3 New World

"Big brother is finally awake!" Excitedly Shouts a young girl with long raven hair and blue eyes just like the more mature woman in front of me, she must have been her daughter who looked 6-years old. I look down at my hands which look smaller and I also felt that my body was way shorter than before! But somehow I felt even stronger and faster than before, did the project work? Which powerful serum did they inject me with? Kind of reminds me of the Marvel movies. Some Superhero stuff. I look at my hands which were surging with an unknown power.

So I did reborn and now have grown up, I must be the same age as my so 'called' sister who indeed is I look at her face, she looked so familiar ... My head hurts, flashes of past memories and events scattered across my mind, the screams of pain and death... Shit what the fuck was that all about.

"I know you happy to see your brother doing well Mikasa but let him rest, he has just recovered from his injuries," My now 'new' mother says with a smile as she gives me a hug. Mikasa that name? The little girl also gives me a hug, "Thank god you are safe!" She starts crying on my chest. What is going on? Nothing is making sense? Does this mean I was reborn as an Ackerman! So this must be the Attack on Titan world? Shit things are getting interesting. If I am in this world then I have to act quickly before the unforsaken events that happen in the future. Finally, this can be the chance to change my life and destiny, to change the fate of this world. I tried to remember the future of the events ahead but most of it was blurry I could remember only some of the important parts of the AOT world and lore. Mostly the combat skills of being an Ackerman and a Survey Corps soldier of a high caliber, was this because I was reborn as an Ackerman? Or something else... Which bloodline am I really from? So many questions were flowing through my young body. First things I need to train this body and become stronger, and I have to- [Alert!] Chimes a robotic voice throughout my ears.

[System has been activated!]

[Scanning stats and body frame...]

[Scanning powers...]

[Scanning Bloodline...]

[Scanning past knowledge of 'Earth' world, a world that is very insignificant and not advanced...] 'Hey that's not fair, at least we made the Iphone and atom bomb... Well, that is not a good thing since you know mass genocide,'

[Scan complete!]


I have to find out what the hell is this system?! I look at the holographic screen in front of my eyes.

"Brother is everything alright?" Mikasa says with furrowed eyes, she thought I was crazy talking to myself.

"Yeah everything is okay, can you leave my room, I need some time alone," I asked Mikasa and my mother. They both nod their heads.

"Goodnight Ezekiel," My mother and Mikasa say with a warm smile. Who could harm such beautiful people? They both now leave my room. So my name is Ezekiel? Hmm I can always try to change it. But it does sound cool.

Anyways I now go to check out this [system] I look at the blue holographic screen in front of me and wait to see my [stats], so this is like an RPG kind of system interesting. Besides checking out my system I think what I should to prepare for my future in this new world and how to become smarter and stronger. The AOT is a brutal world, it has no friendship power-up bullshit like One Piece or Fair Tail, and it has no Talk Jutsu like Naruto, everything in the AOT is ruthless and I so shall I be, after all, I am still a soldier. A warrior.

[To open up system blink your right eye once]. I do as the system said and wait to see my stats. Let's see what powers I was reborn with. I wonder if it was Wolverine powers? Well it is something from Marvel Verse that is for sure. But what exactly? Let's see.


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. What powers should MC have? Was Ezekiel a good name? It can still be changed to Ezra! Also yes Mikasa is MC sister... Let's see what happens[R-18 ;]. Also the pace is about to pick up and things are about to get bloody and gruesome. Its AOT for a reason so huge WARNING. Also vote power stones for more chapters! And review up to 10 reviews for 3 chapters today! Spread and share this AOT fanfic I plan for this fanfic to be the top AOT webnovel needs more AOT fuck all those shitty DxD fanfics, just wait until I drop a DxD fanfic you will see a real god do it. Fucking fakes.

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