
Chapter 9 : Initial formation of the world view (II)

The past is a sobering and painful history that spreads the smell of choking smoke every time it is opened.

And today is a magnificent fable, a century and a half of vicissitudes, mankind saved itself from the catastrophe that almost destroyed the Earth, showing the resilience of mankind to everything in the pale universe that tried to destroy it, meanwhile, the selfishness and brutality of mankind were also revealed on this once peaceful planet.

The first line of Robo's plan has already negated the plan of going to the Eastern World via the Far North.

The Far North was formed at the beginning of the Earth's catastrophe, when the population living in the Far North was very small. In the Age of Great Famine, countless people fled from the East and West Continents, and even at that time, few people chose to travel to the Far North.

Merry's impression of the Far North was warm.

During the years when her father's business was booming, he used to take Merry and her mother on trips around the world. For the wealthy of the Western Continent, places like the Thousand-Island Sea and the Far North, which have preserved a century and a half of the earth's landscape, are very attractive. People often travel from the major cities of the East and West to visit the Thousand-Island Sea and the Far North.

Merry would always remember the exquisite cabin with its huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the white snowfields stretching as far as the eye could see, flanked by livid snow-capped mountains that could not see the top.

In the house, a warm fire was burning in the fireplace, and her mother was sitting on a rug, flipping through a book in her hand.

That image has remained in Merry's mind forever, and has grown warmer with time.

But the warmth in the memory ended up being a bubble, the better and more complete it was, the colder and more cruel the real world is.

Robo's information has clearly indicated that "the minimum temperature is minus 90 degrees Celsius, unsuitable for human habitation."

At that time, Merry traveled with her parents through a professional travel company, and all the itineraries were strictly arranged.

Earlier, there was a mega incident in which several tourists froze to death in the Far North after a sudden power outage due to a power failure. People who traveled thousands of miles to the Far North were generally very wealthy, so the incident was a big hit at the time. Because of this, her father was extremely careful in choosing a travel agency before taking them to the Far North.

The guidebook at that time also clearly stated, " Anyone who enters the unexplored area without the guidance of the tourism agency is responsible for all injuries, including frostbite." Such rules can be found everywhere in the Far North, which shows how difficult the Far North is.

With the current economic conditions, it is obviously impossible to cross the Far North as comfortably as before.

On the one hand, with Dao, it is too conspicuous, and even if they have money, it is not convenient to travel through the travel agency; on the other hand, if the team all agree choose to go through the Far North, it is deadly, the conditions are difficult, the risk is huge, and it is really dangerous to take this risk.

They could only give up the plan to go from the Far North to the Eastern Continent.

In contrast to the Far North, the Thousand-Island Sea is a world apart in terms of climate conditions.

The Thousand-Island Sea consists of thousands of islands, large and small, the largest of which is tens of thousands of hectares and could accommodate a large city, while the smallest is the size of a rock, like a giant mountain range poking its pointy head out from the ocean floor.

The Thousand-Island Sea started out with a hot climate, but has evolved over time to become a pleasant paradise on earth.

Many people fled to the Thousand-Island Sea before the Eastern and Western World has developed to what it is today.

The progress of the human world was seriously hindered by the fact that the fragmented land of the Thousand-Island Sea which could not accommodate large cities like the Eastern and Western World nowadays, coupled with the existence of countless reefs in the sea between the islands, which also caused obstacles to maritime navigation and trade, so that in the development of the following century, due to its special topography, the Thousand-Island Sea gradually lagged behind the Eastern and Western World.

Despite this, the Thousand-Island Sea is still one of the gems of today's human world due to its excellent climate conditions.

Just like the competition for Dao, the larger islands in the Thousand-Island Sea are also the key to the competition between the major cities in the East and West.

For nearly half a century, due to the various forces entrenched in the Thousand-Island Sea, it had become a constant source of war and strife, and the environment had been deteriorating year by year. Therefore, twenty years ago, initiated by a major city in the East, all the forces signed a truce, trying to peacefully resolve the ownership of the Thousand-Island Sea.

Thus, the conflict then changed into a dispute between the indigenous inhabitants of the Thousand-Island Sea and the forces of the main cities of the East and the West. The major cities of the East and the West believed that the Thousand-Island Sea undoubtedly belonged to the major cities of the East and the West, only it was a question of who owned how much area. However, the indigenous inhabitants of the Thousand-Island Sea believed that they had been living here for generations. Furthermore, when the Great Migration took place, people from the main cities also gave up moving to stay here, therefore, the Thousand-Island Sea should be an independent existence.

The arrogance of the major cities in the East and West and the persistence of the Thousand-Island Sea have turned this earthly wonderland into a place of hidden murder, and the slightest misstep would trigger a war.

Going to the Eastern Continent via the Thousand-Island Sea is undoubtedly the best choice, but the various forces entrenched in the Thousand-Island Sea must have intersected with those fighting for Dao, so although it is a better choice than the Far North, it is still difficult.

"Merry, Merry," Merry did not respond until Cici called her several times.

"We've got to go as soon as possible." Jason and Bob had just come in from outside, looking travel-worn and weary.

Merry, still reeling from the information about the Far North and the Thousand-Island Sea, looked back out the window; it was still early.

"Someone has tracked down to the slum." Jason explained, "When we came back, a group of unfamiliar faces that had never been around before, entered the City of Solitude and seemed to be asking about something, most likely they had mastered both you and Dao's itinerary."

"So fast, did you get a good look at who they were?" Merry asked.

"No, but I've been hanging around here for so many years, I am pretty sure that I've never seen those guys, they don't look like the black and evil forces that have been operating in the neighborhood, but like a well-trained force in disguise..."

"Force?" Cici asked, under the influence of surroundings when she lived with her father, as the daughter of the mayor of Avalon, she had some knowledge of Avalon's military.

"Right. We also have some information about Dao, and the situation is very unfriendly to us now." Jason said with a sorry-looking face.

"It's too late to explain, we gotta leave now." Bob urged.

"Let's talk about it on the way." Merry said.

The team packed their things and left immediately.

When it truly came time to leave, the emotion of loss came over them.

From the current situation, it seems that leaving, bumps and bruises are the themes for a long time to come, before identifying Dao's life, leaving like today, is what they will have to do every day from now on. Or, even, pessimistically, today might become the best day of all the days from now on.

When the team hurriedly packed up and left, in the slums of Avalon, there is a well-equipped team, which has got the whereabouts of the team, immediately embarked on the road of pursuit.