
Author's Destiny in The Novel

What if one day you woke up, not as yourself but as an entity entirely different? What if you find out that the World you're now in consists of all the stuff you've ever dreamed about? What if you find out that you're simply an extra, meant to do nothing worthwhile in your whole life? That you're just an insignificant being who'll never make carve your own mark in the Annals of Time. Just what will you do? Will you rise up to fight against your own destiny? To prove your worth to the whole world? Or will you simply accept your fate and lie down for the rest of your life in despair? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our protagonist was a successful Novel author, with his novel 'The Path to Transcending Mortality' selling millions of copies. One day on the way back to his home, he died in an inexplicable way, only to wake up in the body of a 16-year-old - Asher Gradivus, an extra who was never mentioned in the novel. Asher soon found out that he seemed to have been transmigrated into his own novel, a year before the main plot begins. 70 years ago, The Mythological [Mana] was unsealed and released into the world thus bringing into existence the [System] which would change everybody's life. Dungeons broke out, and new races migrated onto Earth from different worlds. Several higher beings such as the [Gods] themselves started to pay attention to the world. Now, armed with the knowledge of the future, Asher must begin his journey in order to break away from the fate of an Extra he was meant to be, in order to find the meaning to his existence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my discord server: discord.gg/VYbMC3qUxF

RayanArcadia · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Orion, the epitome of garbage

Having selected the Earth biome as the location to spawn in, we discussed several strategies all the way until the time ran out.

There were two ways to earn points in this battle royale. The first one was obviously to eliminate the other students while the other method revolved around eliminating "Boss" monsters, whose ranks were entirely above the students.

The boss monsters dropped quite a bit of points, much more than you'd get from eliminating a single whole squad.

Though, the interesting thing about all of this was that there were seeds of concentrated mana spread all across the map. The farther you were from the center of the map, the more chance you had of encountering these [Mana Seeds].

Crushing a [Mana Seed] would give your team a small passive increase in stats for the duration of the test. Another feature that existed given the fact that the domain we were currently in was a [𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧].

You could either play it safe by spawning at the center but not have a ton of chances to increase your stats or, spawn near the edge where your strength would indeed increase but you'd be in trouble of having to adjust according to the rate at which the map would shrink.

Asher's team chose to spawn in the Earth biome at a distance of half the radius of the map away from the center.


In the Domain, there was a blinding flash as a huge mass of light split up into several smaller ones and scattered all across the map.

One such light landed somewhere in the Earth Biome, turning into 5 people instantly.

Orion shook his head, trying to get the dizziness off. He possessed the Wind and Lightning affinities, thus suggesting his team to spawn in the Wind Biome instead. Yet, given his low rank and the pitiful display from the morning, he was absolutely and thoroughly rejected.

He had been in a bad mood ever since and the disdainful glares from his teammates weren't helping much either.

'Once we encounter an enemy, I'll show them that they should have listened to me instead. The moment they notice my strength, they'll all be begging me and trying to gain favor with me. Hehehe.. maybe the girls will even confess to me!' (Author: I'm cringing rn, this kid Chuunibyou fr)

After the disorientation ran out from Orion's and his teammate's brains, they observed their surroundings, noticing a massive cluster of rocks everywhere with a desert-like setting, it was the perfect place to ambush others, given the huge amount of cover present everywhere.

Soon, Orion and his teammates set off in a direction, moving steadily while trying to make as little sound as possible. Not long after, they noticed a team that was standing out in the open.

The Warrior in their party with scout-related skills, Donald, spoke out in a grave tone.

"I think it's probably a trap, we should observe them before making a mov-"

Before Donald could even finish his sentence, Orion had already rushed out, hot in pursuit of the enemy team, utilizing his Lightning and Wind elements to boost his speed.

"WAIT, Stop!" Donald called out to Orion, in vain of course. How could this arrogant main character who also happened to be a system user ever listen to someone? NO, that would be a disgrace for young Orion.

