
AURORA(Three sequel)

DaoistSxlyf8 · Urban
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1 Chs



I stood on the hill staring down at the edge and looking down at the ocean beneath me. I watched the cubs as they bathed and played in the water. I hated how everything is changing. The fights over and the wolves are becoming weak.

"Gross." I grimace, the mere thought of a very possible evitable change disgusting me.

Where did the flesh eating scavengers go? The instinct to hunt and kill? The bloodshed? The enmity between us wolves and the vampires and humans? The distance between the mortal and immortal?

I despised change and the call for adaptation that came with. I wasn't ready to be blind and even if everyone else changes, I won't.

I am a wolf. I hunt and kill for survival. Man, human, wolf, zombies, I care less. I enjoyed the numerous evil that plagued my mind. I would kill anyone that came in my way.

"There you are." A familiar voice awakened me from my reverie. My face lightens up at the sound of that dark cold voice I have so much affinity for. I turn to see Emerald.

They say the one you trust the most would hurt you the most but with Emerald that's a risk I'm willing to take. She's the only one that understands me. The only one with a sense of sanity in this world. She's the closest to being a friend to me.

She had brown wavy hair, a wrinkled eave coated in earrings. Brown eyes like all wolves had. Her wolf was olive coloured and as feisty as her.

"What's the problem? Anyone seeking me?" I ask, trying to keep my hair right as the wind displaces it.

"Nah." She walked to me, walking in the weird way she walks after I broke her leg the first day we met. The pain that came with future happiness. " The letters came."

"We got admission into Rother academy." She said and my soft gaze turned into a cold stony glare.

"Burn the letter." I said and she seemed worried.

"What is it? " I asked, squeezing my brows.

"Your mother has already accepted it, mine also. We are leaving tomorrow." She said,

What has my mother done? I would rather be killed than be controlled like a tamed dog. She just enjoys getting on my nerves. She knows exactly how much I despise that academy.

" Tell my mother I do not appreciate her not minding her business." I say.

" Come on Aurora, you know how scary your mother can be. " Emerald says, exhibiting her inner coward.

"Move away," I push her away as I begin to walk away. " I'll take care of it myself."

"Aurora, it's been registered. There is no going back!". Emerald shouted and I turned around to look at her.

"If I go to that academy, I'll kill everyone,so prevention is better than cure, isn't it? Must be one of my mom's insane ways to take me far away from her. She hasn't seen anything yet". I grinned and left .

I knew how wicked my mom was even though she was one of those good wolves. She always loses her cool when nothing goes according to her plan. I knew I was her biggest problem, she detested me since I was born. I hated her too since I got in her stomach, thought I would eat her to get out of the various organs that surrounded me then but, she was as vicious as me.

I went to where I knew she always was , with her playboy and friends, away from home, away from her responsibilities.

"Aurora" My little sister smiled as she saw me coming.

"Get away." I whispered and she cried, I knew she could hear me, it was an inborn thing us wolves had. I smirked, refreshing. How evil the sound of cry calmed me down.

Like what I predicted,my mother was outside laughing like a freak with her numerous friends. Her eyes flew on me and she smirked.

"What brings you here?"she asked.

"May I have a word?" I frowned as eyes followed me.

"Sure." she began and looked at her friends, "one minute."

We both went to somewhere confined and noiseless.

"True or false. I got admitted into Rother academy?" I asked and scowled.

"True. I got you registered. Thought you would love it", she grinned.

"Love it?" You know I hated boarding school and that bloody school!"I shouted.

"Exactly.Get the hell out of my house, you aren't needed. You take space Aurora, just like your father".

Anger burned in me when she mentioned my father. I didn't like him either but I hated hearing bad things about him. I knew my father was lazy and didn't have anything to offer,my mother did everything including the killing before it became a crime in our pack.

"You have no idea how I want to get away from you too. I just won't go to that school!"

She pressed her index finger and thumb on my cheek then her claws came out. I felt pain but tried controlling it , but it was too much.I knew if I fought back I would be gravel.

"Say it again." She ordered.

I kept quiet and she removed her hand from my face and smirked. I felt the blood rushing down my cheek.

"Good. Get ready, you will be leaving soon." She said and began walking away.

"I hate you mother! I swear I'll make sure I get expelled!"I shouted in anger.

She turned back and chuckled.

"When you do, never return home and make sure I never see your face, cause when I do , I'll make sure you go through hell."she replied and walked away.

I howled and coughed when I could no longer breathe.

"Your death will be a miserable mother!" I shouted to no one.

The anger in me knew no bounds. I needed to kill, I could Start with that little girl my mother gave birth to, Marvel. She wasn't my sister, she's the product of my mum and her playboy. He's lucky to still be living, my mother always saves him.

" I need food". I groaned in hunger. I turned into a wolf and ran as far away as possible until I reached the human's territory. It was against the rules to kill humans but I wasn't scared. I needed food. I transformed into my human form and hid my eaves in my hair.

"New York '' I read from the large advertising sign that was on a large building.

Various people walked about,so much flesh .My hunger grew by the second.

"Where's my brother?" Something little asked and I looked down to see a little child eating ice cream and holding a balloon. I licked my lips m

"Uh... your brother?" I asked and bent down to look him in the eye. It was red , like that of a vampire. What's a vampire doing here ?

"Yeah, have you seen him?" He asked and sucked the shit out of the ice cream.

"Yeah, come with me , I'll show you where he is," I replied and smirked. I grabbed the kid hand to see a tall male vampire.

"Zayn , there you are!". The boy said in excitement and left my hand and went to his brother who stared at me with a grimace coated with surprise. He looked familiar for a reason.

"Who's she Alex ?" Zayn asked and held his brother firmly.

"I don't know . She said she knew where you were." Alex replied.

I would Snatch that kid and eat him anyway ,why am I even listening to this? Vampires are gross. I've had many kills and they weren't as as sweet as humans . I'll find another meal. I started to walk away when a hand grabbed mine. I turned quickly and pushed him away .

"Are you insane?" I shouted at Zayn.

"Am I insane? You wanted to kill my brother didn't you? "He shouted back.

"Yes I did . I can still kill him anyway you bloody vampire. Never touch me again. I'll do more than just pushing you . Fool !" I said and walked away.

Stupid vampires. Might as well have a buffet. I smirked.