
5 Heroes

Cypher cried and shouted loudly, the voices echo'ed as his shout gets lower and lower, growling noises can be heard.

soon Cypher heard moving noises comming from the bodies. Cypher stands up holding his broken sword as he shivered in fear as what could possibly be there.

"ugh.. my head hurts.. Cypher stop shouting my mind is going circles"

"Ciara!, thank god you're awake. Finally someone to talk to."

"Cypher? what the hell are you wearing?"

"It's a long story, But thank god your awake"

Ciara looked confused as to why Cypher was happy to see her, she looked around and saw a dragon laying far from them. No matter how far the dragon was. it was still a huge one.

Ciara immediately looked at cypher as he pointed at the dragon. Cypher explained what happened, Ciara looked.. happy?.. Ciara loved to read novels, even though she always denied it, she always spent her break time to read one. She was always fond of fantasy romance genre especially the novel 5 Heroes.

"Then if we are transported doesn't that mean we have cheats?" Ciara asked as she was full of anticipation towards Cyphers answer. Ciara's face turned into a gloomy, and depressed expression as she heard no skill nor cheats was given to them after their transportation.

But soon Ciara's face turned into a curious expression as she looked at her outfit. It have resembled of one of the 5 heroes, the mage. She tried to cast a spell by using earthly means but nothing had worked. soon she remembered that logic and The novels were 2 separated things.

she tried to use the novel's logic as she casted a small water ball, although it wasn't strong and massive as she imagine it still came out of nowhere.

Cypher and Ciara was shocked by their discovery. As they continued to experiment rest of the group started to wake up.

Their faces were full of despair and soon turned into excitement. The 5 heroes tested and experimented their knowledge and understand the concept of their situation.

they cannot use any cheat items such as systems or the original knowledge and skills of the owner of their bodies, but they have their strength or other words stats.

"This world. does not have a concept of a normal RPG, items doesn't randomly appear out of nowhere, auto store or monsters randomly turned into meat and leather." Cypher said. "seeing how the dragon haven't disappeared are all the evidence we need"

Ciara was searching from her magic bag, said "As you guys might guessed item bags are a thing in this world, plus I found some books on my bag but I don't understand the language.. it seems we need to learn everything from the start".

Everyone was looking at Ciara's hand as they saw a thick book, It had strange language written on each side of it, front, back, side, even the inside. All were confused until Corin raised his hand as offered to read the book.

Corin was also interested in novels, he reads all sorts of genre's and because of it he gained the friends he has now. He was especially interested on the 5 Novels as it was a popular novel with unpredictable outcomes, he researched it before as he wanted to know wither the language used were accurate or not, he eventual learn some of the language but have not mastered it.

"This is? a skill book? It says that its a skill book for fire magic?"