
Attack on titan with my pervert system

————— Mission: grab mikasa’s ass Reward: Add 4 to your strength Add a random talent Punishment for not completing: your dick will get cut off Completing it: she might start hating you —————- Looking at my system I can’t believe this absurd shit Notice: please don’t take this fanfic seriously! There is gonna be some netori and incest.... This is a fanfic focused on hentai as well as some fighting scenes (especially in bed) Also there is some lolicon? Just some kissing between mc and mikasa that’s all.....everyone seem to be hating on that on the review, but I don’t care......fbi got my back that I’m not a pedo

Binirubukuro · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 30

The next day, in the morning he woke up earlier than usual. He tried to move then felt someone hugging him again. He checked and saw claudine with her eyes closed, her face is blushing while breathing heavily as she mutter something.

"M-master~! I-I want it~!" She muttered, albert sighed and woke her up.

"Wake up...sit keith will punish us again" he said, but found it strange how she can sneak in like this. This time he is lucky that keith won't punish the two of them. He doesn't know what punishment claudine got, but he doesn't really care.

"Mm? W-wha-"

"Shhh~! Don't shout~! You will wake everyone up" he said while he covers her mouth then suddenly felt his hand getting wet. He lets go of her mouth, but she grabs it and starts to lick it.

"Hahh~! Hahh~! Hahh~! It feels so good~!" She said while she licks his finger.

"Claudine...what are you doing?" He asks her with a disgusted face as he keeps remembering the girl who fucked his life up.

"I-I can't stop....my body tingles every time I'm with you" she said while she continue to do what she is doing. Albert pulls his hand out of her grip then pulled her towards the door.

"Let's get out of here" he said then opened the door so that they can get out of the room.

"A-are you angry at me? I-I just want to be with you....please don't get angry~!" She said while trying to hug him.

"Claudine, what is your problem? Did you not get punished yesterday?" He asks her, she shook her head making albert frown since she didn't get punished.

"Come here, I'm gonna punish you myself!" He said then pulls her towards a secluded area, getting in there the room is full of Wooden boxes.

'Since they are idiots for not punishing this girl I'm gonna do it so she could stop going to my room' he thought then look at her, she is blushing while breathing heavily.

'I'm in a secluded area with him~! What kind if punishment is he gonna do?' She thought as she started to shake from anticipation.

"Do a hundred push-ups" he said, claudine complied and got ready to do a push up.

"Like this?" He thought then suddenly felt albert sitting on her back.

"Yeah, do it" he said, since they are pretty strong girls he thinks this is a pretty light punishment.

"Hahh~! Hahh~! Hahh~! Hahh~!" She started to do one push up, but her body kept shaking and she can't do it properly.

"Ouch! What are you doing? Do it quickly!" He said then look at her sorry state.

'Is she tired already? Why is she breathing so heavily?' He thought then decided to not sit on her.

"Just do 100 push up" he said as he stood up in front of her. She looks up and started to crawl towards albert.

"Hey...do a 100 push up and after this, don't go in my bed anymore or else I will punish you even more" he said then decided to put his foot on her back and push her to do a push up.

"S-sorry~! A-albert~! I will do it properly this time!" She said as she struggles to do it since her body is getting aroused just by being stomped by albert.

Soon, she finished doing it. She breathes heavily as she stand up and fell towards albert.

'Am I too strict towards her? She is not that bitch kate, so I should probably treat her kindly' he thought as he seems pretty harsh on her, but if she went in his bed again he will surely punish her.

"A-albert~! I-I love you~! What do you think of me?" She muttered while resting her head on his shoulder.

"I don't dislike you....." he said, making her smile since albert doesn't hate her.

"I-Im glad~!❤️" she said then starts to suck on his neck.

'If you didn't look like kate I would have pounced on you, but my little brother just can't get turned on by you' he thought, since even if claudine did all those erotic things to him like licking his finger, and sucking his neck. He couldn't get aroused for some reason....

Leaving the room, claudine came back to the woman's room and albert came back to the men's room to go to sleep again.

A/n: sorry for not proceeding the action part of the plot, since Im literally currently enjoying writing this situation with claudine....also a time skip sooner or later....

Also another chapter later after I clean my house, buy some essentials, cook my own food, and drink some beer to relax hehe....I love drinking beer in my day off....I'm glad my boss is not a complete dick head and saw my hard work so he had me go on a paid day off for three days, I was gonna upload a chapter yesterday, but I went out to drink with my friends sorry hahaha

Sorry for the short chapter, I really need to clean my house...