
Attending The Highschool Of The Strongest

Human, Elf. This Highschool doesn't judge based on such criteria. All that matters is the parsons strength and abilities. Sho Sabar attends this vary Highschool. The start of his first year is going smoothly. Until he meets one teacher.

BeLikeMunch · Action
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15 Chs

Chapter 6-I Meet Some Crazies

"What do you mean your gonna miss classes."

"Yea, It's only the second day of school. You can't be skipping yet."

I was sitting at a table in a restaurant called " Xavier's Food palace." It was  on the bottom floor of the dorms building along with all the other shops. Alys and Zaldo were sitting across from me as I sipped on my class of water while telling them the information I felt comfortable telling them.

The restaurant on the outside had the same brick walls as the rest of the building. But on the inside it was designed like a log cabin with a rough wood like design on all the walls and floor. The seats were all leather and quite comfortable.

" Here's your food."

"Oh. Thank you."

The waitress brought us out food As I took mine I looked across the table and saw Zaldo and Alys starring at me waiting for my answer. The waitress set their food in front of them reaching across Zaldo to reach Alys but they still kept their awaiting gaze.

" I'm receiving special training." It's the truth. But I wont tell them what for. I still don't know what information is classified. I wonder who all knows about it outside of actual participants.

" For what." Zaldo asked with a confused look on his face. He's the one whos gonna ask the most questions so I need to move past this subject quickly

" Don't know. They just said that's what I'll be doing."

' Don't lie. You do know."

I looked up at him while I began to cut into my chicken. Like I guessed. He's gonna be the most insistent. I looked over to Alys and she was already digging in to her spaghetti while Zaldo was to busy asking me questions to even look at his steak.

". . . What if I said I do know but I'm not aloud to say."

" That makes me more curious."

" Of course it does." Please stop Zaldo. I just want to eat my food.

" So why are they giving special training. Are you some strong persons son or something." Quiet the opposite.

" No."

" Then what is it. Did you know them before coming here. Is that why they let you in." . . . That statement kind of pissed me off. Is that why he thought I got in here. Did he think I already had a relationship with the principle that I didn't deserve to be here.

" Zaldo stop." Alys must of seen a look of displeasure in my face because she grabbed Zaldo shoulder and pulled him forcing him to face her.

" Why. I want to know."

" It's not our place. If he can't tell us then he can't."

"Were his friends aren't we. We should get to know."

" We've only known him for two days. He doesn't ha-"

"So. Were still friends of his. We shou-"

" They said I'm a prodigy." Shit. I shouldn't of said that but I guess my pride got the best of me. If Zaldo really thought the only reason I got in here was because I knew Principle Takon then that would shut him up. Also their bickering was beginning to disturb the restaurant.

They both turned their heads at the same time and looked at me with a face of confusion. Like they didn't understand what I said.

" What do you mean." Zaldo asked leaning in across the table in a quiet voice.

" They said I'm a prodigy. That's why I'm getting special training." Why was he so confused.

" No. I heard you but. . . You for real." He doesn't believe me. 

" Why else would I say it."

" I don't know. A lie to get me to stop asking questions but. . . It's way to farfetched."

" Is it really that hard to see me as a prodigy." It's not like I'm the first.

" Well. It's not that far fetched I guess but still hard to believe. They say a prodigy appears every 100 years here and well. . . From what I know the last one graduated last year."

Guess that justifies his suspicion but still. He was just talking about us being friends I would hope my friends would believe me.

" Do you believe him Alys." Alys had just been listening to us argue until Zaldo forced her opinion.

She seemed to hesitate her answer for a moment. Then she looked at me and stared at my face with a blank stare that was freaking me out. She twirled her fork in her fingers smacking against the empty plate. 

" Yea"  

" What really. That easy. You know how unrealistic it is." He's starting to piss me off. I understand that when looking at history it shouldn't be possible but come on man. Believe your friend.

"I have no reason not to. I don't think he would lie about this." See. She knows.

" Ahhh. . . Fine. I believe you. I guess it wouldn't make sense to lie. We would eventually figure it out anyway." 

" Finally." Took him long enough.

Zaldo looked at me then the ceiling. His expression seemed to turn sorry and he looked back down with his hand covering his face. I heard him take a deep breath in then out into his hand.

"Listen. I'm sorry. Like I was saying were friends so I shouldn't of questioned you so much."

I didn't respond so he probably figured I didn't forgive him but internally I did. I had to, I could tell he was sorry and I can tell that he can get carried away and probably doesn't think much before speaking. It would be dumb of me to hold a grudge just because he didn't believe something that most probably wouldn't.

" Hurry up and eat your food Zaldo. Your the only one who hasn't started." His plate was still full and I wasn't gonna let him waste it because it got cold.

" Oh. Sorry I'll hurry."

" Hey! Zaldo!"

From across the restaurant a firm voice cut through the noise of everyone else eating and enjoying their time causing a thick silence.. Looking over I saw a girl about the same height as me with dark skin and long smooth grey hair walking over.

" Uh, Zaldo who is that." I asked because she was about to come over here and associate the person who just interrupted everyone while eating with us.

" One of my other friends." 

" Names Clica." She reached our table quickly. She slid into my booth kicking her feet up almost putting them into Zaldos food. " What's yours." She asked me.

" Sho." She was obviously a uncaring person. Everybody in the place was already starring at her but she didn't seem to notice " Could you please take your feet of the table." 

" Na. I'm comfy." Her voice was firm and exhaled confidence. She put her hands behind her head and leaned her head back. I already didn't like her.

