. people laying in the ground.. me... Isn't this the novel 5 heroes!?!?

but according to the plot. this is the latest chapter, the chapter where the heroes fought with one of the strongest dragons, Pendragon,." He again tries to think the situation again.. "before I got transported?, my name was Cypher, a grade 11 student at USPF, age 17.. Thinking about it now.. The body I'm using seems to be the hero?"

Cypher have now calmed down a bit, with a bit of worry. He tried to stand up and walked to body's laying in the ground, He again tried to wake them up, no response.

"System" Cypher shouted. no response. "huh? that's weird? isn't it normal to have some kind of system to support a transferrer?" Cypher tested a few other words similar to system, nothing worked. "eh"?