
Attack On Titan: It Was My Choice

[The MC is pretty stupid in the first couple chapters but the book starts getting better from Chapter 17 and above, also the MC is not a good person hence the Anti hero tag] I died. Isn't that what they say at the start of a new adventure? Yeah, I think so... In the tumultuous world of Attack on Titan, my rebirth echoed the ominous prologue to a grand adventure. Death merely marked the threshold to a realm where I wielded three cheat powers: a lightning affinity promising unparalleled speed, the blessing of god-like speed transcending limits, and a perfect body as an epitome of physical prowess. Embracing this second chance, my goal materialized with an electrifying intensity—to dominate this treacherous world. Lightning surged through my veins, propelling me with unprecedented velocity, a blur in the chaos of Titans and human conflict. The god-like speed bestowed upon me transcended mortal boundaries, rendering me an unstoppable force on the battlefield. My perfect body became a testament to divine strength, resilient against the ferocity of Titans and human adversaries alike. The battleground trembled beneath my feet as I weaved through the fray, an electrifying force of nature. In the shadows, alliances were forged, secrets unraveled, and a strategic dance unfolded as I sought dominance with calculated precision. Each thunderous step etched my name into the annals of this merciless world. Battles ensued, my lightning-infused prowess leaving an indelible mark on the fate of nations. A symphony of power and conquest unfolded as I harnessed the elements and my perfected form to sculpt a destiny in the heart of the Attack on Titan universe. The world quivered, and the saga of my rise to dominance thundered across the relentless landscape, a testament to the unstoppable force born from death's embrace.

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

AOT: Humanity's Last Stand Chapter Twenty Nine: Carla (R18)

I was in the Business District now, It was a bright Monday evening and I already had my ODM gear in my inventory.

"Good Evening," I said to Carla as I passed by her house, She was outside with Eren.

"Good Evening, Aeron," Carla said, "Training camp is starting the day after tomorrow, Are you sure you want to go?"

"Yep, Can't be selling forever," I said and smiled at her, "Thanks for worrying but I'd rather worry about that Knucklehead over there with no Military experience,"

Eren fumed but he couldn't speak or he would get a slap from Carla, something he was trying to evade.

"I worry about Eren too, but Hannes said he would do great," Carla said, "Will you stay for dinner?"

"Let me think... Okay," I said with a shrug and approached their house.

Carla was making dinner now and I was in the backyard with Eren who pumped his fists.

"Aeron, I want a spar," Eren said.

"Sure, Take a fighting stance," I said with a shrug as I put my hands in my pockets, "This is my fighting stance,"

Eren sweatdropped as he raised his fists up and charged forward, throwing a series of punches at me but I dodged them.

"Don't tell me you thought you could just knuckle through this Spar," I said and threw a Kick at his head, Eren took a step back and raised his right hand to block the attack but the attack never came, Instead a punch hit him in the stomach sending him bolting backwards, his face was disoriented.

Eren steadied himself again, showing his determination to not lose but determination couldn't do anything against a seasoned combatant like me as I gave him a double kick in the face sending him flying to a tree.

Eren rubbed his cheeks as he looked at me with an accusatory glare.

"That's what you get when you challenge someone that's stronger than you, Get used to it because at Boot Camp, There are bound to be strong people... People even bigger than you and I and people seasoned in Combat too," I said as I took a bit of food into my mouth, "Carla, Your food is amazing,"

Carla's cheeks redenned.

"Thanks, but they couldn't be without the Seasoning ingredients that you bought for me," Carla said.

"It was a good choice too," I spoke up and then turned to Eren, "So you have to keep your trouble to a bare minimum, Don't pick fights with people and keep the right kinds of friends, People that understand you like Armin. That guy has the potential to become a great strategist,"

"You talk like you're my Father," Eren said and rolled his eyes and I held my hand to my mouth.

"Eren!" Carla shouted and smacked him on the head.

Grisha's memories were still existing within me since I ate him to gain the power of the Attack Titan so I guess... well I was talking out of the wellbeing of Eren. Speaking of which, Why did Carla give me the chair of the head of the family? Well, No point in arguing about it.

Eren stood up and smiled at me.

"Sorry Aeron, Sorry Mom but I have to go visit Armin, We have to get things prepared for Boot Camp," Eren said and before Carla could say anything, he dashed out happy to be free.

Carla was washing the dishes and I helped her clean them before keeping them in the rack meant for the plates.

"I remember when you got this place for us Three years ago," Carla said, her voice distant, "Ever since then, You have been helping us out even though I'm a widow that's not that attractive... You said it was because you felt sorry for us since you caused Grisha's death BUT if that was true, You would have bought the house for us only... Not by Furniture, Dishes and even pay the bill as well as bringing a Silver coin at the beginning of every week,"

My eyes widened, Did I really do that?

Carla pursed her lips.

"Are you doing it... because you want me to sleep with you?" Carla asked.

"No," I replied.


