

Jasper's POV

I stuck in a corner and sipped my champaign as Jack complained.

"Why ever were those two invited?!" He glared at Lady Hera and Isabell who were prouncing around together.

Hera's Red hair was in a weird up do and her silk dress was red and layered. Isabell's hair was in an updo similar to Hera's and her dress was a baby blue cotton. It was puffed around the sleeves and her waist. She looked like she was wearing pillows.

I looked away in disinterest. "Thank goodness we're in disguies."

He huffed and sipped out of his flute. "These disguises are useless, those hounds can smell single men from miles."

I smiled and looked around. Prestine Ladies and Men were floating around, talking and laughing with each other.

"Ladies and gentlemen–"

I paid attention to the short man who stood at the bottom of the elegant spiral staircase.

"–let me present to you Lady AURORA SPENCER!!!"

People started clapping on impulse and so did I, but we all froze and the room became dead silent when we saw our host, Aurora.

She was a goddess. Her hair, a dark shade of blue that reminded me of ink and the night sky was in an elegant bun leaving whisps to frame her face. Her red full lips were pursed and her blue eyes sharp and shiny.

Her dress was dark blue. The neckline dipped low and her cream cleavage made me swallow. The hands of the dress were like a second skin and long to her fingers. The dress hugged her slender curves as she slowly descended the stairs.

A beautiful necklace laid between her breasts and silver earrings dangled from her ears.

Everyone watched with bathed breadths as she walked and finally she got to the last step.

Lord Bexly walked up to her and took her fingers in his hand. "You are welcome here Lady Aurora." then he kissed her hand.

Her face was void of emotions as she nodded. "Thank you."

The music continued and people resumed talking. Aurora stayed in her place while people walked up to introduce themselves, I couldn't take my eyes off her and I wished I was in my Prince apparel so I could approach her.

Jack whistled beside me. "She's.....Woah."

I nodded.

Finally, they announced it was time to dance and people started parring up. I watched as a dozen men asked her to dance. Aurora just gave them smiles and shook her head. She stood at the other end of the hall slowly sipping from her flute while letting her eyes annalyse everyone.

She looked to me, like a hawk watching its prey. Suddenly, her blue eyes stared into mine.

I felt like she could look into my very soul and see I was under the disguise, but she looked away and ignored me for the rest of the evening.

Aurora POV

I watched them all. They were fools to let their guard down in the precense of a stranger. I noticed all their weaknesses. Like how Lord Bexly loved to drink and flirt with all the women, married or not.

Lady Gazelle hung unto her handsome husband as if scared he would be seduced by the other Ladies.

Lady Phoebe tried to talk to the ladies and even when shunned clung to them like an unwanted leech.

I was approached by two women. Both had their hairs in ridiculous styles, one looked like she was in layers and layers of silk while one like she was wearing pillows.

They looked ridiculous, but I knew they were respectable people. They carried the air and people seemed to respect them –although a lot more disliked them.

The red head spoke. "Evening Lady Aurora, I am Hera daughter of the Lord of Bagrinton estate, while she is Isabell daughter of the Lord of Golden estate."

The blonde –Isabell nodded elegantly.

I nodded.

Hera proceeded to saddle beside me and Isabell at my other side.

"So, you are not from around here?" Hers asked.

She asked casually, but I knew their ears were sharp and eyes roamed me for a fault. I could image what they were thinking.

Lady Hera's POV

Her dress was cut too low and her cleavage was being flashed to all men, shameless she was!!

"I am from another country, London. I was a Lady of prestige there but I've decided to pursue my own fortune"

I hid my gasp and exchanged looks with Isabell.

Isabell stepped forward. "That is marvelous."

Aurora nodded. "Yes."

I exchanged looks with Isabell again. "You haven't danced with anyone yet, do you by any chance have a fiancé at home?"

Aurora looked at me cooly and I nearly flinched. "No."

I felt like wringing her neck. The wretch didn't reveal anything useful and didnt look like she was going to.

I signalled Isabell and we stepped away. "Enjoy the evening Lady Aurora." and then we walked away.

"What a wretch!! tight lipped like a...a..." Isabell trailled off and huffed then turned red.

I looked around. "Well calm down Isabell, we have other things to do now!! Father is pressuring me to marry."

Isabell frowned. "I thought prince Jasper was going to be in attendance?"

I snorted then looked around to make sure no one heard. "How would the Prince possibly attend? He only attends important balls by important people, like us."

Isabell nodded. "The wrench probably thought she could climb the social ladder so easily."

I laughed. "Such foolishness –is that Lord Duke? yo-hoo, Lord Duke??"


Aurora's POV

The air had gotten so warm, it was suffocating. It didnt help that I could hear the waves crash into the cliffs and see it through the glass.

Finally, the pull grew too strong. I weaved my way through the dancing bodies. People stopped me to talk occasionally, but I made sure they ended briefly.

I was sure no one noticed me slip out.

The breeze was cool against my skin. I sighed in relief.

knowing people could see me, I didn't jump into the water like I wanted to but stood drinking in the sound of the waves and cool breeze.

Suddenly, the hairs at the back of my neck stood. I was being intently watched. I turned around, it was only some men, so I turned back around and enjoyed the cool air.

Part one of my plan was completed. People were like guiene pigs. They fell for things too easily. And the people in my ballroom had just helped me to their doom.

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