He dashed out to the enemy team, covering the distance of hundreds of meters in a few seconds. He took out his sword and coated it with Wind mana, swinging it at empty air.

[𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵]

A crescent-shaped slash was launched into the air, filled with dense air pressure as it whizzed out towards the Enemy team only to be intercepted by an arrow imbued with mana from their mage.

'Tsk'. Orion clicked his tongue as he held his sword in a backhand form, speeding up even more. Just as he was about to reach the Enemy team, he prepared to strike at them with the colossal(from his standard, not actually that much in reality) amount of mana he had imbued into his sword.

The Enemy team didn't have a chance to prepare a decent spell given Orion's speed, as they all seemed extremely flustered.

Yet just as Orion reached them, the ground under him gave away. Making a face that seemed to imply that the "enemies" had "betrayed" him, he fell down a pit. Orion had fallen for the oldest trick in the book.

If he had stopped for a single second to observe the situation, he would have realized that it was all a trap. Heck, even the horrendous acting of the enemy team would have given it all away.

After all, why would 5 people be afraid of someone who was one of the weakest students in the Academy, having just been beaten and bullied in the morning? Their expression of despair was simply all a lie.

[𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗼 𝗢𝗿𝗯]

As Orion looked up from the bottom of the pit, he noticed a ball of fire blazing towards him.

'Is this really how it all ends? If only my teammates had supported me, this would have never happened.'

Even during his moments of hopelessness and desperation, Orion was still blaming his teammates, not willing to accept the fact that it was his own fault that he was about to lose.

Just as everything was about to end with a bang, a man with a short stature rushed out, jumping high into the air and slashing at the Fireball, thus sending it into oblivion.

"Next time, you're supposed to listen to me." Donald barked out at Orion, mad at how he had to save his disobedient teammate's sorry a**

Donald lived up to his name as someone in the top 50 of the Academy.

The Enemy team was enraged as they poured out their spells and elements at Orion's team. Though, that was all they could do. This was never a fair battle, there existed a huge skill disparity between both the teams.

This was the exact reason one was hunting while the other was camping with traps.

(Author: There isn't that big of a disparity between the [Ranks] of the team members of both the teams. The disparity is in the skill itself. In the end, they are all kids after all. Even if they can shoot fireballs at their enemies, they might not be able to do that towards fellow humans. In a fight, hesitation can cause devastating effects. Even a [F+] can kill an [E+] if the latter simply just doesn't want to attack the former in a serious manner. Not only that but most of these people are trained to fight monsters in an organized and systematic manner. Humans aren't monsters and most of the people here are probably fighting against "non-humans" for the very first time. They'll need some time to adapt.)

Within a few short minutes, the enemy team had completely been wiped out. Orion's teammates soon pulled him upwards, nagging him to death regarding his actions of rushing out alone.

Clearly, his opinion had fallen even further among his teammates. Yet, Orion on the other hand was thinking of something else entirely.

'Wait, the reason we won was because I charged out alone and found their traps out due to which my teammates could easily take them out. THEN, this means that the reason we WON was entirely because of ME!!'

Orion had once again fallen into delusions while they were traveling, looking for enemies. He soon began laughing in a manner that creeped his teammates out, causing them to look at him with disgusted expressions. He was about to "inform" them about the contributions he had made to the team when


Orion's eyes widened in horror as he noticed a hand sticking out from his head. Going in from the back of his head, the hand stuck out from where his nose should have been. As his vision went red and he slowly started to lose consciousness, he heard a familiar calm voice, one that he had gotten used to for the past few days. One which sent him into the depths of confusion moments before he died in the [𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧].

"Even if this is fake, was I not supposed to vomit?"

Asher's voice was the last thing he heard before dropping out from the battle-royale.




Discord server: discord.gg/VYbMC3qUxF

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RayanArcadiacreators' thoughts