"I'm doing it not because I want to sleep with you neither because of Grisha... The truth is, I really love you Carla," I said with a smile, "And I want to help you any way I can, Even if you don't reciprocate the same feelings, I'll still love you... And maybe I want to sleep with you but it's only a bit of temptation, Nothing more at this point,"

[Author's Note: Heed Thy Warning because the R-18 chapter begins from here, If you don't want to read R-18 then please skip the rest of the Chapter but if you do, Drop all of your Holy water at this checkpoint and follow me... Alright... Let's go my perverted Readers]

Carla and I were kissing each other, our tongues entwining and I had to say she was a novice kisser, I guess Grisha didn't do that kind of stuff. My hands were on her ass, squeezing her ass cheeks with vigor.

Carla pulled back, her face red with embarassment.

"Aeron, We just started our relationship... Are you sure we should have our first night right now?" Carla asked.

"If you don't want to... Then we can hold it off," I replied with a deflated expression.As soon as Carla saw my expression, She pulled forward and sucked on my neck a bit.

"Forget what I said," Carla said.

Carla was fumbling on the bed as my tongue was in her pussy, slurping sounds echoed through the entire room as Carla's moans outshone them.

"You're moaning like a whore," I commented before sucking her clit.

"I am your~ Whore~" Carla moaned out.

"Exactly," I said as I stood up.

"Why did you stop?" Carla asked with a glare, "I was so near cumming,"

"You aren't the only one that should feel pleasure," I replied while unzipping my trousers and bringing out my 10 inches long snake, "Eat up!"

Carla's expression morphed to one of shock as she looked at it's sheer size.

"It's too big," Carla said but nevertheless, She moved her face close to my shaft, her breath touching the tip of my dick and sending waves of pleasure through my body.

Carla brought out her tongue and touched the tip of my dick, a slight moan bubbled up in my throat. After seeing no reaction from me, Carla opened her mouth and took in my dick which made her cheeks puff out a bit.

"You know only the tip is in your mouth right now," I said while Carla moved back a bit, a moan escaping my mouth.

Carla began moving her mouth, taking in my cock at an alarming pace. The pleasure I got from having her suck me off was amazing and I even put my hands on her head.

'It's only been three minutes and I'm so close to cumming,' I thought.

My thrusting speed increased as I pulled on her hair and pushed my dick deep into her mouth, I shot my cum into her mouth.

Carla was in the Missionary position now and her eyes were fixed on mine.

"You tried to choke me," Carla scolded.

"Sorry, I was feeling so much pleasure from your mouth," I said with a sigh and Carla blushed, "Are you ready? If you want, We can stop,"

"No," Carla said, "Fuck me,"


I pushed my dick into her pussy and was welcomed with tightness, A moan escaped my lips.

Either it was she was too tight even after giving birth to Eren OR I was too big, I'm feeling it's the second one.

I began thrusting and Carla let out moans.

"Don't go too~ rough~" Carla let out but I didn't listen, She was the first person that I was fucking in this life and it was just brilliant.

I held her hands down on the bed and licked her face before kissing her forehead.

My speed increased and her insides tightened around my dick, her walls pressing and sandwiching my member deep in her cunt.

A moan escaped our mouths as fluid gushed from her cunt, Her cum glistening around my dick.

The clapping sounds echoed through the room as my balls hit her little asshole repeatedly sending waves of pleasure through her body and then she suddenly felt it twitching... inside of her.

"It's twitching~ Does that mean you want to cum~?" Carla moaned out.

"Yes~" I moaned.

"Then do it Inside~ Paint my walls white with your milk~" Carla said in between her moans.

With reaffirmance, I continued slamming into her before erupting... Filling her womb up with my cum and her stomach even expanded a bit.

'Whoa, I cummed a lot,' I thought, 'This isn't supposed to even be possible but hey, I'm not complaining,'

Carla's tongue hung out of her mouth as we looked at each other. I chuckled.

"Your face looks cute," I said with a shrug.

"You're mean," Carla voiced out, "My womb is literally filled with your cum and you're talking about my face... What if I get pregnant?"

"Then we start a family," I said and Carla blushed.

"The way you say that with a straight face makes it seem like that was your plan all along," Carla said.

"Maybe it was," I said with a smirk.


Author's Note:

More Power Stones for Daily Releases!!!

Don't forget to head over to Ko-fi.com/kristylers to support and donate to me.

Alright look, I know I said Reviews but does this book really deserve a 2-star review... Let's look at the writing quality, I know I am not writing a perfect book but seriously though, Even if you give all of the points in the world, I am satisfied with what I am writing and I can confidently say that this is one of the best AOT fics on this site, if not the best and the one with the most update rates so... No 2 star and 3 star reviews, I delete them, I'm going to be honest, It really doesn't make sense especially since I haven't even started Boot Camp! So anyway, I'm not agreeing with a person that left a 2 star review here, I gave the Main Character a System and I haven't really elaborated too much on the Combat System so I wouldn't transform this book into a Gamer fic. So anyway, You can leave 2 or 3 star reviews but the fact is that If I don't agree with you then I delete it, I mean a book with such great quality and potential doesn't deserve 2 stars.

Anyway, Author out and don't forget to bring more Power stones for an update tomorrow, Remember Boot camp begins!