1 A start to a crazy night

'My head hurts a fuck ton today!' I thought as the kid wakes up from his peaceful sleep. 'Damn it, I start my senior year today, I was looking forward to just watching anime and reading FanFictions until I had to go to work.'.


The kid looks down at his phone as he slowly wakes up. He reads the text from his mom, 'Sebastian you better be awake and on your way to school, if your late I'm taking your phone when I get home.'

Sebastian looks at the time and starts sweating nervously as he runs to put clothes on and get his stuff together.

10 minutes later

Sebastian had parked his car in the school parking lot and arrived at his class one minute before the bell. (Coincidence, I think not.)

As he didn't listen to the teacher talking about the curriculum for the semester, he was thinking of which FanFiction he would read before he goes to bed tonight. 'Should I start reading EPIC again? No too long for my taste and the harem has gotten just outrageous. Maybe, cookie-sama has released a new chapter of slightly perverted system in Naruto.' he thought, but with a quick search through webnovel he was saddened by the 88/88 chapters that had appeared on his phone. He put away his phone and just listened to his teachers talk about the curriculum until school was suddenly over. (Play Batman scene switch here)

As he was walking to his car in the school parking lot he was thinking ' I should probably write down some wishes I would want just in case I die and get granted a wish or two.', but then he remembered he had to go to work in an hour.

'Ughhh, I'll just do it when I get home from work tonight. Have to get my priorities in order, never know when I might die a FanFiction death.'

As he thought this he pulled into his garage, went to quickly take a shower, and get ready for work.

'Why did I choose to work at Wendy's of all places to work, Walmart's warehouse was hiring and I just thought, 'no, too far' just for me to find out they pay 16 dollars an hour right after I got hired here.'

Sebastian complained to himself.

'I think I'll quit soon.' He suggested to himself but the more he thought about it, the better it sounded. 'Yeah, but Megan needs me for the next couple of weeks and she is one of the only people I like there, so I can't do that to her. I'll quit when she leaves next week.' He confirmed to himself. He arrived at work as he looked at the long line in the drive thru he thought 'Looks like it'll be another 12 hour day'. He put in one of his AirPod pros and went to clock in. "Hey, your earlier then usual." A black haired girl with a name tag that read Natalia. "Still copying me it seems" Sebastian said as he pointed to her name tag. "Hey! Yours is worse then mine, Jamal." She reminded him as she pointed to his name tag that said Jamal. "Well it's still a lot funnier then yours because people might actually think your name is Natalia. Unlike me, who looks almost like the exact opposite of anyone named Jamal." Sebastian stated. "Whatever I like Natalia so it's staying for this week!" She said as she started taking orders.

Awhile later

"Hey Meg?" Sebastian asked the black haired girl after the orders finally ceased.

"Yeah?" Megan looked up from her phone and looked at Sebastian.

"What are you doing tonight?" Sebastian asked.

"Nothing tonight, why?" She questioned him.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come over later tonight, after work obviously?" He asked her nervously. No matter how many times he asked her and she accepted, he would never not get nervous every time he asked her and he didn't really know why.

"Yeah sure, is your mom gonna be home tonight?" She asked with a slight blush on her face that went unnoticed by Sebastian. "No she won't be home till tomorrow night. Didn't I tell you she had a work conference in Austin today?" He wondered as Megan blushed deeper for an unknown reason.

"Oh, I guess I forgot." She told him as she ran away and started sweeping a clean floor. 'What is up with her today?' Sebastian wondered to himself.

After work.

"Ok I'll meet you at your house I just have to go to the store first." Megan told Sebastian as she walked to her car. "Oh I can go with you I need to get some stuff to-" before he could even finish his sentence Megan responded. "No that's ok, I can just buy you what you need. What do you need?" She asked quickly. "Okay?? I just need some more shampoo and some socks." He told her. "Shampoo and socks. Ok, got it" she announced a little loud as she ran to her car.

'Weird' Sebastian thought as he watched her drive off. He got in his car and started driving before he remembered he forgot to get more tampons for Megan as she sleeps over a lot because her parents had kicked her out right when she turned 18. She basically lives with Sebastian. Sebastian pulled up into the CVS parking lot while he parked he noticed Megan's car in the parking lot. 'Wow that's a huge coincidence that we went to the same store' he thought as he walked in the store. When he passed the cash register he noticed Megan in the line to buy something. As he looked closer at what she was holding, he basically had a heart attack when he saw the box of latex condoms Megan was holding. 'First of all how the hell does she know I'm a medium?' he questioned suspiciously. He ran to the isle the tampons were on and grabbed two boxes of the ones Megan prefers. As he was walking slowly to the checkout line he noticed a man with a hoodie and ski mask walk in and pull out a gun and fire at roof.

Sebastian quickly crouched behind a Coca-Cola fridge at the edge of the food isle. He peeked over to see Megan hiding on the other side of the isle. He crawled slowly to where she was and got her attention as she crawled towards him. "What the hell are doing here?" She whispered to him. He just pointed to the tampons without saying anything.

As Sebastian was about to say something he heard yelling. "Put the money in the fucking bag and I won't blow your fucking head off!" The robber said to the cashier who frantically stuffed all the money that was in all the registers in the bag. " Hey Meg?" Sebastian whispered almost silently.

"Yeah?" Meg asked as she looked at him, fear prominent in her eyes. "If I die I just want to let you know that I love you a lot." Sebastian practically mumbled the last part of the sentence. "I love you too Sebastian but, neither of us will die today." She whispered to Sebastian somewhat sternly.

"You still have to marry me and we have to have lots of beautiful children and grandchildren before we can even think about dying." She told him wondering where all this confidence was in the past. Sebastian was so stunned that he didn't even notice that the robber had left already. Megan finally looked around and noticed that everyone was calmer but still hiding. "See I told you we'd be fine" she said knocking on the piece of wood conveniently placed behind her. As the police walked in Sebastian and Megan got up from there hiding spot and walked towards the police officers.

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