
Author's Guide to Summoning Gods and Demons

Renowned author who goes by the name "Seven" was on his way back home for the holidays. On the train home, he decided to take a small nap in preparation for the long trip home. Suddenly, he is visited by a strange voice in his dreams. When he awoke, his scenery had changed. The strangest thing that happened next was what the train announcer said.

SNAKE_JAB · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: The hunt

The Kingdom of Alius is one of strength and strong devotion to their goddess. The Goddess, Talia, graced the kingdom with divine protection, creating a barrier between their borders.

On the other side of the barriers lay the 'Forbidden Zones.' Ferocious beasts and monsters inhabit these areas. The 'Hollowed Forest' is one of the many 'Forbidden Zones' near the Kingdom of Alius.

Among the beasts, the most common, but fierce were the 'Moon wolves.' They hunted in packs and were extremely intelligent.

Their most distinguishing feature was their white fur, as well as their abilities being enhanced by moonlight.

Jin has kept an eye on a particular set of wolves that frequent the river he found. He sat in the nearby trees and simply observed.

From the way they behave, their hunting patterns, and even how they marked their territory and raised their young.

He spent hours following them without rest or being seen. Soon, it was time for Jin to come up with a plan of his own.


[Ding! You have successfully defeated the Horned Rabbit.]

[User has gained +25 EXP]

Jin removed the dagger from the monster's throat.

"Not too bad, I suppose." said Jin confidently.

The 'Horned Rabbit'. One of the Moon Wolves' main sources of food. This made them the perfect bait.

Jin proceeded to hunt a substantial amount before returning to the river.

"*opens system window* All right, let's see how many levels I gained," said Jin

[Name: Alester Chrome (Jin)]

[Current level: 10]

[HP: 200]

[ATK: 45]

[MP: 50]

[DEF: 30]

[AGL: 25]

[Title: None]

[Skills: Dream walk(C+),Telekinesis(D), Sense(B-), Mana manipulation(A)]

[Passives: Lesser mana regeneration, Weapon reinforcement, Weapon mastery, Reduced stamina consumption.]

He washed the excess blood off his hands.

Jin had placed the corpses in a remote area near the river. All Jin had to do is wait until they took the bait.

The sound of running water drowned out any other sounds he would make. Once again, he waited, waited, and waited.

He had begun to think that the wolves knew of the trap and purposefully avoided it. The sun had set, which meant they would be even stronger than before.

It was then he saw several glowing eyes hidden in the darkness. The first phase of the plan was complete.

In total, there were eight wolves. The pack leader took the front, and the two that followed closely behind him were his best hunters.

Female Moon Wolves stuck together at the end of the pack, protected by the remaining males.

[Warning! The enemy's current level exceeds your own!]

[...Displaying enemy stats and abilities!]

[Species: Moon Wolf (Leader)]

[Level: 15]

[HP: 300]

[ATK: 50]

[MP: 40]

[DEF: 30]

[AGL: 50]

[Skills: Sonic howl, Moon slash.]

[Passives: Moon's calling]

From what Jin gathered, the leader had the highest level in the pack. The other members were much weaker, ranging from level six to nine respectively.

The leader stepped forward to inspect the carcasses. Jin had thought about using poisonous herbs, but even that could pose a threat to his plan.

Moon wolves had an excellent sense of smell, and he didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.

"...*inhales*...*exhales*... Okay. No turning back now. I can do this!" Jin said to himself, attempting to calm his nerves.

Using the tree trunk, he launched himself toward the pack of wolves. Then, he used the telekinesis skill to increase his speed.

[Skill: Telekinesis has been used.]

[-5 Mp]

Soon enough, Jin found himself right above the Moon Wolf Leader.


In that instant, the Moon Wolf managed to escape the incoming attack. Jin quickly followed up by throwing his dagger, piercing one of its eyes, and blinding it.


[Critical hit!]

The wolf cried out in pain as blood leaked out from its socket. It didn't take long for Jin to become surrounded.

[Enemies have used the skill 'Moon's calling'... All levels have been increased by two.]


"Shit..! Looks like there's nowhere to run!" said Jin with a nervous smile.

The repeated sound of his heart pounding echoed in Jin's ears. His muscles tensed, and he could feel his blood beginning to boil. All he could do was wait for his chance.

After a few seconds had passed, one of the wolves lunged towards him. Jin saw the opportunity he was looking for.

[Skill: Telekinesis has been used]

[-5 Mp]

He retrieved his dagger and dove into the area in front of him. Before making contact with the ground, he managed to tuck his arm and legs closely together, which allowed him to quickly recover.

With his target in sight, he plunged his dagger through its lower jaw.


Using its momentum against it, he slammed it to the ground, killing it instantly. Without any time to think, he was attacked again by another wolf.

[Warning! The enemy 'Moon Wolf Leader', is using the skill 'Sonic Howl'!]


Aware of his enemy's current blindness, he dodged an incoming attack from another wolf and made his way to the leader.

"Without a leader, the rest will be easy to get rid of...!" Jin thought to himself.

Before it had the chance to attack again, Jin was already in front of the beast.

*Slash, slash!*

He struck at its tendons, causing it to fall and collapse onto the ground. Then, he pierced its head.

The remaining wolves stood back before attempting to flee. However, he had already anticipated it.

One by one, the remaining wolves fell.

[Congradulations! You have successfully defeated the 'Moon Wolf pack'!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[The passive skill: 'Moon's calling' has been acquired.]

[The skill: 'Sonic howl' has been acquired.]

[The skill: 'Moon Slash' has been acquired.]

[Rewards are being calculated...]

[You have been awarded the following: Moon Wolf dagger, Moon Wolf armor set, health potion(S), and eight dream stones.]

"Dream stones...?" Jin said with a puzzled expression.