
Attack on titan: To the end

Dying to death. Starting from the beginning to the end and manga too.

Rktaze · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Capter 2 Back in action

God:" You're already back."

Aiko:" No that's not even fair send me back I saved a life let me get a chance."

God:" You're gonna have to wait I got a line of people waiting to be reincarnated. Here is a chair sit and wait."

Aiko:" Fine. Can I at least customize my titan now?"

God:" Sure"

Then a screen popped up and I chose 30 meters I want Armour, but like samurai amour since I can Create things I'll make a giant katana. So im basically samurai titan.


Grisha gives Eren his spinal fluid to make Eren the next attack titan. He then wakes up.


The amoured titan crashes through wall Maria Everyone stares at the titan they should of been running more were coming.

On the Boat This is for thinking or thoughts ( )

Eren and Mom are crying since ive been eaten by the smiling titan that used to be Dina Fritz. I'm still here sitting next to God waiting for my turn back into here I have a screen in front of me seeing what's happening. They are now in wall rose. I just now realized that Since im a titan shifter Dina Fritz now is a human so would she have my titan abilites and she would be surrounded by titans oh no.

Aiko:" HEY HEY HEY I need to go back now send me back!"

God:" Need to save her huh fine."

I am then teleported into shiganshina I see Dina.

Aiko:" Hey you get over here."

Dina then looks towards me and runs towards my direction we go into a house barely avoiding a titan seeing us.

Dina:" Thank you"

Aiko:" Yah, your welcome. You're from Marley how unlucky you were turned into a titan."

Dina:" How do you know that."

Aiko:" No need to know."

I then look down and I don't see any clothes so I quickly turn around and create some. While still looking around."

Aiko:" Here's some clothes hurry up and wear them."

Dina:" Thank you again."

Aiko:" We can't stay here all the time after we wake up tomorrow well leave."

Dina:" How their are titans every where."

Aiko:" Yah, yah I know I have a plan though. What's your last name?"

Dina:" Fritz"

Aiko:" I already know that just wanted to ask. You're one of the last remaining Fritz bloodline. Anyways here's a bed lets sleep now its late."


Later the same night

Grisha:" Eren...Carla...Mikasa. Please be safe." He says as he is riding his carriage to where eren is.

Later the next day

Eren wakes up after the dream of Grisha giving him the spinal fluid and the key.

Armin:" Eren! Mikasa!"

Eren:" Armin."

Armin:" Here, this is for you two. Grandpa got extra rations when he told them he had children to feed. Here you go Mrs. Yeager."

Mikasa:" Thanks."

Carla(mom):" Thank you Armin."

Eren:" What's his problem?"

Armin:" It's only natural. There probably aren't enough rations for everyone. Not even a day's worth worth. There was already a food shortage to begin with. You're aware that people who lived within the outer walls aren't treated well, right?"

They over hear the soldiers talking about how the titan should of ate more people. It was the right thing for Eren to do. Later Eren is talking about how he won't eat the bread and calls them a coward for living like cattle gets punched by Mikasa who then scolds him and shoves the bread in his mouth.

People were sent out to defeat the titans but it was for them to be eaten. The others were made to farm and labor.


Keith:" We shall now begin the enlistment ceremony for the 104th Training Corps! Unfortunately for you, I, Keith Shardis, have been assigned to be your instructor. I have not the slightest itention to welcome you! As you are now, you're all mere cattle who exist to fatten up the titans! You're nothing more then that! We'll take you useless degenerates and make something out of you over the next three years! We'll drill the methods of of fighting the Titans into you! In the tree years, when you find yourself before a titan, will you still be mere prey?! or will you be an honorable wall that protects its king?! Or perhaps a glorious soldier of mankind that exterminates the Titans?! Decide for yourselves!"

Eren:( Yeah, I'll change. I'll exterminate every last one of them.)


Me again

Aiko:" Wake up wake up. We need to get going now."

Dina:" Ugh, what is it?"

Aiko:" We gotta go. I said this yesterday."

Dina:" Fine, When are we going?"

Aiko:" I just said right now."

I then drag her out of bed as we head out the door I start running while holding onto her. The faster the better I plan on going to a corner of shiganshina we reach the place luckily their are no titan here but feeling vibrations on the ground I quckily Create stone walls as so they can not enter.

Dina:" So what now?"

Aiko:" This."

I then make a two floor house right in the middle also create trees and some gardens I know I can just create food but I want to experience gardening.

Aiko:" Lets go in."

Dina has the most shocked face I've ever seen right now she'll be even more shocked after what I do next. I then put furniture every where I'm also gonna create a dog nice to have a pet in a world like this or not nut whatever.

Aiko:" This is your room here."

I go to my room and create a tv with a dvd box so I just create movie dvd and leave them their. I go outside and make one of those 3d maneuver balance test thingy s and test my balance it's not that great im going to have to train more.

The end

Sorry i took so long to make another chapter

Rktazecreators' thoughts