
Chapter 16 : She wants to see you

When Merry logged into the Attic World, Jason was already waiting in the same place.

"How was it?" Merry asked first. Merry's short temper made Jason nervous too.

After logging out the Attic World yesterday, Jason made the decision after discussing with the other teammates.

They needed to first find a way to sneak into Avalon. Generally, to a city like Avalon, from outside the city to inner the city, from the slum to the rich area, although there was no concrete wall to block, but the block and control that formed invisibly were solid walls. It seemed that the inner city and the outside city, the upstairs and downstairs, were different worlds.

But in the early days, Avalon grew rapidly along with the other main cities, and after its initial prosperity, it quickly began to fall again.

The word "fall" has never appeared explicitly in any of the records about Avalon, but people in Avalon were constantly being held by "the Fallen City", being sucked by it, and finally becoming the monster in human skin.

No one can find the exact point about when the fall of Avalon began, but the wheel of history rolls on, and when people woke up from the prosperous world of the past, endless deadly lukewarm water-like suffering has been quietly waiting outside the door.

Gradually, Avalon became a city that was not as disciplined as other main cities. In the name of revolution, there were people who burned, killed and looted, attacked the area where the slum and the rich area met, there were people who infiltrated the rich area to kill and commit crimes, there were people who profited from the oppression of the slum...

Crime was common in the city, so the intercity and the border between the slum and the rich area was extremely poor in security, and it was not difficult to easily sneak into the main city.

The Newton's facilities were relatively well established, and it was able to hide its track and sneak into the main city, getting close to the "Shirley Technologies".

According to the feedback from the Newton, the 101st floor, where Dao and Merry are located, is the weakest defended floor of the "Shirley Technologies" high-rise, which was obviously used as a residence. But in order to take Merry and Dao out smoothly, they still need the cooperation of the two.

"What do we need to do?" Merry asked.

"Make chaos, then take the opportunity to get to the southwest corner, there's a piece of glass near the left-hand wall, and the tiny internal components attached to its interior that are associated with the building's defense system is wrong, you can shatter it from the inside. Around 11:10, there will be a snowstorm and it will be dark outside, and we can take advantage of the opportunity to move." Jason said.

"Can it be a little later? What about at night?" Merry asked.

"No, it is too suspicious for the Newton to stay around for too long." Jason said, "Also, the Mystery Man has announced the first clue, which is that the Rally will be held at the Great Wall on the edge of this city."

"When?" Merry asked.

"There will be many rounds. Tonight is the first one. If no one gets the first clue, the Rally will go on forever." Jason said.

Merry nodded without another word. She looked in the direction where she saw the figure which looked exactly the same as her mother yesterday and was lost and sad.

It was not until the end of Merry's meeting with Jason did the robot at the door give any answer about what Merry said yesterday about meeting her father.

"The chairman is very busy and will not be available until the evening." The robot at the door replied when Merry asked.

Merry thought about it. The priority was to take Dao to escape. The Newton had already acted, so now she had to leave first.

"Make chaos? I'm good at this!" Dao heard Merry relaying Jason's plan and immediately got excited.

"We have nothing in hand, how can we make chaos?" Merry asked.

"Leave it to me!" Dao was already so excited that he couldn't sit still.


Dao has set up a device to cleverly avoid all the cameras in the house, when touching the trigger from the sofa, the table hanging at the end of the device would crash into the glass. This kind of glass that was equipped with the defense network would not break easily, but there was huge sound, and the control center of the defense system would alarm.

And it was not enough. Dao sat in meditation with a serious look. Later, a bunch of fresh leaves grew above his head, Dao collected them all and sent them into the duct to the duct by the way.

"There's still one last step to go." Dao rubbed his chin and said.

"What?" Merry looked at Dao's natural and smooth operations and asked in confusion.

"I need to find a place to hide, a place where the house's surveillance system can not see." Dao said. Seeing Merry still in a look of confusion, Dao continued: "I will hide first, then you can make some noises and wait for them to check the surveillance system, so I can lit the leaves in the duct, those fresh leaves are most likely to create smoke. When the time comes, we can take advantage of the chaos and run out."

This defense system worked actually the same as the robot butler before. The entire building's defense system was a whole, and once a part of the building was attacked or malfunctioned, the central control system would mobilize patrol robots from other places to check.

The defenses were certainly unbreakable, but they were fixed systems that were easy to find loopholes in.

Merry and Dao checked the whole room and found that only the monitoring system in the washing area of Merry's room could be turned off. This should be a convention, as generally the rooms provided to female guests would leave the space of privacy to some extent.

Dao decided to hide here, although it was a little far from the door, but in the light of his agile mobility, it should not be a problem to escape to the door.


Dao and Merry's room came with a loud bang, the robot guards at the door quickly reacted and gathered towards the door.

"Here, the Treeman smashed the window and escaped!" Merry exclaimed.

The robots at the door did not dare to open the door easily and went to the monitoring room to check first. Dao hid inside Merry's bathroom and quietly listened to outside.

In less than two minutes, the robots did open the door, but as soon as they opened it, they went straight to Merry's room.

Merry was panic in her mind, did they find Dao hiding inside?

Merry stood behind several robots and watched nervously as they opened the door to the room, but the room was empty and there was nothing there.

Merry was also very surprised, she did watched Dao hide inside.

Right when Merry was surprised, someone gently tugged on Merry's clothes, Merry looked back, it was a branch - it was Dao's hand, reaching down from above, Merry looked up and saw Dao grimacing on the roof, making a "shh" gesture at her.

Dao indicated to Merry to go out first, and he himself to light the leaves in the ventilation duct before coming out. Merry understood and quickly went out.

Right out of the door, the alarm outside rang, a thick smoke from the duct above the hallway came out, and the patrol robots, which were in order earlier, were suddenly in chaos.

Dao followed Merry. There was still some distance from here to the southwest corner, and in between they had to find ways to avoid the patrol robots, so Merry and Dao had to act quickly.

Merry and Dao moved cautiously toward the southwest corner, and halfway down the hallway, the alarm in the hallway suddenly became louder, accompanied by red flashing lights, and a shrill announcement came over the PA system for all patrol robots, informing all patrol robots to assemble and the Treeman has escaped.

Merry and Dao used all their strength to get to the southwest corner, encountering a team of patrol robots on the way, and Dao tied these big stuffs together with tremendous effort and escaped.

Merry hit the glass from the inside, but despite the loss of the defense system, the tempered glass was still very strong. Just as the robots chasing them caught up, Dao shouted to get out of the way, then crashed through the glass holding the fire hydrant. The piece of glass shattered with a loud bang, and the storm outside the window poured into the building.

The Newton was already waiting outside, just in time.

Jason reached out his hand to Merry, and in the snowstorm, that hand was like a divine salvation.

Dao got on the airship first, and the robots behind him had gradually approached. Just as Merry was about to get on the airship, her father's voice suddenly sounded behind.

"Merry," he called softly.

In the midst of the raging wind and snow, Merry turned her back on his father, and the voice sounded like the voice of her father who used to laugh and be gentle.

"Go see your mother, she wants to see you." He then said.

The words were like a thunderbolt that struck Merry, the wind and snow that came in through the broken glass wrapped around Merry's body, and the tiny needle-like snowflakes tried to rivet into Merry's body.

She wants to see you, these four words instantly struck through this strong and bold young girl.