
Balance Test

Next Morning... 

In a clear field, stood tall a weird-looking machinery.

The Trainees then stop in front of it, as the Bald Instructor told them what to do. Looking around, and then began talking...

"First, your aptitude will be tested" 

"Those who fail are not even worthy to serve as bait" 

"Failures will be sent to the reclaimed lands!" 

Then, the Bald Instructor began to tell them about these tall objects as Vincent listened intently... 

The Bald Instructor then said that this is to test their sense of balance and ascertain who's adept at using ODM Gear. 

Intuitively sensing the balance, and knowing what to do in those situations, Vincent thought as he summarized the long-winded explanation of the Instructor… 

Standing at the back of one of the weird-looking objects, is it Vincent's time to turn the lever of the "ODM Balance Test" machine and start the pulling process... 

The Trainee that was at the center of the Testing Machine, started to rise in the air as the cable started pulling him up... 

In this state, you should start to balance yourself or you might fall. 


It's now his turn... 

He got into the center and they hooked the cable on his belt... 


Then the hook brought him up in the air, as he then began to try and sense the balance, making it perfect harmony in the process...

Vincent then did it without much trouble and thought. 

'It was easy' 

It was easy that he thought it would be... 

Even though he said that. Regaining balance in the air required complete control of your body... 

The control of the weight you put in and pull out... 

In mid-air, you will experience the pull of gravity, even though the gravity pulls never changes, the position of the hooks constant changes as you glide the air are in another matter.

In the end, everything matters that's why everyone needs to have a strong body just to better control the ODM Gear and that's only one of the requirements... 

"What the hell are you doing, Eren Jaeger?" 

The Bald Instructor said that towards the black hair guy. It is black hair guy who made commotions in the Dining Hall. 

Getting down Vincent and looked towards the "Gutsy Idiot", named Eren Jaeger. 


'When did I hear about this name, it sounds familiar...' 

Vincent then made a thoughtful expression, when Connie approached him and congratulated him. 

"Wow, Vincent! You hardly move! Just like me! Haha" 

"Well... it's not that hard to balance it..." 

"Right? But," Connie drag his voice and pointed towards Eren Jaeger, "That guy failed miserably like the others, even though he's all talked about killing all the Titans" 

Vincent just smiled at what Connie had said... 

"You Lot! Gather around me!" 

The Bald Instructor then yelled that heard around the field as the Trainees gathered fast... 

"There's no trick about this activity you only need to sense the balance and try to communicate with it, or like Vincent and Mikasa and the others control it." 

"Some of you, the results are outstanding and some are downright failed..." 

The Bald Instructor then looks towards a certain black hair guy, the "Gutsy Idiot", Eren Jaeger... 

Many people look at Vincent figure and the others who have been mentioned and at Eren whose head has been lowered, his palm clenching hard as the Black Hair girl, named Mikasa and blond hair kid Armin comforted him... 

"There Are no tricks... but there are requirements. You need first to have a strong body, a strong thinking mind to balance yourself in the air, and lastly, you need to have better control of your body..." 

"That's why you lot have to run around the field until I say stop..." 


… .

Night Time... 

In the Dining Hall. 

Vincent was seated at the back of the seat around him were Connie, Marco, and Jean... 

Laughingly he got acquainted with Jean... 

"Vincent! The Instructor mentioned you!" 

"Well! Vincent is superb! As good as me! 

"Hey! I got mentioned also and we all got mentioned as a matter of fact!" 

"What do you know! Vincent is the first to get mentioned! Clearly, the Instructor favored him..." 

"What do you think about it, Vincent?" 

"So so..." 

Vincent absentmindedly said as he ate his soup... 

"He talked a big game yesterday, saying he'd kill all the Titans. And yet he'll be working at the reclaimed lands after tomorrow." 

"Useless kids don't deserve food." 

Vincent then began to murmur and talk about Eren Jaeger... 

At his left side on a different table, a kid with black hair and now has a roll bandage on his head and had been bad-mouthing since they entered the Dining Halls. 

Ding! Ding! 

The Bell rang as Vincent got up and said towards his 3 new friends... 

"Gonna go stroll... don't wait for me" 

Vincent then left the Dining hall... 

After sneaking into the Food Storage room Vincent gets some pieces of meat.

He then continued and walked towards the forest... 

He climbed some tall rocks and passed by the boundary of the forest... 

After 20 minutes of walking, Vincent saw a lake and got closer and walked over the lakeside... 

He then started to stretch and exercise and train his body... 

100 push-ups 

100 squats 

10 km run 

(A/N: IDK... Every time I heard about exercise or workout, I thought of Saitama! Bwahahaha!) 

He then completed and even exceeded his training regime. He exhaustively laid down the grass... 

He controls his breathing and calms down.

Vincent then began to collect woods and branches and then began to make fire and cook the meat he stole... 

After eating the food Vincent then jumps towards the frozen cold lake... 


Submerging his entire body Vincent got chilled down to his spine by the water of the lake as he felt the sensation of splashing a bucket of ice on his entire body.

Even though it was cold it calms down his body and cures his exhaustion.

Getting out of the lake and drying himself up... 

Vincent picked up the clothes he threw and wore it back.

He then began to walk back towards the camp but saw some lights ahead of him.

Walking towards them Vincent saw that it was a group of 4 people...

Walking silently at night...

Vincent got a complete look at the people, and knew them.

He contemplated and then began walking towards them...

Next chapter