
Attaining Immortality with the dao of wealth

In the bustling city of Mumbai, amidst the towering skyscrapers and cacophony of urban life, lived Arjun Verma—a recluse and a multimillionaire . Unbeknownst to the world, Arjun's days were spent immersed in webnovels and financial pursuits, detached from the societal obligations that came with his wealth. Late one night, as he delved into the intricacies of algorithmic trading, an ancient artifact he acquired from an eccentric collector began to pulsate with an otherworldly energy Suddenly, Arjun found himself enveloped in a blinding light. As he blinked, disoriented, he discovered that the towering buildings and bustling streets had been replaced by an unfamiliar landscape realizing that he had transcended worlds, leaving behind his mundane life for a destiny intertwined with the ancient art of cultivation. Armed with the memories of his former life, Arjun stood at the crossroads of opportunity and peril. In this world of martial arts and spiritual enlightenment, Arjun Verma would either rise to become a legend or succumb to the trials that awaited him. The stage was set for a cultivation tale that would intertwine the modern world with ancient wisdom, as the once-secluded arjun embraced a destiny beyond his wildest imagination.

aman_salarpuria · Eastern
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1 Chs


In the bustling city of Mumbai, amidst the towering skyscrapers and cacophony of urban life, lived Arjun Verma—a recluse and a multimillionaire. Unbeknownst to the world, Arjun's days were spent immersed in webnovels and building more passive money machines, detached from the societal obligations that came with his wealth.

Little did he know that his sedentary existence was about to be shattered by a mysterious event. Late one night, as he delved into the intricacies of algorithmic trading, an ancient artifact he acquired from an eccentric collector began to pulsate with an otherworldly energy.

"what's happening" arjun thinks as he goes towards the artifact and touches it

Suddenly, Arjun found himself enveloped in a blinding light. As he blinked, disoriented, he discovered that the towering buildings and bustling streets had been replaced by an unfamiliar landscape

Arjun, still dazed by the sudden change in his surroundings, takes a moment to collect himself. The air is different, the sounds unfamiliar. He glances around, confirming that he's no longer in the urban jungle of Mumbai, but in a rustic environment surrounded by nature.

"What just happened? This feels like one of those cultivation novels I used to read. Transmigrating to another world... this is surreal." Arjun contemplates, his mind racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

As he touches the ancient artifact hanging around his neck, he feels a strange connection with it, as if it holds the key to his presence in this new world. It's a stark contrast from the virtual financial landscapes he was navigating just moments ago.

"Alright, focus Arjun. You're in a different world now, and from the looks of it, without any cheats or systems that the protagonists usually get. Survival first, figure out the rest later."

With a determined mindset, Arjun decides to head towards the nearby village. He scans his surroundings once more, ensuring there are no immediate threats, and begins his journey down the dirt road.

The village comes into view, with quaint cottages and locals going about their daily chores. Arjun adjusts his mindset, embracing the role of a lost traveler. His attire, once a symbol of wealth and seclusion, now serves as a disguise.

As he approaches the village, a few curious eyes turn towards him. The air is filled with the aroma of local cuisine, and the sounds of laughter and conversations create a welcoming ambiance. Arjun senses an opportunity to gather information and perhaps find a way to sustain himself in this new world.

"Excuse me," he addresses a passerby, wearing a friendly smile, "I seem to have lost my way. Could you point me to the nearest inn or any place where I can find shelter for the night?"

The villager, a kind-looking elderly woman, responds in a local dialect that Arjun struggles to comprehend. Nevertheless, through a mix of gestures and broken words, he manages to convey his predicament.

"Thank you," he nods appreciatively, following the directions towards a modest inn.

Inside, Arjun engages in casual conversations with the locals, learning about the customs, traditions, and the general way of life in this world. He listens attentively, absorbing every bit of information like a sponge.

"Survival here requires more than just money. It's about adapting, learning, and understanding the intricacies of this new reality," Arjun reflects.

As the day unfolds, Arjun realizes that this transmigration might be an opportunity for personal growth beyond the confines of his wealth. With a new identity and a world to explore, he sets out to navigate the challenges that lie ahead, aware that the adventure he once read about in novels has become his reality.