"Clica." Zaldo spoke in a deeper voice I hadn't heard him in before. Clica looked at him with narrowed eyes like she was ready to pick a fight. 

" What."

" Please. Your feet are in my food." Clica didn't move but her face begin to stretch as a smile formed followed by a laugh that again disturbed the silence.

" You know. Some guys like that." Zaldo didn't laugh in response. His eyes were also narrowed and for the first time he actually looked mad. " Oh sorry. I wasn't assuming you are one of them."

" That's not the issue. Take your fe-"

" I mean the only one who would know what you like is Alys."

A silence covered the table. Zaldos face was know one of shock not anger. He slowly looked over at Alys who seemed completely oblivious to what was said as she was twirling her fork. Clica still had a smile on her face and her feet had not budged.

" Clica. What are you implying." Zaldos face was so shocked that he hadn't blinked in the entire time since she had said those words.

Clicas smile then faded and she looked confused. She didn't know why Zaldo had such a reaction. . . Wait. She thinks that.

" Aren't you two dating."

This time Alys did hear what was said and her face turned bright red.

"Whaaa." She looked over at Clica with the same look of shock Zaldo has.

" No No No." Zaldo stood up slamming his hands on the table. We were making a scene now. Were definitely getting banned. " We are not a thing and never will be."

" Huh. You serious. You to are like always hanging out and stuff I thought. . ."

" Yea. Were friends. Have been for a long time." Zaldo was doing all the talking as Alys was too flustered to speak. " Doesn't mean were dating."

" Hmm." Clica brought her hand to her chin like she was thinking. She looked at Zaldo, then at Alys who was now avoiding eye contact. " So your single." That look on her face. Wait a minute.

" Yea obviously."

Clica removed her feet from the table and stood up. " Sorry for causing you guys so much trouble." Know she's apologizing as she's walking out the door. . . Well I think I already know why the sudden change of heart but still.

" Man she's annoying." Zaldo turned to look at Alys who was still avoiding eye contact with anyone and was as red a tomato. " Sorry Alys. Clica makes assumptions. Most of them are wrong."

" You seriously friends with her." I jumped in on the conversation because I didn't really get the feeling they got along.

" Yea I guess. She isn't a bad person but like you saw. She has no care for others feeling." Zaldo was finishing up his meal and I figured it was time to go. I stood up followed by Alys. Zaldo set his plate in the middle of the table and followed suite. Since the school payed for every thing here for us we just got up and left. Kind of a weird feeling, like were stealing almost.

We reached the first floor of the dorms wear both Alys and Zaldos rooms are located. The moon was out and the stars were shining providing us minimum light to wave each other goodbye.

I reached my room and loafed onto my bed. I almost died today, figured out I was a prodigy, and met some crazy girl who seems to have a thing for Zaldo. Quiet a day. That man who tried to kill me was an elf. I wonder what will happen with Alys. They mite think she's in league with him. . . Na. If they did she would of been thrown out already. . . I'm to tired for this man.

I closed my eyes and thought about that man. He obviously wanted me dead for some prophecy. Why was I in that prophecy what do I contribute to it. . . Guess I'll find out when the future gets here.

Two weeks have passed. My classes have been normal, no more attacks by that man or anyone else for that matter. We got a new teacher for his class and everything has been fine. Me, Zaldo, and Alys have been hanging out every chance we got. Mostly at that restaurant or just walking around the school. And every time we seem to run into that girl Clica. . . "I wonder why."

Today is the first day of my private training. Every other day I'm gonna be coming here for the last three periods of the day plus some. They didn't give me my teachers name. They said he'll tell me when he wants to.

Walking over to that same massive building I took my entrance exam. The air was a bit cold with strong gusts of wind. Why does it already feel like winter. It's only may. . . Wonder what he's gonna be like. Maybe old and wise, young and prideful.

I entered the structure and put my bags into the locker room. I didn't have to change cloths since the school uniform was mad to train in as well. Walking through the double doors there was a man in the center. He looked around the age of 40 and had flat blonde hair. . . He's waring a white suit with a checkered tie. . . To train in?

" Hey! Are you my trai-" Huh. Where'd he go.

A gust of wind flew past me. Out of pure reflex I brought my left arm up and blocked a punch. So much strength. I'm sliding back. Who ever did it is gone.

Again a gust of wind. I regained my footing and jumped to my right avoiding a kick which was strong enough to crack the floor. . . It's that man I saw in the center.

He quickly locked eyes with me. He dashed over to me throwing a punch which I slapped aside. But he seemed to expect that and carrying his momentum spun throwing a kick landing right on my stomach. Such speed and strength. I couldn't even react.

Rolling to the center of the arena I looked up to find the man falling down towards me with his black shoe approaching. . . I can't dodge it!

No impact. He stopped before landing on me. He moved his foot out of the way and walked off to the side taking what looked like a cigar from his pocket and lighting it. A puff of smoke left his mouth as he turned to look down on me.

" You pass." Pass?

" Huh."

" If you weren't some sort of prodigy then you would off died after my first attack." He intended to kill me if I wasn't one. . . Great. I got the crazy teacher.

" Uh. My names Sho Sab-"

" I know."  I rose to my feet and felt my ribs making sure they weren't broken Dam. He's got moves for a smoker. " May I get your name." I mean he said I passed so why not.

A puff of smoke left his mouth as he exhaled. " Sure." He turned to face me. I couldn't see before but he had a massive scar across his forehead. Looked like some sort of cut slash. Maybe from a Kakugan? 

" My name is." He took another puff. " Burke Farrell."