
Aumont Legend

Birger had a legend following him his whole life and just as things seem like they are going to keep spiraling down to nothing, and mean nothing in his life. Everything changes, more than he ever anticipated it would, maybe he really could be the boy in the legend of Aumont. Sassa was a sweet girl locked away by her overbearing father, would she finally be able to break from his control and be a strong woman and make things right in her life or would she be exactly what her father had expected her to be, nothing.

Alana_Strough · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

The last couple of days had kind of been a whirlwind completely. I had no real idea how much actual sleep I had gotten. I was not only glad for Cook to be near by during all this but with Dad gone, I was able to have Arvid, my dragon, closer to me. Dad couldn't stand my dragon, I thought it was mostly had to do with the fact that my dragon was twice as big as his and he had no control over me with Arvid.

Cook kept me fed and sane, and Arvid kept me safe, even though I was my dad's only child, I was still a girl, girls were not suppose to inherit anything. After the incident with my father's death, I had convinced the village elders to give me ownership of everything, or it would be gone, needless to say my closest male cousins were not happy. So instead I slept with a weapon and kept Arvid that much closer to me at all times, thankfully with him and the weapon I had foiled two assassination attempts in just a few days. To say the least the Turgot's were pissed that a girl was not only representing their family name but I was in possession of all the family money, and lands. The cake topper for them was the day after the accident, the day I threw a party, it had been worth every sideways glance I got from them.

The night before I had made all the servants strip the sheets off my father's bed and replace them with new. Bathing in fresh, warm water and climbing into my new clean bed, the servants all made funny faces at me, they would never understand what it was like to never have anything fresh or clean they should have know most of them had watched me grow up here. Mostly they made the faces for not having at least observed one day before I took over his stuff, were they dead wrong to think that I actually cared, he had treated me like shit in my life and I would not observe a mourning period in his death.

Walking down the stairs the next morning straight into the kitchen, thankfully all the servants were standing around, the only one actually doing anything was Cook, as usual that woman never stopped. Clearing my throat over the loud speaking that was going on, so as to grab everyone's attention, and once I finally did I had a lot to say.

" Good Morning all, just in case anyone does not know my father, Einar Turgot, died yesterday. I will not be in observance of a mourning period and will not make any of you, nor will i be mad if you would like to observe said mourning period in his honor." Pausing mostly for dramatic effect and to see if anyone responded, which no one did I continued.

"Now with all that out of the way I want you to know that I am inheriting this house and its lands, so I will not be leaving and will not be replaced by any of my extended family. I do not plan on firing or replacing any of you, unless you would like to leave, if so please do so now!" Stopping long enough for dramatic effect, this was way more fun than it should have been. I scanned the room no one seemed the least bit upset about any of this, actually they looked mostly excited about the part that I was keeping everything.

"Okay good I'm glad no ones upset or leaving, now let get to the good stuff!" Pointing to my father's direct servants, his butler and valet. "Please go upstairs and clean everything out of my father's rooms, clothes and such, bring me the valuables obviously, you may keep anything that you see of his that you like but just burn the rest, okay, off you go." They happily left and went to do what they were asked.

We had more man servants than I expected, turning to those that were left, "My "special" room upstairs you know where that is correct?" Not speaking their responses they just shook their heads instead, I think more in fear of being yelled at then anything. "Oh, good I would like the remaining of you young men to go upstairs and bring everything out of that room and I mean all of it, downstairs and outside to the courtyard were going to have some fun with it later." With a great sigh of relief that they were not in trouble, they scurried up the stairs.

"Okay ladies you next" I said turning to face them. "First things first I will need two ladies maids, who here knows clothes and hair?" Turning and looking at Cook for direction and approval, two lovely ladies raised their hands. "Thank you so much girls I will really need your help this evening at the ceremony with the elders. Can you make sure that I have adequate clothing, nothing to flashy and I do not own any dresses, I only have my training clothes like what I'm wearing now." Looking down at my own clothes, which were some basic tan cotton pants and a plain colored cotton shirt. "Father never let me go out but I need to represent tonight, if you need money to buy something which I think will have to happen come and find me but make sure you have moved all my other clothes to my new bedroom first!" Shooing then off with a happy smile, I was left in clearly capable hands with those girls. I turned back to the last of the servants, mostly kitchen maids and house keepers.

"Young ladies, I need this house in tip top shape. I need every inch of this house dusted, swept, mopped and polished. If you need help moving furniture get those strapping young men to help you, I know for a fact this place needs a deep clean and that just what is going to happen. Make as much noise as possible to get it done as quickly as possible. Also if you find any important papers laying around bring them to me, immediately, I will be in the office. Thank you so much for all your hard work!"

Cook who was more than happy to finish breakfast while I talked looked up at me when I finally finished with the last of them "You did a great job honey, getting to them quickly and giving them some very clear directions. Now where will you be taking your breakfast?" She had the biggest smile across her face.

"Cook thank you so much for all your help make sure if anyone needs anything they know that they can come straight to me, and I think I will have my breakfast in the office. I'm going to need to start pouring through my dad's ledgers if I want to keep a handle on all this!" Following behind me with the platter and tea I head for the office. It was the one other place I absolutely hated beside my training room, as if knowing how I felt or know what I was thinking Cook stopped me. "Sassa, honey I know you have got a lot on your mind why don't you take a break and have your breakfast on the terrace and enjoy the beautiful morning."

"Okay, Cook thank you that sounds so much better." Turning to follow her out to the terrace I seemed to just relaxing with the thought of not having to go into the office quiet yet. Stepping out onto the terrace that faced our back courtyard, Arvid had already made himself quiet comfortable, he was sprawled out enjoying the early morning sunshine and cool morning air. Sitting down at the little table Cook put my platter in front of me and lifted the cover; eggs, bacon, toast and some fruit on the side. What a wonderful surprise, she usually only made this for me on my birthday and never without my father knowing, I was never allowed food so luxurious. Then a happy thought crossed my mind, HE'S NOT HERE!, with a beaming grin I watched while she poured me a cup of tea and I dug into my favorite breakfast.

"Cook won't you sit with me for one cup of tea?" Patting me on the head she said "Sorry honey this is a special day for both of us, I'm making all your favorites for dinner, were having a huge feast tonight!" Almost spitting out my tea, I set my cup down, Cook had taken a step back thinking maybe I was going to get mad. I jumped out of my chair and gave her the biggest hug "What a wonderful idea Cook and make sure you break out the best wine and beer for everyone, servants, farm hands, and any one that comes through for the farm you tell them to stay, there are always people passing through the kitchens and you can tell them all!" "Really, I thought you were going to be upset just now, but you've got it. I haven't thrown a party here since your mother was alive, this is going to be great!" Patting me on the head again, clearly pleased with our plan, she went back inside to get everything started.

I didn't realize how much I must have needed this not only breakfast on the terrace but the ceremony and party tonight but Cook always knew what to do. If a party was it then a party we would have. I watched as the man servant brought down some of the lighter stuff out of my old training room. Holding my cup of tea and standing out to the edge of the steps I shouted hoping they could hear me "Make everything into a pile were going to burn it all at the party tonight". We'll have a big fire, bun all the shit from my old room and all of the awful shit I don't want of my father's, sitting back down I finished my breakfast and watched them move everything into a great big pile.

Passing back through the house all the windows and doors had been opened up, clearing out the house, it made the most wonderful breeze. I never remembered ever feeling this much peace in my own home.